Well, I'm trying to relax my self and you, Vox, pushing and pushing to keep me alert all the time. Sinceresly, it looks like you're already working for OME. The paper you show is prove enough for me that the man in charge in the Ministry of Culture and openly and publicly hostile to Odyssey was, at the same time, a crook that was dealing with a bunch of crook's (I'm not talking of you) the way to make not only a hurry salvage (poor science about it) of the La Mercedes IN PORTUGAL, and the way he talks, gosh, I'm sure a lot of subarchs´would be embarrassed about (the filling of museums with artifacts just for the hell of it) not because it was a spanish frigate, just because LFB was (or still is) a close friend of Luis A. Valero, because LFB received "so big" gifts from Valero that embarrassed him (in Spain this is a breaking of the law. An official, a high level official, can't accept some kind of gifts . In fact, Ia's sure you know that there is a president of a Regional Gov. in Spain that is issued because there is a suspect of him accepting three pants and jackets). The situation was so organised that "expensive hotels" and some money was requested to reduce to the minimum the possible administrative adversities in Portugal, where this bunch of "salvors" had "very good contacts". It proves that LFB was sure that La Mercedes was lying close to the shore. So sure at least as becoming the soul of a salvor team, for "taking care of all permissions", all of this in Portugal. And being sure of that, LFB talk against OME and publicly sustained the version that situated La Mercedes 180 kms away. And the recovery team that worked so close to the high official of ministry of culture was, just a few months later, accused of looting in the Bahía de Cádiz, with a strange permission obtained nobody knows exactly how (or at least I don't). And you want me to relax my self, Vox? Impossible if you don't stop . And please, do it.