Odyssey Marine Article...

trinidad said:
Well, incredible but this "information" of Calero is good to OME. At last, we know that OME has not only one permission to research but two. Now, Vox will say that they were wrong permissions, from the spanish Foreign Office, not the Culture Ministry but Calero clarifies this and he mentions the strength of the position of OME counting on the international law. So, there were permissions and all were done under the umbrella of the international law. And the former Ministry of Culture, Calvo, shows her ignorance about this issue when she talks about the obligation of having two divers from the Junta of Andalusia to go ¡¡ 900 METERS DEEP !! to closely watch what the divers (?) of OME could do on the bottom of the Strait of Gibraltar.

but we forget the problem still not solved, at the court in La Linea.
This is still open and being investigated.
The other thing to be seen. No rush to prejudge us.

Re: The truth stinks!

Vox veritas said:
My posts on OME Yahoo board are banned. The truth stinks!

This forum is not very democratic and a violation of freedom of expression. Very serious!

I read two of your posts this morning, and they are still there. ???

Re: The truth stinks!

Jeff K said:
Vox veritas said:
My posts on OME Yahoo board are banned. The truth stinks!

This forum is not very democratic and a violation of freedom of expression. Very serious!

I read two of your posts this morning, and they are still there. ???

Where ??

Re: The truth stinks!

Vox veritas said:
Jeff K said:
Vox veritas said:
My posts on OME Yahoo board are banned. The truth stinks!

This forum is not very democratic and a violation of freedom of expression. Very serious!

I read two of your posts this morning, and they are still there. ???

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WOW WikiLeaks Gold for Nazi Loot (2)
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Where ??

Re: The truth stinks!

Vox veritas said:
Jeff K said:
Vox veritas said:
My posts on OME Yahoo board are banned. The truth stinks!

This forum is not very democratic and a violation of freedom of expression. Very serious!

I read two of your posts this morning, and they are still there. ???

Where ??

Here's a link to all your posts.


I don't know how you could ever find a shipwreck when you can't even find your own posts. :)

Here's another Yahoo post.
Jeff, that's a truly stunning cable.

So, Odyssey volunteered to sail from Gibraltar into a Spanish port to be searched and to avoid an international incident and the geniuses in the Ministry of Culture, and the Guardia Civil, rejected it. They wanted to create an atmosphere of perceived criminality!

And the company even offered to take them to the Black Swan site!

What does that tell you about who we're dealing with here?

These leaks have been a Godsend and the best thing to happen to Odyssey since finding the Black Swan. By way of a third party -- the U.S. DIPLOMATIC MISSION IN SPAIN!! -- everything Odyssey said at the time has been confirmed. Everything.

So all those squawking idiots both inside and outside of Spain that accused Odyssey of lying and all manner of wrong-doing and criminality have been proven completely wrong.


Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits

Located 1-2km under water, SMS deposits appear like giant rock formations about 200m long and wide, and tens of meters thick. The deposits are found in underwater volcanic areas, and are created by hydrothermal plumes. When seawater seeps through the porous seabed, the water is heated and is then spurted back up into the ocean through the black smokers. The fluids emitted by these deep-sea vents are rich in metals and high in temperature. When the fluids hit the near-freezing water, the metals precipitate and form chimneys around the plumes. Over time, these chimneys collapse and form the polymetallic sulfide deposits that can be mined today. These deposits are an excellent source of copper and gold, as well as zinc, lead, silver and sulfur.

The technology behind SMS exploration and mining has benefited from advances in underwater drilling for oil and gas. A lot of the technology used for SMS mining is based on existing equipment used in the oil and gas sector, with some overlap with marine dredging and offshore diamond mining methods. The key equipment, borrowed from offshore oil and gas, relates to seafloor trenching, where remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are used to excavate the seafloor for laying oil and gas pipelines. In SMS mining, similar ROVs are used to cut and lift sections of the deposit, which are then vacuumed and pumped up a flexible pipeline to the vessel at the surface. The only difference in the technology requirements is that while ROVs used for oil and gas pipeline trenches only need to function at depths of less than 500m, ROVs used for SMS mining need to work at 1,500m depths or more.

It will take some more advances before SMS mining will come to the forefront, however, preliminary economic assessments indicated that commercial SMS mining ventures have the potential to be very lucrative. Depending on the concentration of minerals, SMS deposits have a value of US$500-$2,000 per tonne, with operating costs per tonne estimated at US$145-US$162. As the prices of gold and copper skyrocket, the value of these deposits increases as well. As land based deposits are exhausted, there is even more incentive to explore SMS marine mining.


Vox, the trial that it's suppose to go on in La Linea is clinically dead. What I'm going to say it's opinion, not information. But I have this opinion after a few talks with some people involved on it. The deputy attorney that raised the case must be still damning somebody for this crazy trial that was decided at the Audiencia Provincial, in a political decision based on some media pressure, some local "warriors" push and soustained on some newspaper clippings. Later, some politician and some local underwater archaeology company owner (Nerea SL) added they self to this accusation. From the very beginning of all this, judicial authorities were embarrassed. The "assault" to the Ocean Explorer was (today clear as hell) completely unnecessary. Worse: the apprehension of journalists and OME lawyer PCs could be a good cause of invalidation of a lot of things. All was wrong about this assault. And time goes by and no news about this trial. And you know why? Because is empty of content, is nothing and will be a shame to all of them that raised it up. By the way, I'm sure you know that some of the accusers tried to get in touch with Odyssey in a shaming try of accommodate the situation, something like "excuse me, I did it but I didn't want it, boaaah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, boooaahh". Of course, this guy, this underwater archaeology company owner, never recognised that here in Spain or even mention it. So, Vox, dont put all your hopes in La Linea trial, left some for other occasion.

And just one more thing. Censorship is what is made on your favorite paper, ABC. No way to left a comment on Calero´s today "information" asking why he doesnt apologyze for some things he said.

trinidad said:
Vox, the trial that it's suppose to go on in La Linea is clinically dead. What I'm going to say it's opinion, not information. But I have this opinion after a few talks with some people involved on it. The deputy attorney that raised the case must be still damning somebody for this crazy trial that was decided at the Audiencia Provincial, in a political decision based on some media pressure, some local "warriors" push and soustained on some newspaper clippings. Later, some politician and some local underwater archaeology company owner (Nerea SL) added they self to this accusation. From the very beginning of all this, judicial authorities were embarrassed. The "assault" to the Ocean Explorer was (today clear as hell) completely unnecessary. Worse: the apprehension of journalists and OME lawyer PCs could be a good cause of invalidation of a lot of things. All was wrong about this assault. And time goes by and no news about this trial. And you know why? Because is empty of content, is nothing and will be a shame to all of them that raised it up. By the way, I'm sure you know that some of the accusers tried to get in touch with Odyssey in a shaming try of accommodate the situation, something like "excuse me, I did it but I didn't want it, boaaah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, boooaahh". Of course, this guy, this underwater archaeology company owner, never recognised that here in Spain or even mention it. So, Vox, dont put all your hopes in La Linea trial, left some for other occasion.

Time will tell.

Re: The truth stinks!

I don't know how you could ever find a shipwreck when you can't even find your own posts. :)


I say at this link:

http://messages.finance.yahoo.com/Stocks_ (A_to_Z) / Stocks_O / forumview? bn = 51501

Where is it?

Jeff K said:
Here's another Yahoo post.
Jeff, that's a truly stunning cable.

So, Odyssey volunteered to sail from Gibraltar into a Spanish port to be searched and to avoid an international incident and the geniuses in the Ministry of Culture, and the Guardia Civil, rejected it. They wanted to create an atmosphere of perceived criminality!

And the company even offered to take them to the Black Swan site!

What does that tell you about who we're dealing with here?

These leaks have been a Godsend and the best thing to happen to Odyssey since finding the Black Swan. By way of a third party -- the U.S. DIPLOMATIC MISSION IN SPAIN!! -- everything Odyssey said at the time has been confirmed. Everything.

So all those squawking idiots both inside and outside of Spain that accused Odyssey of lying and all manner of wrong-doing and criminality have been proven completely wrong.

Who is this clown??? Did he miss this part- " Odyssey knew that the most likely outcome was that the ships would be boarded, THEY PLANNED ACCORDINGLY !
It's like cleaning down a murder seen, and asking forensic to then inspect the site ! WE DIDN"T DO IT ! :laughing7: :laughing7:
They volunteered to go to a Spanish Port, What a joke.

What do you expect the Odessy to do? Let the Spanish govt impound and destroy thier equipment? You know what ever clowns they used to "inspect" the ship would steal or destroy everything they could. Thier hardware and information of the life blood of the company. Letting it be taken for an unspecified amount of time would be tantamount to cutting thier own throats.

jason, ignore those clowns. They will never change their mind. They still think the Earth is flat!

Salvor6 said:
jason, ignore those clowns. They will never change their mind. They still think the Earth is flat!

you mean it's NOT ...


  • shipa.webp
    138.3 KB · Views: 744
I have that pic hanging in my office; entitled: "I told you so." What your pic barely shows is the top mast of another vessel--at the bottom of your pic.

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