Well, that paper only states that your friend says that he has the positions. It doesn't mean he really has them but, anyway, with that paper your friend just has the possibility of going to a long, long trial. No guarantee of winning. But with a good lawyer, you can fight.
On the other side we have OME. OME was in the area from 1999. Worked over a very few positions on the Strait of Gibraltar. With authorisation from Spain (for works) and England (for the shipwreck). Every little step OME made, was communicated to England. Plus, in the beginning, even a couple of guys the spanish Navy sail with OME. OME communicated always to the Guardia Civil the area they will work over. And now, with a paper of 2003, five years after OME started its research in the Strait of Gibraltar, with its positions previously communicated to the authorities and local "warriors" sailing besides the boat of OME, getting its exact GPS position of work, you come here with that paper? In fact, when somebody sailing close to the Ocean Explorer gives you the position of work, TWO KILOMETERS away from one of the positions your friend declared to have the Finder Right, your friend says that Ocean Alert is in an area that BELONG to him because 2000 meters is not too far. In sea, 2000 meters, talking about shipwreck recovery, is the Milky Way. And you, and your friend, want to convince us that you have a right over anything that lies on the botton of the Strait of Gibraltar? You both better look for a very good lawyer to convince a judge.
I attache something that has to do with all this we are talking about (sorry, in spanish, from the Diary of the National Congress. It talks about authorisations and positions control of OME works):
BOCG. Congreso de los Diputados, serie D, núm. 629, de 31/10/2007
(184) Pregunta escrita Congreso
AUTOR: Rodríguez-Salmones Cabeza, Beatriz (GP).
El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación envió la Nota Verbal n.º 241/18, de 28 de julio, a la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Madrid para responder a la Nota Verbal n.º 118, de 2 de marzo del mismo año, por la que dicha Embajada solicitaba que España autorizara la continuación de los trabajos que la empresa "Odyssey Marine Exploration" estaba llevando a cabo con autorización española desde 1999.
En la Nota Verbal 241/18, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación autorizaba a la empresa "Odyssey Marine Exploration" a realizar operaciones de identificación del pecio del "HMS Sussex", sujeto a una serie de condiciones y exigencias determinadas por la Junta de Andalucía y el Ministerio de Cultura.
Madrid, 10 de octubre de 2007.-El Secretario de Estado de Relaciones con las Cortes.
(184) Pregunta escrita Congreso
AUTOR: Rodríguez-Salmones Cabeza, Beatriz (GP).
Durante el mes de marzo del año en curso, por patrulleras del Servicio Marítimo de la Comandancia de Algeciras, se controló esporádicamente la permanencia, dentro de los límites marcados en cada momento, de los barcos de la empresa "Odissey Marine Exploration Inc.".
Las zonas marcadas en cada ocasión se hallaban situadas entre Zona Económica Exclusiva, Alta mar y Mar territorial.
Dichos barcos se encontraban fuera de los medios del Sistema Integral de Vigilancia Exterior (SIVE).
Madrid, 16 de octubre de 2007.-El Secretario de Estado de Relaciones con las Cortes.