Bronze Member
Love the dog, we agree to disagree, the full story will come out!
Very good question scubasalvor, I wish I knew. Odyssey turning up on Spain's door step may have hit a nerve.scubasalvor said:Thats the hypocracy of spains actions. There are currently 3 Spanish warships being salvaged in S. America, the Philippines, Bahamas and Florida, and soon, Cuba but Spain does not say one word about them!
piratediver said:Greg Stemm told me that when Odyssey was surveying near Gibraltar the Spanish Navy kept sending out bigger and bigger ships to try and scare them off. After it got to be too much, our State Dept. made a few calls and got the Brits to send a couple of harriers out to buzz the Spanish vessels, it did the trick that time anyway.
It will be interesting to see what happens when Spanish wrecks are located in other areas of the world now, will Spain send ships to try and grab treasure or just rely on lawyers?
Pirate Diver
Interesting story Pirate Diver, I have never heard of it? you think it would have been in the media.
Interesting the Spanish navy have the Aegis Weapon System made In good old USA. I wonder
who was more worried, Harriers are not that fast.
SWR said:The Mersk Alabama is a US registered vessel, thus the US Navy can defend it. The Explorer is registered in another country, so that is does not have to pay its fair share of taxes to the United States. It does not get the full benefit of the Maritime Security Program (MSP) as loyal American businesses. It is that old Flag of Convenience thing.