Odyssey Marine Article...

Thanks Philvis for the link, unfortunately it comes up, not available in your area ( Australia )
any other links ?
Cheers, Ossy

Good evening Jeff ( morning here in Australia ) I still can't believe Greg Stemm is still saying no ship wreck, :icon_scratch what qualifies as a ship wreck ??? you have cannons on the site, plates, parts from the rudder and that's right, coins! and I'm sure
a lot more that Odyssey haven't shown us.
I see his dropped that the coins where thrown over broad line, I like his new one " we have ancestors from the merchants that
want their cut, thus can only be a commercial ::)
The problem I see is Odyssey is devaluing the coins, by saying no shipwreck ( unknown ) as you know history adds a huge
value to coins. e.g Atocha, and as seen on the short video the silver coins are in poor condition, if sold as unknown shipwreck
coins they won't be worth very much. History sells. If odyssey win's the court battle? will they then say we have a name for
the Black swan or sold as abandoned coins from the Atlantic :icon_scratch:
Your comment " There are some on this forum and in Spain that will not like what they see ;D
So Jeff the film is not edited ::)

Thank You Philvis, getting closer, the clip starts but then stops with " not available in your area " and it's only on the
Odyssey clips. I have the discovery channel, I will have to wait till they show it down under :'(
Thanks again, Sam

I have just watched the last of the Treasure Quest episodes about the finding of the Laconia. I am pretty certain that the principle in American Admiralty claims is that it is first to thye wreck that counts, not first to the Courts, provided each party files a claim. So if it is the case that the other ship Odyssey found at the Laconia site had been gathering artifactual evidence to support an admiralty claim, then this TV documentary will be very useful to them in establishing their prior claim over Odyssey. Of course, we don't know if that was what the other ship was doing.

Very interesting series, though I could have done without all the glorification of the U-boats, which were responsible for so many deaths. My father spent the entire war crossing the Atlantic in British merchant ships, with the constant threat of being sunk by these marauders.


Discovery Of Black Swan Treasure Chronicled On TV Tonight

By WALT BELCHER | The Tampa Tribune

Published: April 2, 2009

TAMPA - The season finale of "Treasure Quest" at 10 tonight on Discovery recounts the recovery of 17 tons of gold and silver coins from a sunken Spanish ship that Tampa-based Marine Odyssey Exploration is still battling to keep.

Cameras recorded the first moments when the salvage company picked up an ancient gold coin with a robotic arm from Odyssey's remote control submersible nicknamed Zeus.

The discovery of the controversial Black Swan ship and an estimated $500 million in coins makes for a dramatic season finale of "Treasure Quest" which has been renewed for a second season. Discovery announced the renewal on Wednesday.

The 12-episode series has tracked Odyssey's undersea explorations in the English Channel. But this final episode looks back at the Black Swan recovery and the court battle over the treasure.

The ship was located in March 2007. Odyssey code named it Black Swan but the government in Spain says the ship is the Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes — a Spanish warship sunk by the British navy southwest of Portugal in 1804 with more than 200 people on board.

The coins being held at an undisclosed location somewhere in Tampa include gold doubloons, or "pieces of eight."

The legal battle has continued for nearly two years and is expected to go to trial sometime this year.

On tonight's "Treasure Quest" episode, Odyssey co-owner Greg Stemm makes his case on why the company should be allowed to keep the coins that would have remained lost on the ocean floor if Odyssey had not recovered them.

I haven't really been following this debacle or thread, but I was appalled by spains (lack of caps intended) attitude on the show last night. I thought their claim that "any shipwreck anywhere was theirs" was a bit excessive, but this?

History books portrayed the spanish as brave and noble adventurers, when in fact they were nothing but crude, disease infested opportunists and thugs. I have no sympathy nor respect for them as a country or "culture" (sic). They are simply Al Queda from a different religion.

I do not apologize if this offends someone.

What amazed me is the hypocrisy about wanting to protect Spanish cultural materials on shipwrecks around the world when in fact an incredible amount of destruction has occured to hundreds of historic shipwrecks right in Cadiz Bay due to development and dredging. Marx talks about this extensively in the forward of his book, In the Wake of Galleons.

I know that there is two sides to every story, but last nights episodes really showed Spains true colors. Let me guess, if I find an 8 reales MD'ing they are going to want it back. I'm surprised that when the Odyssey Explorer left Gibraltor they let them blockade them back to a Spanish port with Military force. What did the state dept. have to say about this. They were an unarmed ship. The courts are the place to handle this type of thing. I've seen all I need to see to make my decision regarding this incident.

Is the Odyssey registered as an American vessel? If so they should have asked for and received protection in international waters from the USNAVY. If she is registered under another country I can see why the State department took no action. Regardless I was disapointed to see the action Spain took in international waters and how they treated the crew.


Greg Stemm told me that when Odyssey was surveying near Gibraltar the Spanish Navy kept sending out bigger and bigger ships to try and scare them off. After it got to be too much, our State Dept. made a few calls and got the Brits to send a couple of harriers out to buzz the Spanish vessels, it did the trick that time anyway.

It will be interesting to see what happens when Spanish wrecks are located in other areas of the world now, will Spain send ships to try and grab treasure or just rely on lawyers?

Pirate Diver

Thats the hypocracy of spains actions. There are currently 3 spanish warships being salvaged in S. America, the Philippines, Bahamas and Florida, and soon, Cuba but spain does not say one word about them!

piratediver said:
Greg Stemm told me that when Odyssey was surveying near Gibraltar the Spanish Navy kept sending out bigger and bigger ships to try and scare them off. After it got to be too much, our State Dept. made a few calls and got the Brits to send a couple of harriers out to buzz the Spanish vessels, it did the trick that time anyway.

It will be interesting to see what happens when Spanish wrecks are located in other areas of the world now, will Spain send ships to try and grab treasure or just rely on lawyers?

Pirate Diver

If Odyssey had an authorization from Spain why Spain used bigger ships to pursue them?

From Odyssey PR:

Im glad the story is out in the open. At least now the average person can weigh in.......... In my opinion, there are plenty of artifacts for spain should it be the Mercedes. I dont see how all those coins would benifit the gov't of spain at all. Its just greed and jeolousy.

billinstuart said:
I haven't really been following this debacle or thread, but I was appalled by spains (lack of caps intended) attitude on the show last night. I thought their claim that "any shipwreck anywhere was theirs" was a bit excessive, but this?

History books portrayed the Spanish as brave and noble adventurers, when in fact they were nothing but crude, disease infested opportunists and thugs. I have no sympathy nor respect for them as a country or "culture" (sic). They are simply Al Queda from a different religion.

I do not apologize if this offends someone.
billinstuart you should go back to reading comic books or watching movies where the US saves the world, should
try reading American history and where you came from ??? at least we know who are parents are!
I do apologise if this offends someone.

4theMoney said:
Im glad the story is out in the open. At least now the average person can weigh in.......... In my opinion, there are plenty of artifacts for Spain should it be the Mercedes. I dont see how all those coins would benifit the gov't of Spain at all. Its just greed and jeolousy.
Hi Mate, telling by the reaction of some, that the bulling by Spain got you fired up! please keep in mind that this was
edited and narrated for Odyssey to look like the Hero! Just like a movies, Odyssey is saving the world ::) remember they are the
worlds leader ::) keep it in your trousers.
4theMoney, I keep telling you Spain does not sell stuff on eBay, that's Odyssey only field.

I dont think there is any way for odyssey to gloss things over. Spain just looks bad....

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