Good evening Jeff ( morning here in Australia ) I still can't believe Greg Stemm is still saying no ship wreck, :icon_scratch what qualifies as a ship wreck

you have cannons on the site, plates, parts from the rudder and that's right, coins! and I'm sure
a lot more that Odyssey haven't shown us.
I see his dropped that the coins where thrown over broad line, I like his new one " we have ancestors from the merchants that
want their cut, thus can only be a commercial

The problem I see is Odyssey is devaluing the coins, by saying no shipwreck ( unknown ) as you know history adds a huge
value to coins. e.g Atocha, and as seen on the short video the silver coins are in poor condition, if sold as unknown shipwreck
coins they won't be worth very much. History sells. If odyssey win's the court battle? will they then say we have a name for
the Black swan or sold as abandoned coins from the Atlantic

Your comment " There are some on this forum and in Spain that will not like what they see

So Jeff the film is not edited
