Odyssey Marine Article...

Jeff K said:
Ossy... I copied the following from an affidavit of Gregory P. Stemm filed with the Court.

Jeff, why it disappeared of the negotiations with Odyssey in April 2006 Mr. Luis Lafuente, high official of the Ministry of Culture of Spain?
Surely you are very well informed and you know the reason!

Vox veritas said:
Jeff K said:
Ossy... I copied the following from an affidavit of Gregory P. Stemm filed with the Court.

Jeff, why it disappeared of the negotiations with Odyssey in April 2006 Mr. Luis Lafuente, high official of the Ministry of Culture of Spain?
Surely you are very well informed and you know the reason!
Interesting, what's your information Mr Kramer? Silence is also golden.

Vox veritas said:
Jeff K said:
Ossy... I copied the following from an affidavit of Gregory P. Stemm filed with the Court.

Jeff, why it disappeared of the negotiations with Odyssey in April 2006 Mr. Luis Lafuente, high official of the Ministry of Culture of Spain?
Surely you are very well informed and you know the reason!
Interesting, what's your information Mr Kramer? Silence is also golden.

He doesn't know. Don't answer ???!!!

It,s getting harder each day for Odyssey, what I can't understand is, who makes up the value of the cargo's?The Victory
is now at 700m euro or $909 million us :icon_scratch: must be breeding in the water.
All we need now is the french to join in.


It,s getting harder each day for Odyssey, what I can't understand is, who makes up the value of the cargo's?The Victory
is now at 700m euro or $909 million us must be breeding in the water.
All we need now is the french to join in.

Remember odyssey is working in Silver Spring, MD in High Definition, 1080i, Discovery is working for them, so, they're not getting so harder as you beleive.They got the contract with this TV network and "bingo!! the hit the real treasure.The only funny thing is see Obama sending them part of the stimulus to Odyseey,...wao!! :o


It appears to me that Odyssey are adopting exactly the right attitude with respect to the Laconia, and I am glad to see them back to doing the right thing, as they did in the case of the Sussex. It would be nice to see them readjusting their relationship with Spain.


Jeff K said:
Jeff is this a press release from OMR, there's no Author :icon_scratch: and why is it
a Gibraltar news paper and not a English mainland paper???
Mariner it may be to late for OMR with Spain, Spain have already indicated they will Protect and
recover their own underwater heritage with their own people and equipment and may I say, it's
about #*##* time!

Good morning Ossy, just a curious thought that keps running thorugh my mind, "How and When"? they have shown a remarkable reluctunce to finance this type of operation in the past.

Don Jose de La Mancha


I am not sure that Spain will be able to protect all of its own vessels in International waters, or in the territorial waters of another nation, even if they wanted to do so. If Odyssey finds another Spanish wreck in International waters, they will still be able to go to an American (or other) court and apply for salvage rights, and be awarded the rights if the ship is not a Sovereign Vessel. Spain won't necessarily have much say in the award, but I think it will help all round if Odyssey follows the kind of approach reported in the case of the Laconia.

As you know, I have not been a great fan of Odyssey's recent approaches with Spain, but if they start following the right protocols, then they will earn the right to be recognized for doing so.


Buennos dias, Don Jose, your question HOW. Using Spanish navy mine sweeper with ROV as
reported on previous post,( Spain is now in the Treasure Business ) When, not sure will keep
you posted.
Currently the Australian navy is using a mine sweeper to find 13 containers lost by a Chinese
container ship full of toxic chemicals outside of Brisbane. I think it's a good idea, the tax payers
are all ready paying for the navy and it,s equipment, may as well get good use out of it.
Mariner, GDAY mate.
As far as know it was only sovereign vessels that carried the Gold and silver that Odyssey crave
for ( Spanish war ships )
This is interesting> http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/org12-7m.htm
SWR said:
Odyssey Marine doesn't even have the decency to register its ships in America....but Brother, they (Odyssey) sure do count on the American court system to pull their a$$ outta the sling and waste our tax dollar's :-\
SWR, I hear the Ocean explorer has been struck off the register.

G'DAY MATE to you too Ossy! I'm glad things have cooled down for you lot down under.

Thanks for he link. I have read Pixa's article before, and it is well constructed. However, under the laws of the sea treaties, not all military ships are Sovereign Vessels, only those which are on purely non-commercial duties. While it might be true that Spain mostly used its own or contracted vessels to transport its treasure, some of those ships were also carrying private goods for private traders, thus making them non-Sovereign vessels under the LOS treaties.

To give an example, nearly all the Manila galleons carrying treasure between the Philippines and Mexico were government-owned (because Spain could not get private owners to use their ships on this precarious route), but the majority of their cargoes were privately owned, so the ships were not on purely non-commercial duties. Therefore they were not Sovereign Vessels, even though they were owned by the Kingdom of Spain. Isn't that Odyssey's argument about some of the Spanish ships Odyssey have found?


Mariner it has been proved by Spain's documentation which Odyssey did not expect that the commercial goods and royal
goods, where under protection by the crown under orders from navel command, England knew that Spain was being
drawn into the conflict with France and was using Navel war ships to protect its money.
Admission to this by English reports of allowing Spanish merchant ships to pass with no harm.
It's hard to argue it's commercial goods only when Spain have shown documentation to the contrary, odyssey did not
expect this with the Mercedes. I will give it to Spain they keep good documentation.
Odyssey better do their research a little more carefully if they are going after Spanish wrecks.
Cheers :Ossy

Thanks Ossy, and I understand what you are saying, but the criterion is not that the ship is carrying commercial goods only, it is whether it is carrying any commercial goods. If so, it is not on purely non-commercial duties, even if it is part of a naval convoy.


Special Treasure Quest Episode Captures News As It Unfolds Of The World's Largest Treasure Recovery, "BLACK SWAN," And The International Battle For Its Riches
Mar 20, 2009 - 3:48:13 PM

Just-Announced 12th Episode Premieres Thursday, April 2

In 2007, Odyssey Marine Exploration (OME) announced that they had made an historic discovery in the Atlantic Ocean - seventeen tons of coins, worth an estimated half a billion dollars. On Thursday, April 2 at 10PM ET/PT, Discovery Channel will unveil the gripping drama of the "Black Swan" as it unfolded behind the scenes, from the moment the coins were discovered to the ensuing international legal battle over ownership. Filmed entirely in high definition, Battle For The Black Swan will air as a special 12th episode - and season finale -- of Discovery's TREASURE QUEST series.

Battle For The Black Swan begins in March 2007, with Odyssey Marine Exploration searching for five potentially valuable shipwrecks within a 600-square mile area in the Atlantic Ocean, between Portugal and Morocco. During the day's final target inspection, Odyssey's crew stood thousands of feet above the ocean floor as their Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), ZEUS, beamed onboard a live feed of coins scattered over an area the size of six football fields. Odyssey had just discovered what some have called the most valuable underwater treasure in history.

The episode follows the recovery operation, the transfer of the find to the United States by chartered plane, and Odyssey's efforts to conserve and secure the coins stateside. Odyssey registers a claim in U.S. Federal Court, but it's immediately contested. Spain is convinced the treasure comes from La Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes, a Spanish frigate blown up in 1804. Battle For The Black Swan is there as Spain blockades Odyssey's ships in Gibraltar, impounds their flagship, the Explorer, and arrests her captain. Who will ultimately get final possession of the "Black Swan" treasure? The ongoing Federal Court battle for the rights to the coins continues to this day.

P.S.  There are some on this forum and in Spain that will not like what they see.  ;D

Good, I can't wait to see this episode. The last couple of episodes have been lacking in the treasure hunting department. I can only watch so many WWII submarines.

Jeff K said:
Special Treasure Quest Episode Captures News As It Unfolds Of The World's Largest Treasure Recovery, "BLACK SWAN," And The International Battle For Its Riches

P.S. There are some on this forum and in Spain that will not like what they see. ;D

LOL, Jeff! Do ya think! I for one am looking forward to seeing it. I will have the wife DVR it so I can see in in June when I head back to the States for a break. At the very least, it should spark some spirited discussion.

Tom... This Thursday's episode should be interesting. It's about the RMS Laconia.

RMS LACONIA was a Cunard Liner of 18,099grt, and built in 1911, by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson. On the outbreak of WWI, RMS Laconia was turned into an Armed Merchant Cruiser in 1914, and based at Simonstown in the South Atlantic, from which she patrolled the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean until April 1915. She was then used as a headquarters ship for the operations to capture Tanga and the colony of German East Africa. Four months later she returned to the patrolling of the South Atlantic. She was handed back to Cunard in July 1916, and on September 9th, resumed service. On the 25th February 1917, she was torpedoed by the German submarine U-50, 160 miles NW x W of the Fastnet while returning from the United States to England with 75 passengers (34 first class and 41 second class) and a crew of 217 under the command of Captain Irvine. The first torpedo struck the liner on the starboard side just abaft the engine room, but did not sink her. Twenty minutes later a second torpedo exploded in the engine room, again on the starboard side, and the vessel sank at 10:20pm. Twelve people were killed, six crew and six passengers, including two American citizens. It was reported in the New York Times of February 27, 1917, that the RMS Laconia carried 1000 bars of silver, very valuable registered mail, and a large quantity of specie (132 boxes of silver coins).

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