Odyssey Marine Article...

Tomorrow, the 17th is the deadline for the OME response ?
Will OME pull a rabbit out of the hat or will judge Pizzo make a decision on his findings !
watch this space :lurk:

Tomorrow, the 17th is the deadline for the OME response ?
Will OME pull a rabbit out of the hat or will judge Pizzo make a decision on his findings !
watch this space :lurk:


Today is the beginning of the end for Spain's claim of sovereign immunity on the Mercedes. ;D


"If the “Black Swan” site represents debris from the frigate Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes, hereafter referred to as Mercedes, that vessel may have been an armed warship of the Spanish Navy from the time she was launched in Havana (1788) until 1802, but in the year 1802 she became a commercial vessel sailing for the “Correos Maritimos” (Maritime Mail Service) and, as such, indisputably assumed the role of a “commercial vessel” regardless of whatever armament was left on board."

Good Morning JEF: Thanks for the post. It was a fairly good translation, except for a few literal boo boos

I will often wonder why so many translators literally translate word for word instead of obvious intended context?

This is prevalent in Mexico also.

Don Jose de La Mancha

This response begins as OME opinion and ends as nothing more ::) ::)
Interesting attorneys Allen Von Spiegelfeld and Eric C have moved to another firm ???

Hey Ossy... By chance are you divingdoc? His post today on HHI is very similar to your last post above.


This response begins as OME's opinion and ends as nothing more. It is their opinion that this court has jurisdiction when this court is still trying to make a determination if in fact they do have jurisdiction. It is all very funny but I do not believe Judge Pizzo will see it that way. There is another matter that the judge has made a ruling on and ordered OME to produce. How will that one be answered I wonder?
The dog ate my homework??

ps No wonder those lawyers are switching firms."

Hi Jeff, no I'm not divingdoc, I must admit i did use some off his wording ;D
He is a smart man !

No, he's not too smart. He's being sued by Odyssey for libel, and he just filed for bankruptcy. He stuck the credit card companies for $238,000. :o

Jeff K said:
No, he's not too smart. He's being sued by Odyssey for libel, and he just filed for bankruptcy. He stuck the credit card companies for $238,000. :o
Sorry Jeff I don't know the history between yous guy's ???
I just look a both sides of the case, there always two sides to a story !

Claudio... The EEZ is a red herring. It has nothing to do with shipwrecks. I'm surprised that a self-proclaimed expert like yourself would not know the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Jeff K said:
Claudio... The EEZ is a red herring. It has nothing to do with shipwrecks. I'm surprised that a self-proclaimed expert like yourself would not know the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

What about the UNCLOS article 149? And, why Odyssey defines 100 or 180 nm as international waters when it is EEZ? Please, explain this detail. Thanks.

Odyssey Marine Exploration Asserts Position in "Black Swan" Admiralty Case With Historical and Legal Precedents
Tampa, FL - November 18, 2008

Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NasdaqCM: OMEX), the world leader in the field of deep-ocean shipwreck exploration, yesterday filed its Response to Spain's Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Judgment in the "Black Swan" admiralty case pending in U.S. Federal Court in Tampa, Florida. In its pleadings, accompanied by over 1,000 pages of supportive documentation and imagery, Odyssey asserts that the "Black Swan" site and the cargo recovered do not represent an entity to which sovereign immunity would apply. Spain had argued in September that the U.S. Federal Court did not have jurisdiction over the case and that the case should therefore be dismissed.

Based on Odyssey's exhaustive research and evaluation of all data gathered, Odyssey's filing concludes that even if the site discovered is eventually proven to be associated with the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, which is unclear from the available evidence, the ship should not be accorded sovereign immunity. Furthermore, the vast majority of the cargo aboard was commercial cargo that was privately owned and was recovered without disturbing any ship remains.

"I am really pleased that through our filings, the public now can finally see the facts in this case for themselves. The historical, legal, numismatic and archaeological experts have done an outstanding job of thoroughly and objectively analyzing all the facts to arrive at their conclusions rather than choosing details in an attempt to match them to premature conclusions. As the public will now see, there are many facts that contradict the claims made by Spanish experts relating to the site," stated Greg Stemm, Odyssey's CEO. "We continue to hold out hope that Spanish officials, upon reviewing our data, will agree to further consider working amicably with Odyssey to reach an agreement that respects the rights of all claimants, including Spain, other countries and the descendants of private property owners, while respecting the cultural and historical interests in the site."

"Odyssey has heard from several potential claimants who believe they may have an interest in the case if, in fact, the "Black Swan" site is proven to be related to the Mercedes. We find them to be as puzzled as we are that Spain would seek to obtain sole rights to the coins recovered by Odyssey without considering the potential rights of any other parties. We are confident that our response will make the factual and legal issues clear, and look forward to moving the case toward a determination of the rights of Odyssey and those of any other legitimate claimants," said Melinda MacConnel, Odyssey Vice President and General Counsel.

As a next step, the U.S. District Court judge in Tampa will now consider Spain's motion and Odyssey's response in evaluating whether the Court has jurisdiction over the case.

Odyssey's response to Spain's motion and all supporting reports, affidavits, exhibits, and annexes are available for review at http://shipwreck.net/resp17nov08.html.

About Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.

Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NasdaqCM: OMEX) is engaged in the exploration of deep-ocean shipwrecks and uses innovative methods and state-of-the-art technology to conduct extensive search and archaeological recovery operations around the world. Odyssey discovered the Civil War era shipwreck of the SS Republic® in 2003 and recovered over 50,000 coins and 14,000 artifacts from the site nearly 1,700 feet deep. In May 2007, the Company announced the historic deep-ocean treasure recovery of over 500,000 silver and gold coins, weighing 17 tons, from a Colonial era site code-named "Black Swan." Odyssey has several shipwreck projects in various stages of development around the world.

Odyssey offers various ways to share in the excitement of deep-ocean exploration by making shipwreck treasures and artifacts available to collectors, the general public and students through its webstore, exhibits, books, television, merchandise, and educational programs. JWM Productions is currently filming Odyssey expeditions for an 11-part primetime series for Discovery Channel, which is scheduled to air worldwide in 2009. Following previous successful engagements in New Orleans, Tampa, and Detroit, Odyssey's "SHIPWRECK! Pirates & Treasure" exhibit is now on display at Science Center Oklahoma in Oklahoma City, OK through May 2009. For details on the Company's activities and its commitment to the preservation of maritime heritage please visit www.shipwreck.net.

For more detailed information on Odyssey, please contact Natja Igney, Odyssey's Manager of Corporate Communications, at 813-876-1776 ext. 2553.

® SS Republic is a registered trademark of Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.
# # #

Odyssey Marine Exploration believes the information set forth in this Press Release may include "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934. Certain factors that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements are set forth in "Risk Factors" in Part I, Item 1A of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007, which has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

psdiver, Are you the advertising company for Odyssey ??? Reads like a bill board Ad !!
Odyssey is the world leader Bla Bla Bla........... World leader in Piracy !!

Ossy, learn to hold your tongue and give the guy a break. He's simply posting a press release.

Vox veritas said:
Yes, my allegations have very hard historical foundation, but continues without clarifying the matter of the 100-180 nm, because they continue lacking 100 or 20 nm to arrive to High Sea or to abandon the EEZ of Spain, Morocco or Portugal.

Nowhere in the arrest document does Odyssey mention international waters.

"The Defendant Shipwrecked Vessel is lying at a depth of approximately 1100
meters, beyond the territorial waters or contiguous zone of any sovereign nation
approximately 100 miles west of the Straits of Gibraltar. Upon information and belief, no
extant entity or person presently claims any ownership interest in the Defendant Shipwrecked
Vessel. Evidence at the site indicates that efforts, if any, by any previous owner to salvage
the shipwreck and/or its cargo have been long since abandoned. The value of the Defendant
Shipwrecked Vessel cannot be estimated at this time."

And you had better come up with a better theory than the one you're claiming in those articles. If Odyssey recovered coins from a fleet of Spanish ships that sunk in 1801, then how come some of the coins are dated 1802 & 1803. ???

Jeff, If you don't mind sharing ? how many coins are from 1802/1803 ?
any other date's ??? and which mint are they from ?
Thanks for your help :icon_sunny:

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