Odyssey Marine Article...

It will be very interesting to reach to know the truth about why all these people that appear in this TV program (in Spanish) they were "sweeps" to oppose to the presence of Odyssey in Spanish territorial waters..... but one of these not!!!



Great!!!...If there is something that upset to me is "Gibraltar's government" with it's hosting to more Shipwreck hunters. In this report you can see another one stationed in one of its harbour. >:( >:( It's the typical government support like in 1982 with the Falkland island.


Amona said:
Wolves disguised of lambs !!

Read this if you want, if not,....

You know what? I compare Odyssey with Joe the "plumber" because in this forum there is two parties struggling for who will win the big prize of $500M,

Amona, I rarely comment on discussions like this one. I don't know anyone at Odyssey and own no stock in any company. I think the bottom line is as you quoted and nothing more. $500 million. If the wreck has nothing of value on it ? Would Spain pay for the salvage of Historical Artifacts ? I think NOT. I also don't believe this trial has anything to do with being a war grave. I believe it is only about Greed.

If you want to to argue about who owns what. I personally think the only ones that should have a claim on any Spanish wreck ( Besides the people that salvage it ). Would be the relatives of the Indian Slaves that worked the mines for the cruel Spanish Overseers at the gold and silver mines.

Quote from: Amona on Oct 17, 2008, 04:28:48 PM
Wolves disguised of lambs !!

Read this if you want, if not,....

You know what? I compare Odyssey with Joe the "plumber" because in this forum there is two parties struggling for who will win the big prize of $500M,

Amona, I rarely comment on discussions like this one. I don't know anyone at Odyssey and own no stock in any company. I think the bottom line is as you quoted and nothing more. $500 million. If the wreck has nothing of value on it ? Would Spain pay for the salvage of Historical Artifacts ? I think NOT. I also don't believe this trial has anything to do with being a war grave. I believe it is only about Greed.

If you want to to argue about who owns what. I personally think the only ones that should have a claim on any Spanish wreck ( Besides the people that salvage it ). Would be the relatives of the Indian Slaves that worked the mines for the cruel Spanish Overseers at the gold and silver mines.

Old man

History itself has a huge value, coins is not the only attribute of some wreck, behind those ballast, wood,cannon and more items there is historic fact that describe the day that those ships went down to the bottom of the sea. If Odyssey or any Shipwreck hunter has in agenda hunts those shipwreck to fillout theirs stocks in Wallstreet, that is another story. Many folk ask "Why Spain never has made a hunt for theirs shipswrecks?" well, it's sample the answer, at 4,000 or 3,000 meter of depth, in 1950 or 1960's or maybe 1970 was there technology like robots to go down to that depth? the answer is "no". Spain and any country would share a percentage. About Indian Slaves,....Peru is claiming part of those $500M coins.

Odyssey found a Shipwreck with treasure that a Gentleman from Madrid found it before Odyssey ask permit for Explore.

This Topic is out-of topic. Let's wait for the last determination in Tampa.



Amona, is not question of "before or later", it is question to do it according to the law of the Spanish territorial waters. With a finder's right or like you call in USA arrest.
This gentleman from Madrid submits the arrest of two shipwrecks in Spanish territorial water in Gibraltar Strait legally and before Odyssey. Will it be for this reason that it was swept? Surely!!!

Amona, is not question of "before or later", it is question to do it according to the law of the Spanish territorial waters.

I agree with you but I mention this because in the video that you posted, Journalists news made mention the "why" Spain never made an attempt to recovery those Shipswrecks and one reason was "no high technology before 90's" that's makes sense.


Old man what makes you think it's all about greed ! The only greed is by Odyssey, they have made it quite clear what price they what for the coins $1000.00
for silver and $3000.00 for the gold coins all over rated ,$500 mil helps their stock prices.
His the question ? when has Spain said they would sell any of the coins ??? they did say they would look at Peru's claim on the coin's and would surely
give them a share for their museum ,The Spanish government does not sell coins on eBay !! They would end up in their naval museum in Madrid
where they belong ! It's NOT American history, It's SPANISH !
Old man your argument has no merit.

OSSY, I am not here to argue with anyone. Since when did more then a few coins of any year need to be exhibited in any museum ?? If Spain wanted artifacts, then I could see the need in a museum, but any one that puts the money, time and effort into any salvage operation. Then they should reap the rewards. I don't care if that is Odyssey or P.T. Barnum. That's just my opinion and obviously there are many other opinions.

If I lost my wallet with cash in it, I wouldn't expect to get the cash back because someone else found it. I'll say this once more. It has to do with greed. When ever money is involved it's aways the same thing. The problem with people today as it has been for centuries. Someone else does the work and then lawyers sue when someone finds anything of value.

Personally, I would like to see Spain come to an agreement with salvors all over the world. If it's a Spanish ship wreck, then I think Spain should get 10% of any Gold or Silver and 25% of any artifacts that they want for a museum. I think that would be a win win propostion for everyone involved. The people taking the risk get paid for the risk and Spain shares in any reward. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Hey Ossey, Joel Ruth is excavating the Spanish warship La Magdelana in Ecuador right now. Why doesn't Spain claim that? RSOPS is working to salvage the Capitana wreck, a Spanish warship and grave site. Why doesn't Spain protest? Its all about greed and genocide. Spain would not dare claim something from the very people they stole and killed!

Old man what makes you think it's all about greed ! The only greed is by Odyssey, they have made it quite clear what price they what for the coins $1000.00
for silver and $3000.00 for the gold coins all over rated ,$500 mil helps their stock prices.
His the question ? when has Spain said they would sell any of the coins they did say they would look at Peru's claim on the coin's and would surely
give them a share for their museum ,The Spanish government does not sell coins on eBay !! They would end up in their naval museum in Madrid
where they belong ! It's NOT American history, It's SPANISH !
Old man your argument has no merit.

Let's move to Spain, it's a wonderful country. :D :D :icon_king:


Scuba old mate ! You make a good point ! I don't agree with your comment - ITS ALL ABOUT GREED AND GENOCIDE !
If you were right, Spain would be on Ecuador case to give it back, Greed is when you want it all, This is not case as you have said
A few facts,Spain supports all the south American country's, It invests more financial income than any other nation,
that's right, more than the mighty US. What happen in the past can't be changed ! But if you are going to throw Mud in a
Mud slinging competion and expect not to come out muddy your wrong >:(
Lets talk about genocide, what did you do with the red Indians ??? and the English! what did they do in
Africa to the Zulu people with the help of Mr Gatling. YEP GENOCIDE ! All for the Empire, sound Familiar. Diamonds, Gold, Land
Scuba you didn't answer my last question, Why don't you give some of the treasure you find back to the people of Peru, Mexico, etc
Your in the same feeding line ,just a bit further down.


This is an example of people complainting about greed.



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Ossy, to answer your question, I don't have any treasure to give back to the people of Peru. The state got it all.

Amona said:
Old man what makes you think it's all about greed ! The only greed is by Odyssey, they have made it quite clear what price they what for the coins $1000.00
for silver and $3000.00 for the gold coins all over rated ,$500 mil helps their stock prices.
His the question ? when has Spain said they would sell any of the coins they did say they would look at Peru's claim on the coin's and would surely
give them a share for their museum ,The Spanish government does not sell coins on eBay !! They would end up in their naval museum in Madrid
where they belong ! It's NOT American history, It's SPANISH !
Old man your argument has no merit.

Let's move to Spain, it's a wonderful country. :D :D :icon_king:


Amona, Please explain to me how Odyssey is being greedy ?? If I am not mistaken Odyssey did the Research, then spent millions on sending boats, equipment and divers to the site and then had a successful salvage.
To put it simply. They worked and got paid for it .( In the form of the recovery.)
Now if you worked for something? Wouldn't you want to get paid for that work?

I call being Greedy, When someone wants something for nothing. I don't call what Odyssey did nothing. I call what Spain is doing, is trying to get something for not doing any work. Then again that's just my opinion. As my late Father used to say, opinions are like A$$Holes, everyone has one.

old man said:
Amona said:
Old man what makes you think it's all about greed ! The only greed is by Odyssey, they have made it quite clear what price they what for the coins $1000.00
for silver and $3000.00 for the gold coins all over rated ,$500 mil helps their stock prices.
His the question ? when has Spain said they would sell any of the coins they did say they would look at Peru's claim on the coin's and would surely
give them a share for their museum ,The Spanish government does not sell coins on eBay !! They would end up in their naval museum in Madrid
where they belong ! It's NOT American history, It's SPANISH !
Old man your argument has no merit.

Let's move to Spain, it's a wonderful country. :D :D :icon_king:


Amona, Please explain to me how Odyssey is being greedy ?? If I am not mistaken Odyssey did the Research, then spent millions on sending boats, equipment and divers to the site and then had a successful salvage.
To put it simply. They worked and got paid for it .( In the form of the recovery.)
Now if you worked for something? Wouldn't you want to get paid for that work?

I call being Greedy, When someone wants something for nothing. I don't call what Odyssey did nothing. I call what Spain is doing, is trying to get something for not doing any work. Then again that's just my opinion. As my late Father used to say, opinions are like A$$Holes, everyone has one.

Old man, the mathematics is not an opinion and still nobody, and I say nobody, has been able to explain how 100 or 180 nm (the declarations are controverted and it is not very clear) are outside of the 200 nm of the EEC. That is a big difference between recover legally and not.
Magicians' matters? Where are the 20 or 100 nm?

vox veritas, Boy you guys sure like to argue. My point is and always has been. It should be finders keepers no matter where it is found in the world or what country the salvor is from. Read my post below: I could care less whether the finder is from Spain and is in American or Iranian waters.
I know what a 200 mile EC is, and I understand that it was initially put into effect for Fishing rights. Which I agree with by the way.
I still say it's Greed no matter what Country wants a share of the pie. That goes for the State of Florida and any other state for that matter. That's just my opinion. I respect your opinion as well.

"Personally, I would like to see Spain come to an agreement with salvors all over the world. If it's a Spanish ship wreck, then I think Spain should get 10% of any Gold or Silver and 25% of any artifacts that they want for a museum. I think that would be a win win propostion for everyone involved. The people taking the risk get paid for the risk and Spain shares in any reward. But hey, that's just my opinion."

My point is and always has been. It should be finders keepers no matter where it is found in the world or what country the salvor is from.

Ok Old Man, drop your Rolex in the beach, 5 minute later I detect it and I tell you "Hey Old Man, I found you Rolex, but I can't return it you because you said " It should be finders keepers ",...what you going to do?


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