4: Spain is a pirates nest.

Even today they try to steal gold on the high seas - just look how they fought us(Denmark) to get our gold from the 49 races in the Olympic this summer
Voldbjerg sorry, what are you on about

It was meant as a joke - the story is as follows:
Before the olympic finals at the 49(small fast sailboat) race, the danish team had a big lead to the competitors. All they had to come in as number seven out of 12(i think) to win gold.
A few minutes before the start, the danish boat breaks the mast. They could not fix it before start so they borrow the croatian teams boat.
They pass the start line several minutes after the rest of the boats.
Durring the hard weather many boats got in trouble but the danish worked its way up the ladder.
They securered a position good enough to win the gold medal.
Spain won silver.
Spain wanted gold so the complained and brought the case to the olympic court room and claimed that the danes should be disqualified because they where not using their own boat. Court ruled in favor of denmark.
The point is: if spain cannot win fair and square on the water - they take it to court. one might argue that is what happening in the odessey case
On topic: Ossy - do you think its within spains interest to bully every salvor finding a shipwreck coin or artifact? The way I see it - they have a mutural interest in the treasure and should work together. Fact is that spain would never put a fleet survey ships on the oceans in order to find its lost treasure - they should work with salvors to the benefit of both.