Gold Member
Nice post! IMHO, you are 100% correct.
Take care, and put another log on the fire....
Nice post! IMHO, you are 100% correct.
Take care, and put another log on the fire....

I envy the ones who live there and can go if they choose to do so.
Cubfan64 said:Why wont good ol fashion prospecting not work?
I personally believe good ol fashion prospecting COULD have worked many years ago, and it's likely that at least some folks did attack the problem by spending time panning the dry creekbeds and other areas in an attempt to locate the mine (or any other workable gold mine). That assumes of course that the mine is situated in such a way that placer gold can be found below and nearby - not necessarily a given.
The major problem now is that you're not allowed to prospect in that way within the wilderness area.
Casca said:My feelings is the mine is not where we think it is. I dont think Waltz knew where it was.
Casca said:My feelings is the mine is not where we think it is. I dont think Waltz knew where it was.
gollum said:Casca said:My feelings is the mine is not where we think it is. I dont think Waltz knew where it was.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
While I agree that the mine is not where most think it is, you had REALLY better do some more before saying things like that.
Springfield said:gollum said:Casca said:My feelings is the mine is not where we think it is. I dont think Waltz knew where it was.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
While I agree that the mine is not where most think it is, you had REALLY better do some more before saying things like that.
What Casca may be alluding to is that all we know for 'sure' is that Waltz was in possession of some good paying gold ore. Beyond that, all is speculation based on hearsay and faith. For all we know, Waltz may have uncovered someone else's cache, or killed someone in possession of the ore, or whatever, and fabricated the mythical 'lost mine' story to muddy the waters.
somehiker said:Springfield said:What Casca may be alluding to is that all we know for 'sure' is that Waltz was in possession of some good paying gold ore. Beyond that, all is speculation based on hearsay and faith. For all we know, Waltz may have uncovered someone else's cache, or killed someone in possession of the ore, or whatever, and fabricated the mythical 'lost mine' story to muddy the waters.
Seems to me a thinkin man would claim his gold came from a pocket of ore that played out,rather than invite trouble by falsely claiming the find of a the richest mine that he had ever seen.
gollum said:That's not how it reads buddy.
But why would he lie to Julia Roberts and Rheinhart Petrasch? He knew he was dying,, so there was no use BSing about it.
No, I believe Waltz had at least one rich gold mine (he may have also had a placer mine but that's another story) and at least one cache left when he was trying to explain the locations to Rhiney and Julia.
ancientones said:The Dutchmans mine is there, it is also known as The Sombrero Mine.
To find it one needs to ask which of these sentences sounds like something Jacob Waltz would say.
"It lies in an imaginary circle whose diameter is not more than five miles and whose center is marked by the Weavers Needle, a prominent and fantastic pinnacle of volcanic tufta..." Dutchman to Julia to Bicknell to Ruth
"My mine lies within a 5 mile circle of Weavers Needle".
waltz never said anything ,, thats why people keep makeing sh** up
very good over sight but wrong .. waltz never wrote that ... or said it ...
ancientones said:I will make it easy for you.
Following a couple other of his clues, N of the Needle, S to N flowing Canyon, put
your Google Earth to 2007. At 4.8 Mi. miles you will see the Horsehead-as described.
On Google, go 1 Mi. S of this spot, face N(Down the Canyon). Then pull up The Sombrero
'Sketch Map'.
If you know your clues you can find 'several' more that fit.
Let me know what you see.
EE THr said:I think the arrowhead is a good sign. After all, wasn't his partner supposedly attacked by Indians at the mine?
The first picture is astounding. It's the first one that's ever actually been in focus! But it looks like a chunck of compressed clay from an ancient placer, the way the specks are suspended within it. It's not originally deposited gold, for sure. And, um, well... that's not quartz matrix!
But one of your better posts, BB, for those reasons.