How to find the Lost Dutchman mine...

how to find the Lost Dutchman mine


Oroblanco said:
Lets hear some theories as to how to find the Lost Dutchman mine of Jacob

:hello: Roy,

My theory is simple, stay focused on one mine for over ten years. Every waking moment, my thoughts are about 'when I get there'. :coffee2:

I thank Helen Corbin :notworthy: for getting me started on this legend with “the Curse of the Dutchman’s Gold.”

I had become a member and served one year on the Board of directors of the Roadrunner Prospector’s Club. Not long after joining, Helen was our guest speaker at one of the meetings where I met her and her gracious husband Bob. New to Arizona, it wasn’t until later, my wife, who had been a long time resident here, told me of him being the former Atty Gen of AZ. I was impressed then, and still am, every time I meet him at the rendezvous. :notworthy:

All efforts to locate the mine were based on a little fact, and a lot of fiction, until the release of Google Earth. Up until that time the only folks with the capability to view terrain in profile were companies with deep pockets. The cost of the software was averaging around $4,000 and I was saving my pennies with the intent of a purchase. Google gave me a cheap version ( I mean the quality of the program not cost. You can’t beat free.) of what I wanted. Although not very accurate, it served the purpose to get me to the location that I had been searching for. Then step by step, day by day, clue by clue all were either proved or dispelled.
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

My wife has threatened me, scolded me and verbally abused my ego, but never succeeded in quenching my burning desire to stay glued to the computer screen night after night, sometimes until daylight, searching …for years. :headbang: :icon_sunny: Then Peter posted “100 Clues to the LDM.” :sign13: I immediately printed them out and began the tedious task of sifting through them. Prior to that, I had them stored in my head and marked in various books in my library which was growing fast for a non-reader like me.

I have been close to my area of interest, close enough to get photos of the area but not on top of where I think the mine is located. After three attempts to put my feet on the mine and possibly get a sample, I feel my chances are fading as my body is disintegrating and my physical condition is deteriorating quickly. ???

I believe the timbers he used to hide the mine have probably rotted away and could easily give way with the weight of one 250 pound person, if they haven’t already. I always take a length of rope for the purpose of tying a safety line to a large rock nearby and hope that it isn’t part of his death trap. I want to be prepared to descend into the pit and have some training in SRT (Single Rope Technique), a method used in caving and potholing to descend and ascend vertical drops. However my being able to ascend the rope without assistance would be questionable of late. :help: How did he get to the bottom and back up? :read2: More rotten wood probably. This mine shaft is vertical with no mountain sheilding it from rain that would soak through a couple of feet of rocks and ‘dirt’. The dirt? Where did he get dirt? There is nothing there but rocks. Even the ‘dirt’ is tiny rocks. The rocks is another story. Where did he get the rocks that would blend in with the surrounding desert varnish covered rocks? Turn a rock over and it no longer blends. I have found another covered mine and the rocks used to cover it were all taken from above the mine. Soooo :sign13: the area above the mine was devoid of almost all the rocks!

Sorry, :dontknow: the photos I took of that mine have been swallowed by my new computer. I bought it brand new in November 2009 and now sits on my desk turned off until I can figure a way to recover some of my lost photos numbering between 4 and 5 thousand. :thumbsup: It’s a beautiful 27 inch i-Mac OS X with Snow Lepord. It has only one cord exiting the back and that’s for power. Every thing connected to it is blue tooth wireless including the (after thought) 1 terra-byte Time Capsule.

Here I sit at 5:00 in the moring and I have to take my wife to a doctor app’t at 8. Will it never end? I just want to sleep.

Till next time,
Ken ‘dustcap’ Chichester
:coffee2: :coffee2: :help: :dontknow: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Ken - about your lost photos ...
I presume your drive is a 'SATA'-drive and that it uses HFS (which is Apple's default filesystem).
For about 25-30 bucks you can buy a usb-enclosure and put your disk in that - making it a portable usb-drive.
Then you buy another 1 tera (or more) usb-drive (that will set you back some $80-100).
Use _any_ pc (new or old) that you can put your hands on - use a 'linux live cd' to boot the pc and then make a raw copy of your first disk (use the 'dd'-command). Now - put away your original disk and work on the copy - linux supports HFS, so unless your disk is well and truly a goner, you should be able to recover most (if not all) of your photos. The 'deeper' down in the filesystem hierarchy, the greater is your chances of success.
If you have any questions, pm me and I'll give you my email addy.
I haven't actually recovered data from a mac (yet), but I have the opportunity several times on a windows-machine - some times more successfull than others ...
The most important thing - DO NOT TRY TO BOOT FROM YOUR BROKEN DISK - that will only make matters worse!!


dustcap said:
how to find the Lost Dutchman mine
My theory is simple, stay focused on one mine for over ten years. Every waking moment, my thoughts are about 'when I get there'. :coffee2:

Hi Ken,

Great post!

I’m positive your Dutch hunting experience mirrors many before you and will be the epitaph for many that come after you… But, boy howdy, what a wonderful ride it is! Thanks to the Dutchman there have been so many people that have gotten out of their life’s rut and into this one. Finding out how much they can endure and seeing the “wonders” that so few get to see.

I am sure that all Dutch hunters have fallen to sleep thinking about that huge nugget they will be soon holding in their hand… :coffee2:


Quote from: Loke on Yesterday at 07:07:27 AM
Ken - about your lost photos ...
The most important thing - DO NOT TRY TO BOOT FROM YOUR BROKEN DISK

Thanks for the effort but last night I bit the bullet and repartitioned the drive to one partition and reinstalled the OS X system files. It warned me that all data would be erased and I finally did it knowing full well that the photos are no more. My dilemma was that this computer was sitting here on my desk since last Nov when I partitioned it so I could run windows at the same time as the Mac OS extended program. The reason was that my $450 RealFlight simulator program doesn't come in a Mac version (the main reason I opted for this huge screen in the first place). The computer screen is so big it doesn’t fit under the overhead cabinets on my desk. The iMac computer is built into the screen section with no other component anywhere on or under the desk. If the stand that holds it were to place the bottom of the computer down on the desk surface, or within an inch of it, it would fit.

The problem occurred when I loaded Boot Camp, partitioned the hard drive and installed the Windows operating system. It apparently was loaded right over the Mac OS. I did find a third party software that salvages photos that were lost from just such an event. The program is $175 and I refused to spend the money.

So you see the disk wasn't broken, just mishandled by my inability to install Windows correctly on a partitioned drive.

I paid Apple the extra $100 for tech support (they call it the Genius bar) for one year and they flat out told me that they couldn't fix it nor did they have the expertise to do so. I did exactly as the ‘Geniuses’ instructed me to do to load Windows so I was pissed off at them and demanded my $100 back. They did that at least. I was then told to take it to Data Doctors to recover my photos. Data Docs informed me that they would charge a $250 bench fee plus up to $1800 for data recovery. The machine, brand new was $1800; so that was ludicrous. In this past year I met no one who could help me, although 'alaskabill' from Alaska did give me some pointers.

So again I say thank you for taking the time to give me advice but I believe I will survive without my photo memories. I did make a few CD’s when I first began copying the photos to the Mac from my PC but abandoned that when I learned how to transfer them directly.

Ken ‘dustcap’ Chichester

Javaone said:
...thinking about that huge nugget they will be soon holding in their hand… :coffee2:


Funny thing is, in the beginning I thought about the gold that’s true, but as time went on I began to focus on proving the map to be genuine. Not the many different tracings of the map, but the original map on leather. I only wanted to get into position to take a photo of the area depicted on the map. Then I realized that just getting a photo doesn’t prove that it is the correct location, so I decided I had to find the mine, photograph the layout of it and enough of a sample of the ore to prove it was “THE” mine. :headbang:

Ken ‘dustcap’ Chichester

dustcap said:
......The problem occurred when I loaded Boot Camp, partitioned the hard drive and installed the Windows operating system. ....

Now that I no longer need a Windows PC to operate my former employment software (Autodesk), I am finally in a position where I can eliminate Microsoft from my life. Vista sealed the deal for me and Windows 7 is merely another 'pay more, get less' scam in my jaded eyes. If you want both a Mac and a PC, I'd suggest you get a machine for each.

he he - what about linux - it's free, free, free. It has more features than windoze and mac combined and is incredibly stable (I have run a linux fileserver for 5 years now - top-of-the-line *chuckles* dual 366MHz cpu and 384 MB memory!) without once rebooting it or updating it (though there have been 2 or 3 occasions when it has rebooted because of power-cut)). It just runs and runs and runs.
Oh - and last but not least - it's impervious to viruses!!
Also - it will run on hardware that even XP would have difficulties with.
Having an old pc with 500+ MB of memory kicking around 'cuz windoze cant use it? - use linux - the thing will fly!
Personally - I haven't used windows (nor macs) for over 5 years - never missed it!
The one difficulty is choosing the right distribution - there are near enough 3-400 of them - all viable.

*stepping off my soapbox*
Sorry yall - I didn't mean to clutter up with off-topics - I just cant understand why people are paying big bucks for something that doesn't work properly when you can have it all for free and working beautifully ...

even with my on going computer carsh .. i still say you get what you pay for .. the OPs has almost nothing to do with how you run a computer or how you protect it .. or how it is built ...

i tryed to push a sound jack in the back of my computer yester after noon and the sound board came lose and sparked to the side of the main case . blue screen the computer and shutt it off .. it did not come back on ... i have been reloading bios and cmos settings for 14 hour straight and .. i dont care how long it takes .. i will get it back up and running ..ops has nothing to do with the way a computer is constructed or the issues that come from modern internet ..

Loke said:
he he - what about linux - ...
A point well taken - thanks for the reminder. Linux is a viable option, although I haven't looked at it much for a couple years. From what I noticed then, it suffered from limited software options if you needed more than word processor/spreadsheet programs, an internet/email client and simple aplets. It's funny - now that I'm not using a computer 8 hours a day, my desire/need to keep current with technology is waning. Maybe I'll research it a little deeper now that I'm 'paroled'.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI BB which computer are you posting from?

Don Jose de La Mancha

i was trying to get mine running right .. it flat line the other day .. your not able to have the sound short to the case .. it makes them do bad things ..

i still have to find out what went sounth in my new work settings .. . the old config will not work with this new CPU and custom bios and cmos settings,, i am runing 3.6 965 EE overclocked CPU and RAMif it was not for the EZ flash bios i would be down all the way .. you got to take a look at the commando Asus . they are a older MD but getting more afordable ..

they make some faster gamers but i like the exspanded graphics and the CPU config you run a quad config with a PD
the LED read out on the back helps when things do go wrong .. and and she likes the 64 bit pos .. as well as a good line of Asus products to work with it ..

no matter how much we all like to talk and research on the web with out the keys working in front of us we dont have that much fun typeing with a black screen

my goal is to make my desk top moble in a small van setting ... that way i can have sat internet anywhere i go .. i my eye sight is not great i need that 42 inch screen .. soiled i guess..

Springfield said:
dustcap said:
......The problem occurred when I loaded Boot Camp, partitioned the hard drive and installed the Windows operating system. ....

Now that I no longer need a Windows PC to operate my former employment software (Autodesk), I am finally in a position where I can eliminate Microsoft from my life. Vista sealed the deal for me and Windows 7 is merely another 'pay more, get less' scam in my jaded eyes. If you want both a Mac and a PC, I'd suggest you get a machine for each.


That's what I did. I loaded everything onto the Mac, reformatted my PC and started all over. I have been using the PC exclusively for this past year until just this week.


Please excuse, I didn't read your post to get back on topic until I posted then something happened and I am adding this to the posted reply.

well it is on topic sorry to say if your not useing a computer to find the LDM then your typeing anything on this site ...


action41 - while they say a picture is worth a thousand words, is there any way you can expound on yours so we have a better idea of what you're implying other than that you found a rock that's 18 inches long?


That's a very nice rock. If it's the place where you start, is this where you end up?


Have you found the end of your trail yet?

Good Luck,

Joe Ribaudo

so north joe ... lol wheres the dagger ...?

Casca said:
You all make this harder that it is.

You need to find the mine like the Apaches, Spanish, or dumb luck.

I'd start with the Salt River or the Peralta Atones.

The last 100 or so years of written word hasn't produced any results.

Am I wrong?


Yes, you are wrong.

Joe Ribaudo

Why wont good ol fashion prospecting not work?

I personally believe good ol fashion prospecting COULD have worked many years ago, and it's likely that at least some folks did attack the problem by spending time panning the dry creekbeds and other areas in an attempt to locate the mine (or any other workable gold mine). That assumes of course that the mine is situated in such a way that placer gold can be found below and nearby - not necessarily a given.

The major problem now is that you're not allowed to prospect in that way within the wilderness area.

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