Loke wrote
What! Sushi? I don't know if I could find courage to try that one!
Cubfan - that sure sounds good too, have never tried Walleye but have had their cousins Yellow Perch, some mighty tasty fish! When you said fried potatoes and onions, I presume fried raw potatoes? I love them too!
Joe - I hope that when (or rather IF) I reach that same age, I will be able to do like your old timer friend. I don't know what it is about fresh caught fish, cooked up right beside the water but (personal opinion) it is some of the best eating there is.
Much of my life I have had to wait for the 'fishing season' to open in spring, now live where that is not a problem just have to get the free time and go. Have to try a local lake near us (Angostura) as it is supposedly "the" spot for Walleyes too.
Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
fishun, is fishun, is fishun, no matter where, is good - if you are catching any. Just like lost mine hunting. but I do favor above 6-7000 ft in June or especially in late Oct sigh drool. If your bait, lure, or fly doesn't work, just catch a pan full with your hands. Once I forgot my rod, can you believe it? and had to catch them by hand or abort the trip. I enjoyed two weeks there. snicker. Only thing missing was oro's maneating hounds for company.
Can't say I ever tried catching them bare-handed; have used safety pins or a spear. One of the best meals of my life was a plate of fresh caught fat cutthroats Beth got with just a bare shiny pin for bait (nothing could be found) the fish were so willing to bite that no bait was needed. Planning to visit that spot this summer, haven't been there in over twenty years; not much in the way of gold in that creek but some mighty nice cutthroats!
Maneating? While I do have a number of scars from their gentle little 'nips', to this day they have not eaten anyone!

You are not helping me promote that breed as household pets amigo, which except for a few small almost un-noticeable habits like fighting, biting, etc, sled dogs would be very good for. Won't you agree? I think you need a pack team for your own home, still working on talking you into it.

Now that I think about it, from what little I know of your personality, it might be a very good match-up.>
My apologies to our readers for having carried the topic away from the title. Not much fishing is possible in the Superstitions, at least the wilderness part.
Have to sign off, will probably stop by later, I hope you all have a very pleasant day - you have filled me with ideas!
