Hola amigos,
This is a rather long and off-topic post, but is an interesting side track so I must beg your indulgence. Anyone who chooses to skip the whole post, will not miss much on the Lost Dutchman and I won't be offended. Thank you in advance.
EE Thr wrote
You're close, but no cigar.
and Cactusjumper wrote
I believe bb has his information correct. As I recall, the Blackfoot people have a long history in Wyoming.
Perhaps we ought to stop at this point and ask Blindbowman if he means Blackfoot as in Niitsítapi , <Siksika> which tribes generally were well north of Wyoming and had no permanent presence, or Sihasapa Dakota <Blackfoot Sioux> which did have some presence in Wyoming but no permanent presence? This site:
has a map showing the relative areas of the state held by the various tribes, which included Shoshones, Arapaho, Cheyennes, Crows, and Utes. The records of the various plains wars with Indians and resulting treaties do mention Blackfoot as present at the Ft Laramie (1851) treaty and defined their territory:
The territory of the Blackfoot Nation, commencing at the mouth of Muscle-shell River; thence up the Missouri River to its source; thence along the main range of the Rocky Mountains, in a southerly direction, to the head-waters of the northern source of the Yellowstone River; thence down the Yellowstone River to the mouth of Twenty-five Yard Creek; thence across to the head-waters of the Muscle-shell River, and thence down the Muscle-shell River to the place of beginning."
Very little of this territory extends into present day Wyoming. Blackfoot Indians did attend several of the fur trade rendezvous in Wyoming, but had traveled quite some distance to attend.
All of which is fairly irrelevant, for our purposes; for the Indians of today are not all living in historic reservation lands but anywhere they please. Hence we find Najavos in Wyoming and Sioux in California.
The only tie in to the LDM that I can make is the possibility of mis-identification of the Indians of the LDM legend, most have it as the main antagonists were Apaches, when there are other possibilities.
Apologies for the off-topic post, any information on any historic Blackfoot <Siksika, not Sihasapa> presence in Wyoming would be welcome.