Hola amigos,
This is a very long reply, so I must beg your indulgence (or just skip ahead)
Quinan Bear wrote
I appears to me that you guys are all professionals, when it comes to the LDM and the Peralta stones.
No matter what is said about them, you dismiss it in any way that you can. So you can dismiss me all you want. I stand firm on my knowledge of those stones.
As our mutual friends have already replied to this largely, I would only add this - I have told you what I want to see before I "grant the honors" to anyone who says he/she has found the LDM. If you had researched this subject much before making your claims, you would have realized that MANY have already claimed to have found the Lost Dutchman Mine - but without the GOLD (and it is after all, a lost gold mine) they might as well claim that they found Santa Claus' house. You have a partner/helper who will help field-check your sites, perhaps he or she will find the very evidence needed to prove you are right? (As in gold and-or gold ore) Don't take it as anything personal if some of us don't agree with what you see, it is what you also do - look at what you said to our mutual amigo Santa Fe NM about his finds, you don't believe that he has found the LDM either. it isn't anything personal - and just like us,
you have a hard time believing it when someone says they found the LDM and don't have the GOLD to show for it.
Anyway just keep in mind that you
are among friends here amigo, fellow treasure hunters not so different from yourself, whether we do our hunting with a satellite, metal detector, forked stick or gold pan we are all actually doing the same thing.
Old Dog wrote
I know what you mean. a desert rat like myself goes into withdrawl pretty quick between work and weather. LOL
UGH! Sheesh buddy using such foul language - that dirty, four-letter word! (WORK - the bane of the drinking class!) This is after all, a family oriented site! (heh heh) It helps to know that you can empathize, and man I sure wish this wind-snap would give us a break already. I hope you are having better weather than we are, and getting a chance to do some 'diggin' too!
Ponchosportal wrote
Hola Oroblanco and thank you for the warm Tnet welcome; I have been a Tnet member for a few years and have lurked and read and enjoyed this site greatly for many years before becoming a member. I am not a frequent poster and find that most times I will not express my oppinions simply because I have them. But there are times when I just can't help myself and will likely chime in.
Keep up the good work!
Via con dios mi amigo,
- sorry about that amigo, I didn't check out your profile to see if you really are NEW or not, just noticed that it said 'new member' with only a few posts and assumed you are new. This is what happens when I start assuming things! Anyway sorry I have not welcomed you MUCH sooner, and for such a silly error - that said, I still look forward to reading more of your words.

Roy ~ Oroblanco