Hola amigos,
Quinan Bear wrote
Remember, I am only looking for my name to be added in with the other/s that are involved in the discoveries of these areas.
It appears that you are going about this in the
wrong way; while I do not know the employment of every one of our members here, I don't think that any of them are reporters for any of the important news services, newspapers or television. Some of us have written a bit on the subject of lost treasures (obviously) but in my case, I don't even know the correct procedure for conducting an interview so can't be of any assistance along this line. Since what you seek is plainly stated as
fame and recognition, may I suggest contacting the New York Times, here is the contact EM
or leave a message at 1-888-NYT-NEWS
or the Arizona Republic newspaper (Phoenix)
Press releases
If you'd like to send a press release, please fax it to The Arizona Republic newsroom at (602) 444-8044 or send it via U.S. Mail to: The Arizona Republic Newsroom, 200 E. Van Buren St., Mail Code NM19, Phoenix, AZ 85004.
You might even decide to make a mass media press release, would save contacting the news agencies one at a time. Trying to convince a bunch of treasure hunters whom have actually gone over the very ground you say has all these mines, when they have seen the place and know there are no mines in those places is very much an uphill battle. I have tried to explain this to you earlier, but really what you are after cannot be found in a treasure hunting
forum - you need to contact a
news agency or several. They may turn out to be every bit as skeptical as you think we are, but maybe not?
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.