Hal Croves
Silver Member
mike...in my recent post i said that i dont think the fbi were competent to make that call back then as to the stones age..no way they even had the technology to tell whether they were even recent fakes...you have to realize that was the 1960's....they did not have the methods we have now to date carvings....all they could do is guess....and i seriously doubt they could guess better than either you or i back then...i have lived around the supers for many years and i know most of the dutch hunters and the stone map enthusiasts....i never seen any of them find anything using those maps and every one of them think the maps lead to a different area....matter of fact all the top dogs around here (tom k...bob c...ron f.... clay w. and a number of others) have all denounced the stones as fakes ..and if anyone would have any inside info it would be those guys.....i dont have any problem with people believing in the stone map...i have alot of good friends that believe in them and will till the day they die...but i dont think anyone could ever convince me they weren't faked..put it this way...it would take a heap of proof to sway me the other way
"...a heap of proof..."

PROOF: evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
HEAP: an untidy collection of things piled up haphazard.