Video 6 - On Tumlinsons Trail : The Peralta Stone Maps

Validity of the stones

  • Travis found the stones and had nothing to do with their creation. They are real.

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • Travis hoaxed the entire thing. They are fake

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Travis carved the maps - but they are based off of real information.

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
I have talked to Bob Corbin on a few occasions and learned of the FBI story directly from him. Bob is a stand up guy. About 4 years ago him and I were talking about the PSM'S. Bob said he was unsure about the authenticity of the stones. He said that if the new information he had heard regarding the stones was true he wold have to reconsider his position on weather or not the stones were hoxed. Now his position is that the stones were made in Tumlinson's garage. So his opinion on the stone maps seems to change.

My personal opinion on the stone maps is that they are not hoaxes and carved by Jesuits in around 1766

Id be very interested in that theory Captain! The Jesuits used a symbol like this one in their work. But this symbol isn't on any of the maps.

How do you correlate the "Sonora Mex" "DON" and "Miguel" carved into the maps?


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A quick question. I couldn't understand why a "conversation" needed to be held regarding whether or not I brightened up a section of a picture. Was the conversation actually regarding whether I faked a picture of me holding the H/P Stone? A conversation about that makes more sense to me. Am I correct?



A quick question. I couldn't understand why a "conversation" needed to be held regarding whether or not I brightened up a section of a picture. Was the conversation actually regarding whether I faked a picture of me holding the H/P Stone? A conversation about that makes more sense to me. Am I correct?



As part of research for V.6 - we were comparing known samples of the maps - since there are so many. I had remembered your viewing and wanted to see if the stone you saw was the same as me. This started with conversations of the museum having more than 1 copy and others hidden in some magical back room.

Upon closer examination of your map picture - the editing you did jumped out pretty quickly. No one made any accusations about what you did. But it did pose a lot of questions.

I still believe Wayne's response was the most accurate

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KX, I don't really feel any need to decipher maps that were produced to perpetrate a fraud.

The debate will never end because you are all correct to a point. The map itself does represent a mining area. The stones are copy of that map. If you can place the map in the proper area you will find old mines and this
I found gold first chasing the Dutchman. Then found more using the map after I was able to place it location. I guess it's a result of tracing the map backwards. So stating no one ever found a thing with the map is not true. Stating no one found a thing with the stones is true as far as we know. I used this ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1435682549.685875.webp
So as you see your all correct in a way. Oh I found proof in Gregs collection that I was not the first. I discovered a second map that also places the map in my area. A much older map.
Keep a open mind at all times and don't get fixed on one theory. Otherwise you will find nothing. Especially if your sitting on your butt and not searching in the mountains. Those that search the mountains find things. Right Wayne! One day these things will be tied into the whole story. But by those with worn boots and a open mind. What ever you may say about Ryan you can't say he just sits on his butt. You will find in the end he will be a major influence on the story. Keep a open mind and pay attention. Oh buy some depends.

The debate will never end because you are all correct to a point. The map itself does represent a mining area. The stones are copy of that map. If you can place the map in the proper area you will find old mines and this
View attachment 1181393
I found gold first chasing the Dutchman. Then found more using the map after I was able to place it location. I guess it's a result of tracing the map backwards. So stating no one ever found a thing with the map is not true. Stating no one found a thing with the stones is true as far as we know. I used this View attachment 1181394
So as you see your all correct in a way. Oh I found proof in Gregs collection that I was not the first. I discovered a second map that also places the map in my area. A much older map.
Keep a open mind at all times and don't get fixed on one theory. Otherwise you will find nothing. Especially if your sitting on your butt and not searching in the mountains. Those that search the mountains find things. Right Wayne! One day these things will be tied into the whole story. But by those with worn boots and a open mind. What ever you may say about Ryan you can't say he just sits on his butt. You will find in the end he will be a major influence on the story. Keep a open mind and pay attention. Oh buy some depends.

i'm with you frank......let ryan run and see what he turns up....i know alot of you guys have put alot of time into deciphering the stones and you've uncovered alot of info...but no matter how good of a researcher you are you wont find everything...but the next guy that takes up where you left off just might take it a step further..think about this...if you had thought your predecessors found everything you would have never taken up the search

Thanks. That makes me feel better. I was about to get upset. HAHAHA But that would have been easily disproved as Phil R took the pic and Greg D was standing there watching. If you want a .PEF (RAW) version of the pic, just send me your email, and I will shoot you a copy. The reason I know for a fact that I didn't do anything other than stated, is that if I make ANY adjustments other than those I stated (Size, Brightness, Contrast, and rotation), I make notes in the EXIF Files. What you are looking at may be a trick of light. I had both hands firmly on it, and it was tucked tight against my chest. I actually pictured (in my mind) me accidentally dropping The H/P Stone in front of Greg, and watching it shatter on the ground in between us. HAHAHA Like I said before, if I had used any other PS Tools on that pic, I would not have a problem admitting it. It doesn't alter ANYTHING having to do with the authenticity of the stone maps. THAT is one of the things I learned very early on in researching all the monuments and symbols I have found or been shown. If you take a photograph of a (man made) monument in the mountains, and the markings that prove it was man made are not very visible. If you PS it, and alter the pic from its original form, that is (to me) a form of fraud. THAT is why I am touchy about the subject.


Regarding the Stone Maps on display not being the authentic ones as Franks thinks. You say you know Greg Davis. Why don't you do like I did, and ask him. He has been with the Museum since Christ was a child. I did that when Frank first made mention of the idea. Here is my email to and from Greg on the subject:


And you're right - I haven't been around as long as you. That's why I'm so shocked that you haven't been able to get the things I have - or make the connections to people that I have. The theories that frank and I came up with for video 6 are all based on information from Greg Davis' library. Stuff like hand written letters... You know, good stuff.

THAT is both very arrogant and insulting. How do you know what you say is true? I have been to Greg's Home and consider him a friend. I might know a heckuva lot more people than you think. When Greg first got the Bernice Magee Letters, he let me and a good friend of mine take them and make copies. Do you want Bob Corbin's home phone number? I got all my information about the FBI Story and all my never before seen info on Celeste Marie Jones from speaking to Bob Corbin. If you had been around when Ron Feldman's LDM Forum was going strong, you might know a bunch more people than you currently do. Some of them have since passed away. Two major ones were Ernie Provence (that I was not able to meet before he died), and Tracy Hawkins. Tracy was a Brit that was involved in both The Bob Brady Cave of Gold Bars and The Harry France Cave of Gold Bars. Not the same story as they take place in different parts of the Supers. Tracy held one of the gold bars from the Harry France Story. Joe (Cactusjumper) can attest to that. I still correspond with J. Scott Wood who was the Chief Archaeologist for the Tonto Natl Forest for about 40 years (until he recently retired). See, maybe you don't know as much or as many people as you thought you did. I can go on and on.

You say you respected my research, but you blow it off. Okay, no worries. It doesn't jibe with your theory. EVERYBODY has their own. You ask ten Dutch Hunters to give their opinion on the mine, and you will get nine or ten different answers. Same with the Stone Maps.

To state what you state in your previous response to my post says that you haven't read anything I have ever written about the Stone Maps. I honestly DO NOT CARE whether or not they are authentic. I have my personal beliefs about who made them, and why they might have been found where they supposedly were, but my beliefs are shaped around a LOT of research over a period of several years. I have also stated numerous times that because there is no period written record mentioning The Stone Maps, I have to admit the possibility of them being hoaxed. I know I am not infallible, and when I make a mistake, I like to think that I am man enough, and intellectually honest enough to come right out and admit it. Since I first got copies of all the Dick Peck Letters, I have thought the H/P Stone may be modern. Here is my reasoning:

1. No period pictures exist of the H/P Stone with the other three. The bumper pic doesn't include it.
2. Peck's Investigator asked Travis T's friend in Hood River, Oregon if Travis had ever shown him a stone with a horse on it. The man said NO.

Neither of those are proof that it is a fake. Travis' own story explains why the H/P Stone isn't in the bumper pic. He found that stone a year before he found the others. He may not have had the H/P Stone handy when he took that pic. Travis may not have shown his friend in Oregon the H/P Stone because he may have thought there was something important on it that he wanted to keep secret from everybody.


It may have been made a later date. We may never know!

re; Bob Tumlinson:

In your line of work, you should be intimately familiar with the difference between someone trying to get an investor for a project and trying to sell that project to someone else. You said it yourself, that Bob Tumlinson tried to get Gene Davis to INVEST in his work on the Stone Maps. He never tried to SELL Davis the Stone Maps. They NEVER belonged to him to sell. They always belonged to his nephew Travis. Trying to get an investor says to any right minded person that Bob T believed in his Stone Map Interpretations, but couldn't afford to act on them. He needed someone to pay his way. THAT, is not as indicative of a hoax as someone trying to sell the Stone Maps and be rid of them. But again, you fail to answer my biggest problem with your theory; the Stone Maps were known to have existed in 1949. Bob T. didn't get them until about 1956 or 1957. Do you even know if Bob Tumlinson knew Dr Davis in 1949? If my theory was that Travis T made the Stone Maps so that his Uncle Bob could sell them to his landlord, the very first thing I would do is see if there was a 1949 connection between Bob T and Dr Davis.

All of you have been commiserating over that elusive 5th Stone Map. Some have said that the Heart Insert is the 5th Stone. Some say that The Latin Heart is the 5th Stone. The 5th Stone was described in one of the Peck Letters:

"Bob Bair then revealed that Travis Tumlinson had found another stone with the head of an Indian carved on it and that the Indian had two lines carved across the lips as though to seal them....."

There is your 5th Stone. Nobody to my knowledge has ever seen that stone. Melford Brower believed that stone was with Janie Tumlinson in Texas.

As many times as I have been in the Supers, I have never actively hunted for the Stone Map Trail or The LDM. Like I previously stated; too many stories told, and too many monuments altered and torn down to try and find either based on clues. My searches are for other, less well known stories, that people haven't beaten to death. I have always said that nobody looking for the LDM will probably ever find it. It will likely be some granola eating tree hugger out hiking, who will accidentally fall through the covering, and donate his/her share of the find to PETA.

more to come....


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Please show me what I said was a fact that is not.



As to the email address, that was given to you hours before you wrote this post. You know that. You are also aware of how I have analyzed your images(s).

I have never suggested Travis or Robert tried to sell the maps, not in text nor in the video. Please don't put those words in my mouth. I agree with you in that regard. I also agree that Travis & Robert thought there was something to be found in the mountains, or else they wouldn't have kept coming out here to look. However, there is a big difference between investing in a venture and buying tangible property. The longest paragraph you wrote is something that isn't even worthwhile to discuss, because it is something that never came out of my mouth. If you found a portion of my message to be offensive, then please accept my apology. As a point of conversation, however, I am not the one writing that "you are 100% wrong. You need to educate yourself. etc". I try to be a bit more respectful in my replies.

I don't have any major issue with you, and respect your theories. At this point, all of us are making theories and we are all equal in that regard. From Tree Sap, to Masons, to Jesuits and who knows what else. They are all equal.

You also mention that I said " To state what you state in your previous response to my post says that you haven't read anything I have ever written about the Stone Maps" - that is also untrue. I said in the message that I actually used part of your research in the video, in regard to Dr. Davis.

I don't have the intention or desire to keep this going with you, or have the time to write lengthy posts like you just did. Getting into a pissing match is ..... well, its just not something I care to involve myself in. Consider fixing the photo issue, that you made into a big deal (unsure why - there is an easy explanation), and let's continue comparing ideas and theories to get to the bottom of this. After all, that is exactly what Tnet is about, isn't it?


Mike (Gollum),

So many things to say...don't really know the best point to start with, but here it goes.....

First, your name has been mentioned many times within the threads of the Peralta Stones as well as AZMULA (?). Your name was mentioned because of the research you have been known to have completed and questions to the various amounts of analogy stated among these discussions. I personally sent you an email on your website asking you to please come back to the forums. So, take your name being mentioned as a Compliment.
Second, The Indian Head Stone. During your absence, this too was discussed. The first time it was mentioned in this thread was shortly after Ryan and Frank released Video 6 and it was mentioned on 6/22/15 by Ryan. So, has there been discussion about the 5th stone as an Indian Head prior to your most recent post of ?;

All of you have been commiserating over that elusive 5th Stone Map. Some have said that the Heart Insert is the 5th Stone. Some say that The Latin Heart is the 5th Stone. The 5th Stone was described in one of the Peck Letters:
"Bob Bair then revealed that Travis Tumlinson had found another stone with the head of an Indian carved on it and that the Indian had two lines carved across the lips as though to seal them....."
There is your 5th Stone. Nobody to my knowledge has ever seen that stone. Melford Brower believed that stone was with Janie Tumlinson in Texas.

As for Who's Who in the DH community...well, I think that anyone that can inject ANY hypothesis on When, Where, What, Why and Who, can be a closer link to resolution (if any) than not. To discount an individuals intelligence or knowledge in the Legend because of the lack of time associated in terms of years is a mistake as well as unjust. I believe you stated, and I'm going to paraphrase;[ You (Mike), have 25 years of research in this and Ryan has 15 minutes.] Just because someone has less time invested with boots on the ground or books on a shelf does not mean that the information that has been brought to light is not fresh or compelling. Quite the contrary.
In my line of work, I am constantly in a "Closing the deal" situation. You stated that you have been in or are in the car business. How many times have you seen a second face posing a question a different way, close the deal? Too many to mention. I train people on this very thing every day. There is no such thing as 100% Closing ratio. To that point, you could have asked 100 questions 100 different ways and received the same answer....Then Ryan (as an example) comes in and asks the question for the 101th time, a little differently, or, because of a different approach, and will receive a different answer...perhaps it's THE answer. We don't know. But to think (Especially as a car guy) that You or anyone else can close the deal 100% of the time is not only foolish but very untrue (I'm not saying you are doing this). As Frank stated in one of these posts somewhere, Keep an Open mind....Be open to challenges, be open to different analogies. Just because it wasn't yours or mine doesn't mean that it may not be the Golden ticket! (no pun intended).
Finally, Your photo-shopped image. Was it discussed? Yes. We that were present in the forums viewed your image from your website as a comparison to the stones that Ryan and Frank posted from their visit to the museum. We knew that we could compare something somewhat tangible as your site pre-dates the video 6 portion and one of the "Hecklers" in the group wanted solid proof to the extent of making phone calls to the museum as to the stones on display. That is How your image came into play. Once your image was brought to light, there is Obvious photo shop enhancements done to the image. No, it's not shadowing, it's shopped, period. So you can only imagine, keeping an open mind, the image that we "Thought" would be the go-to for comparison, was enhanced, touched, shopped, edited, whatever you want to call it, it was not original. Therefore, we were back to square one and analyzed the crap out of the bumper photo, to the point of Make, Model, year, color and wait is that an orb in the background? Yup, pretty scary stuff that path took. So we got rid of the Orbs, Egyptians, Monks, and any other non fitting character and moved on.
Many of us have had what I would call very passionate discussions....Sometimes to the point of banging on a computer keyboard as if that was going to make our type font louder and more effective to no avail. It's been one hell of a ride. One that is Captivating, Compelling, and brought to us in a very different light by Ryan. One thing is for sure and I would definitely take Franks advise of keeping and open mind, I would add one more thing. Don't mistake Ryan's passion for will only be disappointed. He has brought a very old subject into a fresh arena. Maybe not all of the same ol' players in the game, but that's not a bad thing. It's a Fresh thing.


Thread restored minus video.

That was the best part!!
Its a Video thread.
Ryan will you be posting it again or not?

That was the best part!!
Its a Video thread.
Ryan will you be posting it again or not?

Bill, Ryan is no longer posting here. I had requests to restore thread even without the video. You know where video can be found.

I am a map poster

Mapa del Norte America.webp

Correct...could the same maps lead to multiple locations? Possibly

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