Video 6 - On Tumlinsons Trail : The Peralta Stone Maps

Validity of the stones

  • Travis found the stones and had nothing to do with their creation. They are real.

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • Travis hoaxed the entire thing. They are fake

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Travis carved the maps - but they are based off of real information.

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
Masonic Lodges in my experience as a Pastmaster do not use the word Cowan. This includes Lodges I've visited in Canada.

According to the Jean-Paul Gagne Jesuit treasure map there are 4 heart areas. The trail maps (Peralta Tesora Mapa) only apply to the Queen Creek N area. The area the Tumlinsons searched. The stones only confuse and everyone gets tied up fighting about who made them and where they apply. Your looking at the wrong thing. Look at the Tesora map. What do the stones have engraved on them the Tesora map does not. In the upper right corner a R. This helps date the stones. R is Rodgers Though. Do your home work. When was it named that. The thing to try to date is the Tesora map. Garman clearly stated that map was the Peralta mine location map. There is old mines in that area. Plus silver and gold. I've dug it up in various locations. So you can't say no one has found anything with the maps.
Oh! The Masons, American, Canadian or Mexican have nothing to do with the stone tablets. The stone tablets are a creation of Tumlinson. The Tesora map is not. Same information to a point.
Now I know this will go over some of your heads. But remember the Gagne map series show oh so much more that fits some of your areas. (Wayne [emoji7]

Hal and KX,

I am open to any new revelations. You got it, bring it. I'm totally open to your twist on the story. That's what discovery is all about.

What I'm not accepting is,,,,,,"masons did it" without any collaborating evidence. Just a "trust me" statement. That's a very hollow stance and used all too often to stymie opposing views.

Actually it is a twist, but the twist is not mine. The story has been around for a century and I simply kicked the dust off of it. I have always shared the small discoveries that I have made because I believe in an open exchange of information. I don't exclude people from knowledge or use it to promote myself or for financial gain. I also don't use the hard earned discoveries of others to advance a personal agenda nor do I have a circle of groupies that I pander to.

History belongs to those willing to learn it and I have never once asked anyone to take my word for it. Just the opposite in fact. Proof everything you read, everything you are told. I learned that from cactusjumper. Thank you for that lesson Joe.

As you know, I am not looking to make friends here. My goal is to respectfully challenge posts and ideas that I find unsound and to encourage those who are formulating new or somewhat controversial ideas. Those who insult or attack members with snide and rude remarks are the real losers in all this.

I often wonder how people of religious faith can so easily abandoned doctrines that promote tolerance, compassion, and understanding of their fellow man. It's rampant here on TNet and sometimes heart breaking to read.

The article will be made available to those interested but not before it's worthy of reading.

Masonic Lodges in my experience as a Pastmaster do not use the word Cowan. This includes Lodges I've visited in Canada.

According to the Jean-Paul Gagne Jesuit treasure map there are 4 heart areas. The trail maps (Peralta Tesora Mapa) only apply to the Queen Creek N area. The area the Tumlinsons searched. The stones only confuse and everyone gets tied up fighting about who made them and where they apply. Your looking at the wrong thing. Look at the Tesora map. What do the stones have engraved on them the Tesora map does not. In the upper right corner a R. This helps date the stones. R is Rodgers Though. Do your home work. When was it named that. The thing to try to date is the Tesora map. Garman clearly stated that map was the Peralta mine location map. There is old mines in that area. Plus silver and gold. I've dug it up in various locations. So you can't say no one has found anything with the maps.
Oh! The Masons, American, Canadian or Mexican have nothing to do with the stone tablets. The stone tablets are a creation of Tumlinson. The Tesora map is not. Same information to a point.
Now I know this will go over some of your heads. But remember the Gagne map series show oh so much more that fits some of your areas. (Wayne [emoji7]

Finally something intelligent has been posted, thank you Frank.

That's for sure!

We've gone from tree sap to the masons.

Unless Travis was a mason - the peralta's were masons - or the natives were mason's - then the last 5 pages of this thread have been a waste.

Please keep the thread on track. Next people will refer to the maps as The Masonic Maps and that won't help anybody.

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Masonic Lodges in my experience as a Pastmaster do not use the word Cowan. This includes Lodges I've visited in Canada.

According to the Jean-Paul Gagne Jesuit treasure map there are 4 heart areas. The trail maps (Peralta Tesora Mapa) only apply to the Queen Creek N area. The area the Tumlinsons searched. The stones only confuse and everyone gets tied up fighting about who made them and where they apply. Your looking at the wrong thing. Look at the Tesora map. What do the stones have engraved on them the Tesora map does not. In the upper right corner a R. This helps date the stones. R is Rodgers Though. Do your home work. When was it named that. The thing to try to date is the Tesora map. Garman clearly stated that map was the Peralta mine location map. There is old mines in that area. Plus silver and gold. I've dug it up in various locations. So you can't say no one has found anything with the maps.
Oh! The Masons, American, Canadian or Mexican have nothing to do with the stone tablets. The stone tablets are a creation of Tumlinson. The Tesora map is not. Same information to a point.
Now I know this will go over some of your heads. But remember the Gagne map series show oh so much more that fits some of your areas. (Wayne [emoji7]

Actually, that was a great post Frank and I am happy that you are once again open to conversations that include the Masons. Your experience and understanding of Freemasonry will help keep things balanced and honest. Yes, Cowan is an obsolete term as is Drydyker. They are however beautiful words and their histories fascinating.

Frank, the mistake in your post was the comment about Masons not being involved. Either you have not dug deep enough or you are Hassayampaing us. The Tumlinson clan and the evolution of Freemasonry in Texas are inseparable. You must know that.

My article is just another in a long list of strange stories, but for those who are independent thinkers, a new perspective can be gained.

Or not.

Honestly, my only fear is one shared by Tom Kollenborn. If the maps prove to be authentic, they will be confiscated under the antiquities laws and removed to Washington.

We can't let that happen.

Thanks Bob
All the collectors have some of the same information plus a few things others do not. When you look over these private collections things catch your eye. Things that tie into other things from a different collection. When combined things come together. I've always said treasure hunting is 99% research. I've always enjoyed research and putting the pieces together. Unlike others I share with my friends personally and here on Tnet. Now that Ryan and I are making videos some of this stuff will be on video for all that have a interest to see. Too many go to their grave withholding information. I don't understand that. What clouds these issues are those that resent this information being passed on. They do their best to distract and high jack. A example is someone with a Indian bloodline trying to protect their conceived heritage. I hope this is not the case with H.

That's for sure!

We've gone from tree sap to the masons.

Unless Travis was a mason - the peralta's were masons - or the natives were mason's - then the last 5 pages of this thread has been a waste.

Please keep the thread on track. Next people will refer to the maps as The Masonic Maps and that won't help anybody.
Had you spent more time doing your own research, and digging deeper into history, Video6 could have been so much more. A great video perhaps as opposed to just a decent enough one.

On a separate note...
When Oroblanco announced that he was stepping away, you used the "like" option. Then, suddenly it was gone. Was that a change of heart or something more?

Had you spent more time doing your own research, and digging deeper into history, Video6 could have been so much more. A great video perhaps as opposed to just a decent enough one.

On a separate note...
When Oroblanco announced that he was stepping away, you used the "like" option. Then, suddenly it was gone. Was that a change of heart or something more?

I realize that personal attacks are your forte. But as suggested by many members, I should take your comments with a grain of salt and consider the source.

Video 6 is one of the fastest growing threads in Tnet history (as told to me by one of the mods) - and we are thrilled at what we were able to provide here. We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback.

So much so, a professor from one of the local colleges asked me to come and do a lecture to his students on my research and theory, which I did. Standing ovation when I was done.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you are. You believe in stuff of fairy tales - and that isn't a direction I will ever go. So it doesn't shock me that you didnt like the video - but yet you just love to come here and post.

I will never go down the path that you find interesting - so do yourself a favor and stop watching them. You will be consistently disappointed.

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Thanks Bob
All the collectors have some of the same information plus a few things others do not. When you look over these private collections things catch your eye. Things that tie into other things from a different collection. When combined things come together. I've always said treasure hunting is 99% research. I've always enjoyed research and putting the pieces together. Unlike others I share with my friends personally and here on Tnet. Now that Ryan and I are making videos some of this stuff will be on video for all that have a interest to see. Too many go to their grave withholding information. I don't understand that. What clouds these issues are those that resent this information being passed on. They do their best to distract and high jack. A example is someone with a Indian bloodline trying to protect their conceived heritage. I hope this is not the case with H.
Ug. Go back and read just about everything you have posted in the past. You just described yourself to a T.
In addition to the "like" button, it seems that we now need a "disingenuous" option.

Frank, here is a prediction... you are not going to like my article if you bother reading it.

I realize that personal attacks are your forte. But as suggested by many members, I should take your comments with a grain of salt and consider the source.

Video 6 is one of the fastest growing threads in Tnet history (as told to me by one of the mods) - and we are thrilled at what we were able to provide here. We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback.

So much so, a professor from one of the local colleges asked me to come and do a lecture to his students on my research and theory, which I did. Standing ovation when I was done.

Everyone is untitled to their opinion, as you are. You believe in stuff of fairy tales - and that isn't a direction I will ever go. So it doesn't shock me that you didnt like the video - but yet you just love to come here and post.

I will never go down the path that you find interesting - so do yourself a favor and stop watching them. You will be consistently disappointed.

Congratulations on giving a lecture I for one would have liked to been there. That just goes to show you have a good talent, do good sound research and people are recognizing for doing it, bravo.

Congratulations on giving a lecture I for one would have liked to been there. That just goes to show you have a good talent, do good sound research and people are recognizing for doing it, bravo.

Haha thanks LVB - it was fun! Public speaking always makes me a bit nervous! I've been invited to come back and talk again - so when I do - I'll make sure to send you a PM with the location.

I realize that personal attacks are your forte. But as suggested by many members, I should take your comments with a grain of salt and consider the source.

Video 6 is one of the fastest growing threads in Tnet history (as told to me by one of the mods) - and we are thrilled at what we were able to provide here. We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback.

So much so, a professor from one of the local colleges asked me to come and do a lecture to his students on my research and theory, which I did. Standing ovation when I was done.

Everyone is untitled to their opinion, as you are. You believe in stuff of fairy tales - and that isn't a direction I will ever go. So it doesn't shock me that you didnt like the video - but yet you just love to come here and post.

I will never go down the path that you find interesting - so do yourself a favor and stop watching them. You will be consistently disappointed.

Why is everyone untitled to their opinion?

Yes, I understand that you are only interested in superficial ideas, monetary gain, and promoting yourself among the uninformed. That is your journey but for the true researchers and stone map enthusiast, your understanding of history and all things stone map related is woefully limited. For you not to know about the Tumlinson-Freemasonry connection is just embarrassing.

So in one swoop you continue the personal attacks towards me - and have in the same breath called the folks that enjoy our videos uneducated.


Perhaps it's time for a moderator to step in. History shows, they only do when you start posting.

So in one swoop you continue the personal attacks towards me - and have in the same breath called the folks that enjoy our videos uneducated.


Perhaps it's time for a moderator to step in. History shows, they only do when you start posting.

I am simply being honest and responding to your posts which are purely antagonistic and unsolicited like your PM's. Would you be ok with me posting a few of your PM's? It might help other members in understanding your motivation.

But if you must, go ahead and ask the moderators to step in. They must be use to hearing from you by now.

If you are going to quote someone, do it accurately. The word was uninformed and those who believe you without first checking everything you say are indeed uninformed.

Why don't you just ignore my posts like you have pledge to do many, many, times now?

Why is everyone untitled to their opinion?

You mean unentitled don't you?


Have you ever strained your arm patting yourself on the back? That is a lot of ego to try and reach around.

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Haha thanks LVB - it was fun! Public speaking always makes me a bit nervous! I've been invited to come back and talk again - so when I do - I'll make sure to send you a PM with the location.

Make that 2 pm's Ryan.
Very very cool to lecture about this whole research project.
I learn something new about these discoveries every day because of your Video Threads.
I initially joined TNet to learn the how to's in metal detecting. I learned a ton of knowledge, and continue to learn everyday.
One thing that has been constant since my embarkation of Discovery, is research. Research. And More RESEARCH!
Being entrenched in your Video and development has not only given me hours of research ideas, but some humor as well! Lol
I am proud to be a follower of your work and will continue to do so, as will I continue to Ask questions and offer the knowledge that I have researched.
What you and Frank are doing is a great offering to all of us here on TNet as well as those that just Google the Peralta Stone Maps as this dedication that you have so passionately embraced is one of the top 3 search sites! Congrats on that!!!
I look forward to Video 7, and await every twist and turn you bring to the forefront of this fascinating Legend!


I realize that personal attacks are your forte. But as suggested by many members, I should take your comments with a grain of salt and consider the source.

Video 6 is one of the fastest growing threads in Tnet history (as told to me by one of the mods) - and we are thrilled at what we were able to provide here. We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback.

So much so, a professor from one of the local colleges asked me to come and do a lecture to his students on my research and theory, which I did. Standing ovation when I was done.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you are. You believe in stuff of fairy tales - and that isn't a direction I will ever go. So it doesn't shock me that you didnt like the video - but yet you just love to come here and post.

I will never go down the path that you find interesting - so do yourself a favor and stop watching them. You will be consistently disappointed.

Ryan, Hal's post is not a personal attack, it is a critique of your video is all, he has not violated any rules in his comments by saying it could have been better.

On another note you say "Video 6 is one of the fastest growing threads in Tnet history (as told to me by one of the mods)". Just who is the "mod" that told you this since neither Jeff, TennesseeMountains or myself said that.

It is not one of the fastest growing threads by any means.

You mean unentitled don't you?


Have you ever strained your arm patting yourself on the back? That is a lot of ego to try and reach around.
No, I was quoting Ryan verbatim.
Of course patting ones self on the back is nearly impossible. I find it easier to pat the head and leave the reach around to the professionals.

Ryan, Hal's post is not a personal attack, it is a critique of your video is all, he has not violated any rules in his comments by saying it could have been better.

On another note you say "Video 6 is one of the fastest growing threads in Tnet history (as told to me by one of the mods)". Just who is the "mod" that told you this since neither Jeff, TennesseeMountains or myself said that.

It is not one of the fastest growing threads by any means.

Happy to send you the email I received.

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