I think it is time for a different approach.

Read everything on the net and in print related to death traps. That is called "Doing your homework". Research is the key to anything in treasure hunting.

Then realize there is more that is not known. Do I have diagrams that are not in print? Yes. Do I feel the need to release them? No way. I don't have an ego to defend here. I do not give a cra* what any of you think of me. If you want diagrams of what I have and more,go bribe someone in Spain or Mexico. Why would I care if you go and get yourself killed?

Why haven't all of the so called experts shared there experiences with death traps? I will tell you why either they are sealed in a cave,under a rock or they successfully retrieved the treasure. I got lucky 4 times. All 4 times I bit off more than I could chew and resulted in financial devastation. All for what? Making greed the most important thing in my life.

Why cant I help someone by email? Because I don't know all the factors. I am not there.

You will die in a death trap situation if you do it alone.

You will die in a death trap situation if you don't have financial resources. You better be in the best shape possible with a team of people that you trust with your life.

You people don't get it. If you have to risk your life for treasure you will likely die.
Email or pm if you have real concerns.


Ericwt, I wouldn't be so quick to judge the conversation here just yet. I think the guys have posted in sincerity and are just having a casual conversation about the Traps. I think everyone respects your opinion and values your experience. I think everyone here is in the process of reading and looking up leads and info on the net and elsewhere. Why else would they be here. I don't think anyone expects you to teach a class here but does value any input you have. You are far more knowledgable than most here and you should realize that.
Hey if someone is going to get killed out hunting for a Treasure then so be it. Don't let it weigh on your conscience. Were all big boys and let the chips fall where they will. You cant expect every one to have your experiences unless they have lived it. Treasure hunting for the most part is the school of hard knocks. If we could all go to school to find them all then they would all be found by now. research is key to any hunt, but experience is the true teacher. Just Relax and enjoy the thread. We don't and may never have your knowledge but if it's not something you love then you wouldn't have done it. Greed is Bad, Its a human trait though to Protect what you have and to seek what you don't. Trust is earned like respect and we must all work toward these goals if anyone is to survive.

JACKO ,I have a stupid question. If the top picture shows the v shaped area with the two small rocks holding the 40 ton boulder how did they set it to start with. Wa the formatin and debris already there and they just removed enough debris to make it so the next amount of rock removed would trigger it or is the theory that they placed the triggers and then put more debris with them. als they couldnt of pladced the 40 ton boulder so it must be one or the other. is this correct or am I way off.( wouldnt be the first time.)

Floater--The Spaniards had the best archetects (sp) and engineers in the world. From what I have heard, there is nothing they couldn't do that today's Arch./Eng. can do.

Go to the thread called Spanish Markers. take a look at the 4 th picture down. It is the front of cave. See the Skull, it is not connected to any thign all the way around it is a shadow. Notice the small rocks wedged in under the right eye as your looking at it. NOT MUCH holding it here either. NOw as you go up all the rocks that are on top of Skull were placed the and notice the crack top left under big square boulder. Ok If skull goes so do all these. the Top whit square boulder, I mean square is about 10 feet long and makes up the right side of the cross. the cross is about 50 ft. tall. Yes they placed the skull and every rock here.

So, agian I can't explain how they did it, hell I'd have to be there. How they do all those face carvings in the picture???
How'd they do things is out of the question cause no-one today probably knows how they accomplished what they did.


Interesting photos. Although I have already explained a few photos does not cut it for me. It is hard for me to tell how many tons something is from a photo.

If it is a larger mine entrance there are a few options. They either require lots of money or "Balls of Steel".

If it is a smaller entrance there are other options.
I don't mind sharing what I know. I have to be approached in the right manner.Don't expect me to just give out all my secrets in a public forum. Ask in the right way and if you prove to me you are not some idiot that thinks he is going to find the holy grail on the weekend. If you are for real I will tell you what I know.


Thanks Jacko. I can only imagine with out actually being there.. Have you found any vents above this area and if I remember correctly Eric had suggested looking about 20 metes back from the entrance and above. Does your debris area go this far or is the elavattion higher . In other words is the cave entrance on the side of the hill at the top or midway . Also if its no to much what is the elevation from the surrounding area?

floater one thing about the spanish he is rightabout ?the spanish moved rocks that are unbelievably large ?I had this conversation with a gentleman a couple of months ago, some of the spanish turtles on mountain tops are enormous, and trust me they didnt grow on a ridge by themselves,especialy with no other rocks around the area, the only thisg i can think of is they used big mule packs and log rollers or something to move big stone, or as in the case of some death traps these are natural stones near by that were dug out an incorperated into the treasure protection, they still need to have triggers and ways to make them move which i am not seeing in these photos, eric is so smart he should help jacko out a little here before the poor guy gets hurt, personally i still dont see the trap and think paranoia is getting the best of ya, and like eric said most he has seen dont have traps,eric please enlighten us if you see a death trap in jackos pics, i dont see it personally and i usually can pic these things out being a trapper, so ?if you see it eric help him out :o

also you need to find what ever it is thats gonna kick the small stones out! "thats the trigger" or is connectected to the trigger ,so say theres some small stones holding or balancing a large rock, these rocks cannot move by themselves the must be kicked out by something or moved in someway so 1st look for something around the large stone such as a long log like rock or a rock under the small rocks thats also balancing on yet smaller rocks and if stepped on kick out the other rocks, there must always be a way to trigger it as with all traps finding and recognizing how the trigger works will make it so u can disable it, also like a guy earlier said get some rail ties wedge them in, nothings gonna split that rail tie i would think and should be plenty thick for bracing and you can wedge in more rock to brace also, another good thing that may help you can buy those hand held come alongs or hand winches go up above and hook them boulders a few times and tighten up the cable a lil to something very solid use 2 or 3 come alongs i think there rated at a ton so 3 would be 6000 lbs of holding force i dont think its gonna move after that , tie it off in 3 directions or get even 4 to even the tension out worth the 100 bucks it would cost for 4 of them and keep a couple of floor jacks handy too ,tammahawk

ERICWT-- ?I am a little confused Eric. I don't recall asking for any of your secrets ? ?Sure it would be nice, but I am not one of those who ask and no one else should either.
Maybe you haven't read my last couple of post?? I stated that I will not go for this treasure behind the wall. that there is enough treausre near by that I don't need to risk my life for. ?I said All I want is enough to keep the bill collectors away and I canlive nicely without having to worry about money.
I have four areas that I think contain treasure and was digging one but mother nature wasn't helping, so I'll start another.
Your right about the size of boulders, I should have said several tons, but this skull is very big and I was just estimating, to give any idea of how big it really is.
No this entrance is about 7 ft. wide at front and goes down to about 2 ft, then there is about 5 ft in diameter once your actually in cave. the boulders are about 10 ft. tall. Can't see straight up without going in to danger area, if it is a death trap.
I am for REAL ?!!! I don't know how to prove to you I am not some idiot, unless I go and blow this cave apart, then I would be an idiot. I think there might be and entrance to the left of cave from the outside, I have looked too hard there either cause there's lose boulders here also.
The way your writting you sound mad at me?? Just what have I done to PI@@ you off.
I only posted these pictures to try and help some of these people see and understand how serious and deadly this hobbie can be.
Sorry if I offended you, I'll stop posting pictures and leave this treasure forum.

? Jacko P.S. I never asked you anything about my photo's. P.S. Why do you assume someone is an idiot, when you don't even know me? You've lost my respect Mr. Pro !

Floater and Tammahawk-- I have stated many a time I am not going in any cave for treasure!!!!!!!! It's not worth it. Now that's said for some reason, others think I am trying to get there secrects, co I won't be posting or showing any more pictures on this forum.

? GOOD BYE P.S. tomorrow, when I have more time, I'll be deleting ALL my post and pictures I have Placed on this forum !!!!

? ?Jacko

those treasure traps are for real.I have come across several in port phillip bay Melbourne Australia.
By the way, is there anyone interested who is a melbournite who is reading this post and is interested in a real live treasure trove hunt?? and has the time. I have plenty of jesuit targets here on mornington peninsular
PLease use the treasurenet answereing service or maybe someone from the states who is doing a bit of a wander.

JACKO: You haven't offended me. I just don't know all the factors and if I post wrong information based on your photos,and you or more importantly someone else reading this thread blindly thinks I can tell them the answers and guarantee success from a distance is more loony than I am.

I believe that this situation with the mine looks suspicious. But there are more factors involved here

I hope you don't take the photos down. Next time I go to Mexico I am going to take photos. You can bet I will post them here.

I am not trying to annoy people.

I apologize


ERICWT-- I am sorry, I have thin skin when it comes to being called an idiot or any other name. I am not the one who asked about how far up is the pozo or how do you do this or that. If we were in the field together, yes I'd ask your advice on things I wasn't sure of, but not on the forum. Too many IDIOTS are just lurking around may, try some of this ideas and if they get hurt, guess who they are going to blame? I don't want to know How to trip this if it is a death trap, or find a pozo and climb down in. So, I never asked cause if I had and got crazy I might want to try it and die. So what I don't know, as far as these are concerned isn't going to hurt me.
I NEVER asked you to take a look at the pictures for any reason, or give any info about them. I have a PRO from Cal. (that has worked with Mr. Kenworthy) that he's going to look at the pictures and tell me what he sees in the signs and symbols. No advice on how to get killed.
I never asked you to guarentee anything. How can some one guarentee that dig here, you'll find treasure. Someone may have already been there.
I have other pictures of the cave and different but thought those were the best.
In my other post I thinkI poted a pic of another death trap with a long rock beam sticking out, If I wnated to trip this trap Icould but there are tons, and tons of rocks and boulders behind it and to the side.
I think I have said enough. Re read all the post (page 2) and you'll see that I am not the one whom your looking for.


Jacko, no reason to defend yourself..........

You have done nothing wrong in posting the photos.? Unfortunately, there will always be someone that will consider themselves to be a "legend in their own mind" and will be critical of others...rude, "know it all" type person that does not know what it is like to display good manners.? Jacko, keep posting the photos and enjoying yourself.? Kelley (Texas) :)

Here's a picture I jsut found, while looking for another one that issimilar to the one on Kryder forum. It must have gotten lost when my computer crashed.
Any way--- In the center of phot there is a body and head. No arms just the shoulders. On each side it is notched, can't tell if it's a warning sign or not. But this area is very bad as there are lots of lose rocks from carvings which makes it slippery. Either on Kryder or the THU, there is a death trap with similar picture.

?Jacko ?P.S. This is my opinion only, not asking for advice. ?After I find the small easy stuff (if I ever do), then I'll come back to the ones that aren't in caves and I can plan for safety, and have others with me, hope nothing goes wrong.


I truly enjoy seeing all the pictures you have posted. Some I don't have the vision to see what you see....but others I do. Never-the-less I do hope that you will keep posting them as I don't live in the west and I count it as a learning experience each time I see every new picture you post.
Nana ;)

JACKO said:
ERICWT-- I am sorry, I have thin skin when it comes to being called an idiot or any other name. I am not the one who asked about how far up is the pozo or how do you do this or that. If we were in the field together, yes I'd ask your advice on things I wasn't sure of, but not on the forum. Too many IDIOTS are just lurking around may, try some of this ideas and if they get hurt, guess who they are going to blame? I don't want to know How to trip this if it is a death trap, or find a pozo and climb down in. So, I never asked cause if I had and got crazy I might want to try it and die. So what I don't know, as far as these are concerned isn't going to hurt me.
I NEVER asked you to take a look at the pictures for any reason, or give any info about them. I have a PRO from Cal. (that has worked with Mr. Kenworthy) that he's going to look at the pictures and tell me what he sees in the signs and symbols. No advice on how to get killed.
I never asked you to guarentee anything. How can some one guarentee that dig here, you'll find treasure. Someone may have already been there.
I have other pictures of the cave and different but thought those were the best.
In my other post I thinkI poted a pic of another death trap with a long rock beam sticking out, If I wnated to trip this trap Icould but there are tons, and tons of rocks and boulders behind it and to the side.
I think I have said enough. Re read all the post (page 2) and you'll see that I am not the one whom your looking for.

? Jacko
Thats it Im done with you all, weisenheimers, trying to help and ya gonna back slice, up urs dont bother me anymore, and eric like ur info was any help, should call y'all the hidden information commitee, i thought forums were for sharing ideas and theories, to further us all and if thats not why your here then dont post,then what do ya need to post for? certainly if not to share then what for?, so far all i met are J A's? on these sights except for a few, boy its like anything else gotta pick thru the weeds, so all becareful who ya talk to or try to help,after a day in the field they all turn pro and we'll all be idiots in comparison ,please get a life gentlemen I wasnt born yesterday and ill probably forget more than either of you will ever know about traps, just because the ones i know about arent for humans does not mean they are not similar in comparison, 30 years trapping how about ya'll?, what i thought! peace figure it out yourself >:(

Tammahawk-- Sorry you took things wrong. When I said the ones LURKING (people who never post) reading and taking info, then going out and trying somethings, and getting hurt. THERE IS NO STPUPID QUESTION WHEN IT COMES TO THIS !! The only stupid question is the one someone doesn't ask. I don't think any one (me I guess) is back slicing you. You have some good ideas, although being by myself, I'll never try them.

So, LET"S ALL BE NICE !! Let's keep helping others out, without all this, critizisum toward another.

I thought I had a short fuse-- JOKING JOKING


I have made clear that I don't have all the answers. I also shouldn't have to worry about offending others for sharing my thoughts. The forum allows me to answer questions that I get barraged with in my email. Rather than repeat myself to everyone I post here.

Good luck kiddos. I wont waist my time here anymore.


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