still fussin.........goof grief ;D ;D ;D
I like everyones posts
even yours Jacko
cant see what you see sometimes
but you keep me lookin ;D
keepon a postin
I'll keepon a lookin :D
been workin on my mother inlaws house all weekend :(
its nice to take a break an read your posts 8)

I don't know what i am doing wrong? Unless I direct the quesion or responce to someone directly, I am talking to anyone.

I go for a few days and people are going on about photo shop and such. If a photo is real or not. No one can know if a photo is real unless they took it.

I have had people email me photos of movie set mountains and ask me if it is a death trap. Everything i post is under public scrutiny. If I fail to communicate right I get emails saying I am a lier.

Death traps are real. This I know. Speculating from a photo is hard.

I am tired of angering people for speaking what is on my mind.

I have admitted being a 4 time failure with death traps. Do you think I get a sense of self importance from my own blatant failures?
Do you think i am proud about this? Or maybe I learned something important,that I thought needed to be shared.

My posts are directed at all.
I am just tired of apologizing for something that I clearly did not mean to convey.


Well then Eric, Don't Apologize.

You Should Know Me Very Well by now.
IF I see something Out of Line, it Disappears ;D

as far as answering E-mails & PMs thats completely up to you.
If you don't want E-mails or P.M.'s. Feel Free to announce it here
Just Know your Posts are appreciated.

Those Who Don't want to hear from you, know how to Scroll past your posts , Right ? ;D

Jeff of Pa: Fair enough.

JACKO: The two photos of yours do look like a boulder trap. I can only guess the trap is triggered somewhere on the sides. Can not tell though a photo.

You are correct a several ton boulder does not place itself there on its own. A team of Spanish solders with unlimited expendable Indian labor can do wonders. I think you are right on the money. Look for caches in the area.


Guys-- Glad to see we're on the right track again, I promise not to take things so serious.

I know it's hard to tell from photo's exactly what is there, or how big something really is. the cave entrance looks a lot bigger than it really is. ON THU one of his drawings shows a box in front of a wall. Well, this one has a heart shaped rock in front of two large boulders and above them is a princess, who doesn't look like she'd hurt anyone.
After looking at my pictures closer the wall to the left had a knife or digger and there is another area with a big fish head near ceiling right next to the "V" shaped rock that after changing colors on picture look like it may come out.

I'll post another picture of stacked rocks lots of them in a circle. NOw from what I under stand the spanish didn't stack rocks only Mexican's. Let me know if I am wrong. I'll be right back with the picture.



Enough of this bickering about death traps.

I will give you all a question and need to know your best answer.

If the people that buried the treasure went thru all the trouble of digging the tunnels/shafts etc. and the airshafts, to hide their treasure, mark the airshaft (pozo) locations also? It would seem to me that any effort by the owners of the hidden treasure should/could/would also indicate the locations of the airshafts to allow the recovery crews to locate them and open these airshafts at a future time. Without this valuable information future recoveries would likely be impossible.

Has any work been done on this issue? I think any research in this area is just as important as locating the entrance and reading the death trap signals. If the airshafts could be located, an unprotected entrance to the tunnels below the ground maybe beneficial.

Just a thought. How about your thoughts on this subject -


Air shafts may not be too hard to locate with smoke grenades (I know, gunpowder traps) or even the aimshot heat sensors.

Seems to me these traps would have a way to get around/in without triggering.

How would they come back and get the booty?
Also, I suppose the warnings are for fellow Spaniards only?
Did they assume Indians or whoever didn't get the cryptic msgs, plundered in and died?

The very sign of this would force me to never give up on the area!

I am anxious to get back to a recent cave'd in opening opening as now I believe such a warning was outside. It just strikes me odd. I was going at dark to avoid some nasty bees but now perhaps a smoker would serve two purposes.

BTW tommahawk Some of the best years of my life included trapping. I grew uo in western New York trapping thirty years ago, and twice ran long lines in Upper Michigan. I pretty much came up in the steel coniber age but used pitfalls, lots of snares and self contained log/lid deadfalls.

tammahawk said:
JACKO said:
ERICWT-- I am sorry, I have thin skin when it comes to being called an idiot or any other name. I am not the one who asked about how far up is the pozo or how do you do this or that. If we were in the field together, yes I'd ask your advice on things I wasn't sure of, but not on the forum. Too many IDIOTS are just lurking around may, try some of this ideas and if they get hurt, guess who they are going to blame? I don't want to know How to trip this if it is a death trap, or find a pozo and climb down in. So, I never asked cause if I had and got crazy I might want to try it and die. So what I don't know, as far as these are concerned isn't going to hurt me.
I NEVER asked you to take a look at the pictures for any reason, or give any info about them. I have a PRO from Cal. (that has worked with Mr. Kenworthy) that he's going to look at the pictures and tell me what he sees in the signs and symbols. No advice on how to get killed.
I never asked you to guarentee anything. How can some one guarentee that dig here, you'll find treasure. Someone may have already been there.
I have other pictures of the cave and different but thought those were the best.
In my other post I thinkI poted a pic of another death trap with a long rock beam sticking out, If I wnated to trip this trap Icould but there are tons, and tons of rocks and boulders behind it and to the side.
I think I have said enough. Re read all the post (page 2) and you'll see that I am not the one whom your looking for.

? Jacko
Thats it Im done with you all, weisenheimers, trying to help and ya gonna back slice, up urs dont bother me anymore, and eric like ur info was any help, should call y'all the hidden information commitee, i thought forums were for sharing ideas and theories, to further us all and if thats not why your here then dont post,then what do ya need to post for? certainly if not to share then what for?, so far all i met are J A's? on these sights except for a few, boy its like anything else gotta pick thru the weeds, so all becareful who ya talk to or try to help,after a day in the field they all turn pro and we'll all be idiots in comparison ,please get a life gentlemen I wasnt born yesterday and ill probably forget more than either of you will ever know about traps, just because the ones i know about arent for humans does not mean they are not similar in comparison, 30 years trapping how about ya'll?, what i thought! peace figure it out yourself >:(
" I am not the one who asked about how far up is the pozo or how do you do this or that". thats what im talkin about, you said that jacko ,when i refered to as back sliced,what that was dumb of me to ask or something?, i didnt think so and i dont think so still, and if someone could send me some real pics of these traps i may be able to devise ways to disable them, but no one sends in a real pic of one "why i dont know?" they got some stupid idea that that info is worth something monitary, its worth nothing in that sense, is a valuable thing for new guys, so they dont "DIE" geeze i wouldnt want you to share something that could save someones LIFE, some people just kill me, well anyway guys when i gather up enough about these traps I will be happy to make some posts, and share with you all, heck maybee ill save one of your lives and your mom will see you at xmas, what a thought,hehe peace all tammahawk

This is what you should be able to do with a few quick strokes Jacko. Hope this helps.


  • jacko.webp
    66.6 KB · Views: 903
Floater-- I'll have to try tomorrow, as it's night night time for me.
Do I have to make a copy first then draw on it then post the copy???


JACKO said:
Floater-- I'll have to try tomorrow, as it's night night time for me.
Do I have to make a copy first then draw on it then post the copy???

? Jacko

I think he suggests making a copy so you don't ruin your original photo with all the markings you MAY put on it using paint... Sooo you make the copy, mess it all up..oopsy...wait, no big deal you still got the original ;D

By the way i'm one of those lurkers thats lovin the thread guys..... I'm in oregon here so i'm not even sure if we've got this kinda stuff around here, not that i'd time for it anyway, with the job and school and all.... ;D ;D ;D

tommyk73 said:
JACKO said:
Floater-- I'll have to try tomorrow, as it's night night time for me.
Do I have to make a copy first then draw on it then post the copy???

? Jacko

I think he suggests making a copy so you don't ruin your original photo with all the markings you MAY put on it using paint... Sooo you make the copy, mess it all up..oopsy...wait, no big deal you still got the original ;D

By the way i'm one of those lurkers thats lovin the thread guys..... I'm in oregon here so i'm not even sure if we've got this kinda stuff around here, not that i'd time for it anyway, with the job and school and all.... ;D ;D ;D
im not positive but I am pretty sure the spanish mined all the way up thru oregon, i am helping on a dig in wyoming now they traveled pretty far north, I would look for places with mineral then look for tree carvings and cliff carvings in the rock, look for unusual stones on hill tops or ridges,you may find ones that look like big turtles,look for anything that dont look natural basically, have fun look around i would!

Your The Man Jacko.
Now you can really pinpoint those photos with descriptions.
That made all the difference in the world. Sometimes you see things which at best are abstract to the rest of us.I can now see the angel.If you do go back and mark the rest of them just click on you original mesage and modify them, then just post the new pic. should be easier. also if you do do that you should modify and save them all first so when you go to modify the post you can already have it done and just insert the new file. Way to go.

Hey guys went and looked to see what was there about my styles of trapping and i found a buncha old diagrams for deadfalls, i will post some of them for you, maybee it will show ya how some of the bigger ones work,or show you in thery how they can work! oh and i found a video too for yall on a basic lil survival deadfall its a pretty neat lil trap the address for the video is? ? ?and i will post some variations of some deadfalls used for animal traps,but the theory for humans is probably similar, look and see how these are triggered!? ? ?


  • balacetrap.webp
    17.8 KB · Views: 822
  • deadfalltrap.webp
    10.6 KB · Views: 819
JACKO said:
HH-- Thank's I did a couple now going back and do the rest.

? I think everyone will see what I am talking about now!!!

Also, here's one that make a ggod picture to hang on the wall.

? It's a horse/ man face depending on how the photo is taken I have both views.

? Jacko
Hooray jacko you learned how to use paint, see it was easy!

JACKO said:
Here's a picture of an arrow type rock that is jagged on one side. I had to draw it cause I lost these picture when fixing it. this arrow pointed to a brushy area like Capt Bill described, thorny.

the drawing above it was near by, so it might be the trap. It is very tall and wide, sticks out like a sore thumb. You can see this warning sign on Kryder Exploration, until I get back up till hill and get more pictures.

I posted a picture on markers/ signs of an area I will be digging, and it's not a death trap.

? ? ?Jacko? P.S. Don't know if there is treasure at this spot but, if I don't dig I won't

? I posted wrong picture here's the correct one
I recognize that symbol jacko from some where that jagged arrow head is very familier,what state are you in?,tammahawk

Tammahawk, ARIZONA-- Lived here now 12 years.

I have finished all the photo's at least on page 2 and 3, so everyone can see what I am seeing??? Hope anyway-- Go back and let me know what ya think.


JACKO said:
Those are pretty neat Tammahawk.

Floater here's the picture of the one you drew on. It's not a treasure trap but, I think there is treasure here.

a lot of that stuff is too far away from camera still to see it, i believe you when you say its there you need to do better close ups of your shots, you going for the photo to get all you can in one shot and its not workin ,you need to photo each symbol close up, the one line you have that says stairs , does not look like stairs but it does look like a wall was there or something man made there in the ground, cause its to straight to be natural

JACKO said:
Treasure trap that'll seal your tomb--- Don't know if I posted this before or not.
This is a real death trap !!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice the rocks on the bottom. the one next to the large boulder is a heart with the left lobe cut off. I believe it what starts things in motion. the other two rocks if you notice form an "L" like they are resting along the outer edge of trap door, balancing the heart. If I should go to the boulder to read it, My weight would set off the trap and there probably is a hole some 20-30 feet deep. then the boulder comes down and covers hole and the boulder on top will just fall and had more weight to lid of coffin.
Now sometimes the heart points to the safe route, I don't think so in this case, you'll see in the next picture. Notice the triangle hole to the left??
i do see this crack you are talkin about now interesting hmmm,

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