JACKO said:
This is the triangle hole--- the ground looks to be lower about 5 ft. back, there is a very unhappy face at that point. there are stones place just above this. the ground looks darker also at the face. this hole is big enough for me, I weight 160 lbs. and 5'5" tall.
There are no foot prints of any animal in this cave, which tells me it's a NO NO!!!

? ?Jaclo
on this one it cant be a trigger where crack is its to far back from your drop rocks wouldnt work, but maybee a false spot to make u trip on real one

JACKO said:
Tammahawk-- You said, it would have to be a narrow passage way, in Picture 117, is hows how narrow this is, less than 3 ft. opening here. Look at the shinny part of rock to the right. See the heart?? The tip of it is seperated, meaning death. You said (refering to the triangle crawl space) there is a rock pointing to the right and the big rock didn't look movable. Your right about the big rocks to the right. but that rock pointing to the right may only be hel up by a small stone and if touched could fall and bring down the others above.
Now the big rock in 1st picture--- You said you don't see caliche, who says you have to see it. that dust could have blown in over the years, or placed on top. Besides this the floor cracks would only have caliche in them. NOW take a close look at the right wall (in 1 st. picture) and the floor, where they meet see that black line??? That tells me the floor and wall are not conected. Also, all along the edge of this boulder and the one on top are not connected to wall or floor, you cansee the black shadow going around them. this picture # 773 shows the second boulder and the prince on top (you can't see) Notice the far right half way down is a lightning bolt !!!! both these boulders are at least 2 ft. thick.
You also, said to tap the floor to see if it was hollow, well, I am not going to do that, if I hit too hard or cause too much dust then I might be in trouble.

If I set this trap off and the side of mountain didn't come down, I'd still have 2-3 more traps to go threw, plus what bad air might be eclosed behind those boulders.

? ?Jacko
in 773 i see the trap i think, see where you have that big rock in background where you says rocks not attached that rock just slightly to left is the drop rock i believe and its also a heart with left lobe missing, beware of that rock ,try and figure out whats gonna kick those lil wedge rocks out, but one thing and it would makes sense from what i read death comes from the direction of the death symbol so your lightning bolt is to the right side and the hammer rock is to the right also which would mean our spanish friends marked it correctly tammahawk

JACKO said:
This is the triangle hole--- the ground looks to be lower about 5 ft. back, there is a very unhappy face at that point. there are stones place just above this. the ground looks darker also at the face. this hole is big enough for me, I weight 160 lbs. and 5'5" tall.
There are no foot prints of any animal in this cave, which tells me it's a NO NO!!!

? ?Jaclo
i do see the floor lowered there and you are right to be suspicious on this one, see now that u can use paint its much easier to show someone something!

JACKO said:
Treasure trap that'll seal your tomb--- Don't know if I posted this before or not.
This is a real death trap !!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice the rocks on the bottom. the one next to the large boulder is a heart with the left lobe cut off. I believe it what starts things in motion. the other two rocks if you notice form an "L" like they are resting along the outer edge of trap door, balancing the heart. If I should go to the boulder to read it, My weight would set off the trap and there probably is a hole some 20-30 feet deep. then the boulder comes down and covers hole and the boulder on top will just fall and had more weight to lid of coffin.
Now sometimes the heart points to the safe route, I don't think so in this case, you'll see in the next picture. Notice the triangle hole to the left??
maybee laying plank on this one could help?

?Tammahawk-- When I take pictures my camera is only 120 shots and sometimes it takes two of the same making a lot les photo's. Also, this way when I get home I can see where I want totake a closer shot. Now the white spot of the rock wasn't showing any signs in the sunlight, until I got home.
I called them steps, just sounded better. Really it should be a walk way. Kinda neat.

At the drop off if you noticed it looks more dirt than rocky, which worries me.

? ?P.S. I got to get to work in the yard or woman will kill

?You caught me before I could get off-- Ok here's my theroy, When the two larger boulders fall the one on top will hit the back side of the "V" where two small rocks hold it in place. the "V" rock sticks out few inches farther in cave toward boulders.



JACKO said:
?Tammahawk-- When I take pictures my camera is only 120 shots and sometimes it takes two of the same making a lot les photo's. Also, this way when I get home I can see where I want totake a closer shot. Now the white spot of the rock wasn't showing any signs in the sunlight, until I got home.
I called them steps, just sounded better. Really it should be a walk way. Kinda neat.

At the drop off if you noticed it looks more dirt than rocky, which worries me.

? ?P.S. I got to get to work in the yard or woman will kill

?You caught me before I could get off-- Ok here's my theroy, When the two larger boulders fall the one on top will hit the back side of the "V" where two small rocks hold it in place. the "V" rock sticks out few inches farther in cave toward boulders.


Jacko that one image you lost with the jagged arrow can you get a real good shot of that one again? tammahawk

JACKO said:
Those are pretty neat Tammahawk.

Floater here's the picture of the one you drew on. It's not a treasure trap but, I think there is treasure here.

one thing that weird about this photo, the black dirt nowhere else in photo isnt this black soil weird why just there?

JACKO said:
Those are pretty neat Tammahawk.

Floater here's the picture of the one you drew on. It's not a treasure trap but, I think there is treasure here.

i would dig here ,my friend says in wyoming you can tell when something been previously dug even if it 100 years ago he says the soil never matches again once its been dug! and this one definatly dont match theres something here for sure, i would think, look at that soil then surrounding soil no match,take ur time diigin still use some caution, u got a metal dtector shoot it see if you get a reading, i have been reading last few days that arizona has very mineralized soil and a special metal detector may be needed, i think garret has one for heavy mineralized soils, tammahawk

The one thing I noticed also about the picture with the steps is if you look at the original one you posted my eye caught the fact that all the stones seemed to be placed on the upper section and the part you refer to as the steps was a different color and probably done on purpose so it is the steps or is an arrow or direction marker leading me to believe that the rest of the marks combined tell the story of what direction to go or to verify that this is a marker to keep you on the right track. very interesting indeed. I haven't gone back to the other photos yet but will tonight . From what i do understand is that a lot of the directional signs to show that they were on the right course to recovery was that they could be seen from some distance and these types of marks weren't the location but just another verification that you were on course to recover the kings treasures.Nice work Jacko.

This is what I thought you were talkin about Jacko, in this picture. It reminds me of a woman with a neck, but no head.... And as always THANKS!!! ;D


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Floater--- I have pictures of those trailmarkers.monuments that lead you to the site and can be seen fo several miles. Now that picture with the walkway is not in plain site. I can't see the picture now but, there is a marking on the walkway that points to the "T" if I am correct I'll have to find it later.


Jacko If you moved the smaller stone of the heart in the no no picture then the larger stone and the 40 ton boulder on top would come crashing down. what is below this are and if this happened would this then make the entrance more visible and safer to enter or is this not what you would do.Just curiuos and if you could would you.

Jacko, is that a turtle between the two rocks you have circled, sitting on the "no no" rock facing the other cracked rock that you have circled?? Kelley (Texas) :)

Yeah Jacko! You've learned how to use paint! Makes those illusive symbols and signs come alive for the rest of us! No wonder you been trying to explain so persistently for everyone to see what you see! Those are really great!
Nana :)

Hey Guy's I can't get pictures today. The wind blow sometimes over 40 miles an hour here from Mar. threw April and lsat night it bloow lots of shinkgles off and I have to fix it before another comes. Hopefully tomorrow


Whats happening there Jacko. Those Chinook winds giving you a little blow. Take care of the house the rest can wait.I have to study some more and see if I can get these images to make some sense. I love this stuff.

Here's a death trap I posted before but, no paint. this will explain the trap.

The long arm is like a bench/seat has been cut nice and smooth and even a dip for your tooshie. Small rocks blalance the "V" shaped under seat. the darker rock holds bottom from sliding.
These rocks are estimated to be stacked twenty feet back, a good 12 ft. high.


Jacko the middle picture w/the seat is interesting Now if i understand this all the pi cture are of the same formation just a different angle and the overall from below. Is the heart actually carved in or is it natural . And do you see any Lightning bolts here at this site.


  • rock.webp
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Floater--- this is all the same rock different angles and the heart was chisled out one layer thick. I'll check the rock your talking about, be back in a short short. I have not looked for a lightning bolt cause this alone was too fasinating.


Floater-- the area you maked is not a sperate rock, take a look again at first picture. Also, I colored what I call the kings crown. And the big boulder to right is marked don't know how it will fall, if it does.


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