Tammahawk-- You said, it would have to be a narrow passage way, in Picture 117, is hows how narrow this is, less than 3 ft. opening here. Look at the shinny part of rock to the right. See the heart?? The tip of it is seperated, meaning death. You said (refering to the triangle crawl space) there is a rock pointing to the right and the big rock didn't look movable. Your right about the big rocks to the right. but that rock pointing to the right may only be hel up by a small stone and if touched could fall and bring down the others above.
Now the big rock in 1st picture--- You said you don't see caliche, who says you have to see it. that dust could have blown in over the years, or placed on top. Besides this the floor cracks would only have caliche in them. NOW take a close look at the right wall (in 1 st. picture) and the floor, where they meet see that black line

That tells me the floor and wall are not conected. Also, all along the edge of this boulder and the one on top are not connected to wall or floor, you cansee the black shadow going around them. this picture # 773 shows the second boulder and the prince on top (you can't see) Notice the far right half way down is a lightning bolt !!!! both these boulders are at least 2 ft. thick.
You also, said to tap the floor to see if it was hollow, well, I am not going to do that, if I hit too hard or cause too much dust then I might be in trouble.
If I set this trap off and the side of mountain didn't come down, I'd still have 2-3 more traps to go threw, plus what bad air might be eclosed behind those boulders.
? ?Jacko