Jacko. I am amazed at this site.I know I shouldnt ask but are you going to explore this a little more. and have you found any info on this area to substantiate any of the history that might be here. The other thing is if what you are describing is an actual trigger w/arm and all the rest I belive this would be the only second one documented and photographed according to Treasure hunters University site. also when you say the kings crown is this the formation of that rock you are refering to and is it natural or do you believe this to be carved as well as the heart.Thanks

Floater--- No this site is not documented, unkown. I wished was, then I could call in some pros,cause then they'd believe me. Where at THU did you read about only being the second trap ever photographed???
Hell, I pictures of three, I know of and tomorrow I am going to get the picture of the one that my girl friend call "Male organ" Very similar to what's at Kryder Exploration, under Elephants foot. I'll have to cut down some torny bushes to find the trap, but the trap sign is on the ground in front of bushes.
What I called the King's Crown is my own interepation of rock, just the way it looks. Kinda like a crown some one would wear. Haven't looked for signs refering to a king. I'll take a look tomorrow. The rock had to be carved to be shaped like that and the sides are as smooth as a babies butt. Has what looks like 30- 45 degree ( guessing on degrees, both sides are same) angles beflow crown points.
I have a lot to learn about this site before I do anything. I am digging at another site, but too much work at home and too much learning and expoloring of this site. I can't just drop it, it's hypnotic.

P.S. You can see how lose all the little rocks are around this place in first photo, so I don't get close enough, to disturb the rocks or possibly slip and be a sandwich.


Thanks Jacko. I was refering to a page on the THU website and they say this is the only documeted photo of a treasure trap .withe the arm and trigger. Ill see if I can pot it for you or get the link. Your girlfriends description is hysterical LOL. Later

Floater I have the link to THU, that's where I got my first info on the traps. I'll have to re-read his article.
I am going up tomorow and get a picture of this other trap, I was talking about. Hope I can get a picture of the trap itself to go along with the rock (pointer).
After I get these pictures tomorrow, I'll send the more imprtant ones to a pro for evaluation.

Jacko --- I need to move over to Markers and signs, as I am all out of traps today.

Jacko lets see if this pastes ok.

This is another example of how a small stroll in the hills, could lead you to such a fantastic find. What an education for all to see. We are continuing to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Sort of, after the fact. This will take more time and research. When we get all the information together, this too will be given to you.

?YOU?, the students of the Treasure Hunter?s University, were the ?first? to actually see a published photograph of an active 300 year old Spanish death trap. (Jan/Feb 2001 issue of the Gold Prospector Magazine) The THU will continue to bring you this type of information, that will help you in your quests.

Ok I guess the info was a Little old but still I think your find is a great find there. There are not that many of these out there and I believe you really are on to something.

Hate to ask, but is there a visable cave associated with the last pics? This is where the heat detectors would help. Also, it looks as if it could be safely breached from above or behind.

The area where I saw a snake scatched on the rock at the entrance and the 'cave in' cant be but 20-30 miles from you. It only goes back ten more feet, unfortunately. No more clues, no traps, no blip on the metal detector. I dug up a lot of the fall-out stuff as well without success.

Have you been in the even closer Kartchner Caverns? Shhee-itt? Thats some hole to fall in! There is the potential for anything with all the limestone caves in your area.l

I cant help but wonder -dream, about what is being so tightly guarded. This trap stuff looks like a whole lot of work for the owner.

My worry on a trap is the 'unmarked' caliche false floor. That would never be spotted.

JONSTER-- I live in Palominas which is 20 miles from Sierra Vista, and 22 miles to Bisbee. there is treasure in the mule mtns.Huachuca, and Wetstone mtns. where Katcner caverns are. there are so many if's and what if's i do this that it's too dangerous to try any recovery for me.

FLOATER--- thanks for the info.

? ?

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with possible traps associated with a spanish storage system or vault? Or do you know of another link for discussions on storage systems and gold rooms and the tunnels that lead to them. I am exploring a storage system and trying to anticipate traps.


Nitrogold-- go to Treasure hunters University, site and copy all you can. Especially the death traps. then go to your cave/mine and take pictures of entrance from different angles. Before going in take a long look at the cave entrance for clues (anywhere near entrance). If none take pictures of inside the cave, standing at opening. Even take pictures of the floor, you might see a crack or two, where something doesn't look quite right. Look at your copy of THU death trap and anything that comes close to what is in the book, go and take a better look. Even after you take a look on your computer still be carefull. I didn't see all the signs until I posted on this forum and a lot of the guys saw things I didn't. I knew there was a death trap but, didn't see all the signs.

Jacko This is only my opinion and I am ssure others will have some good advice also.

Jacko - Thanks for the response. I do have information on the death traps per Kenworthy. I have had trouble finding any details on what to expect as far as a gold room, vault, or storage system. There is a diagram of one with traps in the gold room in Kenworthy's death traps book. I was wandering if some of the trap information discussed here for mines, caves and pozos would translate over to a storage system with a cave entrance and tunnels. I do not have a cave entrance uncovered yet, but believe I am over the top of a tunnel connecting the storage vaults. I have identified the vaults size, location and contents but am going through the rock to access what I believe to be a tunnel connecting the vaults. The only information I have seen on the room size per spanish specifications is in that trap book as well. Just wandering if anyone else has experience with storage systems and traps related to them. Thanks again for your advice.


i use something like photoshop too. is quick and convenient. Blue is my interpretation of the photo. blow it up about 500%, invert it and you can tell what is carved and what is shadow. good luck Jacko 8)
Vicky, China


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Eric, Jacko, capt Bill, etc., gentlemen:? I have just found this series of posts and have read them carefully. Love em.

A)? I must agree with my friend Capt Bill on the backpowder thingie.?

1st,: Unless confined, BP does not exert an explosive effect, merely burns rapidly with enormous? amounts of white smoke.? Same for our present smokless powder in the open.- no, no white smoke. Also BP is very sensative to moisture.? ?remember :"keep your powder dry"? Most mine tunnels and caves that I have entered are MOIST to WET!

2nd:? How could you position the sparking devce just right for a? pick impact?

B)? 1st: On the poisons, forget Arsenic, it is a slow acting poison, so by the time it works, the deposit would have been removed.?

2nd:? Cyanide?? forget it , it hadn't been invernted or used in mining yet.? Besides, it too deteriorates quickly in the open due to Oxygen combination.?

C: 1st:? Death traps do exist, but in the case of the picture of the whitish rock in Jackos post # 87, it is just a natural fall from the upper mother rock.? You can see clearly just where it fits,? perfectly in the upper whitish rock.

2nd:? There is no way that you can pivot that rock to drop into the passage way.? The small rocks are just coincidental, not keys.

D)?I doubt that the Spanish ever moved any of the trap rocks. Threy merely took advantage of exisiting materiel and weakened them enough so that a trigger could be set to hold them place

E) Jacko in post picture #126, the "step" or "stair" is a natural intrusion, not man made.

Franky Jacko, Bill, Eric, guys I love your posts,? keep em up.? I have learned a lot by them, even if I pick at them, which we all should do on anyones posts, including mine.

Incidentally, I look for lost mines in old Mexico. And yes I have a few, including Tayopa. (eat yer heart out capt Bill hehehehe)

Not for me to worry, I still have to find some old coins first. LOL

jacko, if you look at post #151 by floater....look at the rock labeled "fall rock" it looks like a side profile of a face looking at the rock to the this natural or carved ? being as you have always seen things i can not, i thought i would one up you for a change ! ha.........gldhntr

Floater--- After loking at the picture of the rock, you asked if it was seperated. I believe it is Picture 168. I don't know if it's holding up the larger one on top. If some was REALLY CAREFULL, I guess you could move some of the smaller stones in front of the trip rock and place a 4X4 board under the other dip in arm, and maybe near the end. By having something on solid ground it might work.

Gldhntr--- You right it does look like a fce looking at theat spot.

MaxxChina--- You've got some good eyes there. I never notice some of what you brought out. Thanks !!!!!!!

Realde Tayopa --- It's hard to tell in the picture but, the rock you are talking about would fall in opening. First it's not from the rock above. As the pionted end sticks out too far and above this rock is a bunch of smaller stones. My theory on how this could come down is--- In the photos before are two rocks inside and behind this opening. If some one set off the trap the two alrger boulders fall foward hitting the white rock. This pushes the white rock foward, as the opening to the cave is a "V" sahpe and smaller as you go back that would allow for the white rock to fall piont first down. Something like a hinged door. There are many factors here and Ican't post all the pictures of the cave.
In picture 126 steps-- I called them steps as it looks like a path way with a squared "U" at top. Maybe they didn't move the stones to make this but, it's too smooth and straigt with lots a signs on it. If you take and invert the picture you'll see a large snakewith the head a top center pointing down the path. This whole picture as soooo many signs it's hard to read.
The large rock in front (right side) with the bright white area has a map on it and show the locating of evey spot I should be looking at. I have seen the areas on the rock and they match up exactly.

OK I am posting a new spot found the other day in markers/symbols
since every one see things a little different, I am not saying what it is that I see, yet. It should be very easy to see.


Hey Floater-- You still around???? I just took another look at the picture you thought the rock was seperate and might be a entrance. You right, the rock is broken and is not part of the big one on the left.

? ?Jacko

hello, i am new and i am no pro nor do i have any experience at any spanish mines or caves but i see problems with some or these caves or can someone help me understand them? regarding the snake pits that contain treasure, i assume when the treasure was put there and i assume the snake were put there, then when they left then i think or would make sense that the spanish would seal the mines or caves, so how do snaks survive all those years, what do they eat in the meantime spanning hundreads of years? i am not saying the spanish did not do these but it seems this would be done for sort term while they could come back soon to recover, and then regarding mines that are boby trapped has anyone every though how these traps are accomplished? how do they trap the gas? how does the sand after some vaulauable is remove trigger some trap? how did they manufacture a giant boulder to fall once you dig a spot, or step on a spot or whatever it maybe to trigger such a trap? please let me know, i don't post this to doubt no one or call anyone a liar but i just would like to understand this more.

looking, the spanish did the things they did because they enjoyed life.....on orders from the crown, which if weren't followed would most likely result in your death,, they mined gold/silver and such, they had to mark trails into, around, and leaving these workings a certain way with certain symbols, that would be known to the crown should an indian kill off the entire party, the crown could still go into the area and recover the treasure....they had to put their accumulation rooms a certain distance from the mine, build and trap them according to strict rules and regulations. they even had to bury their tools a certain distance/direction from the mine entrance...also they were ordered to camp a certain distance from the mine, and the accumulation room had to be within a known distance of both,,,,they had all the time in the world, forced slave labor, so moving gigantic boulders and such to build these traps were as easy to them as the mines and accumulation rooms...simply whip hell out of the indians till they did whatever you wanted, then kill them so they wouldn't talk.....the snakes can be learned about in any biology 1 class.....hope this helps you understand,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gldhntr

Looking--- Most of your questions can be found at TreasureHuntersUniversity. There you'll find pictures and scetches of death traps and how they work. The methane gas is found in old mines and kills. Maybe an old miner can explain it better?? Gldhntr has explained about how they got them large boulders and such where they are.
the sand you were talking about--- A good example is, your automatic dog/cat feeders where you only have a small potion of water/food at base but have several gallons of water above.
Here's a picture I thought at first might be a death trap cause there might be a lighting bolt. But looking at it more I don't think so. However between the large rock in front of digger and the wall it's self is about a 4" gap that has about one foot of dirt or sand (higher than in front). So lets say this is a death trap-- By removing the large rock in front, there is nothing to hold the snad/dirt from moving foward. Same with water for you dog, cut out the front of the bowl and the water will just flow out till empty. If I am right the sand/dirt would have been filling a void and since the wall is slanted back,not forward (to fall on you) it would just slide out and down the hill bringing all the other boulders on top right with it. This is on a very steep hill side and safety is about 100 yards away. Hope this helps.-- at THU there's a good schetch of this trap.
In red is the digger tip. In white is what I first thought to be a lightning bolt.
Anyone else have any ideas???



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Floater said:
I think your Pictures Suck Jacko and you need to practice on the computer to learn a little about paint and photoshop if your going to use pictures to save your life, but I do think you are going about the rest of this the right way and I appreciate your willingness to step back and think it out and be observant. The thought process seems to be one of self preservation which I believe Eric has been trying to convey vs/ the gungho /rip rock and roll attitude. The only reason you need to get your computer skills up is if you are going to use a tool learn how to use it right. Their are Plenty of guys with tape measures out there, but for some reason they keep cutting the board wrong. This is one of the best threads on TN . and I appreciate everyones input on this subject. It has really intrigued me and I have learned a lot myself. Looking forward to more.


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