There is no doubt in my mind that the Spanish made traps to inflict bodily harm on anyone trying to claim their gold or other treasures, but knowledge about the type of traps used by the Spanish, along with the warning signs should help prevent injury or death if you locate a Spanish treasure site.? I suspect that a rattlesnake would be of more immediate concern.?

Let's not forget that you must first locate the treasure site, the death traps only come into play after you locate the site.? I would think that anyone putting effort into locating a Spanish treasure site would be well prepared in the event of injury, whether from a death trap or a rattlesnake bite.? Best to have a true trust worthy partner, treasure can create all types of behavior, greed can cause problems between partners.? Kelley (Texas)? :)

You mean?? ???
That guy who popped out of nowhere,? ::)? in the GPAA Magazine, two-three years ago ?? ?:P

I was referring to "Hawkeye", TH'ers University !!
Your "Reply # 14" in this forum, about the TH'er "U" !
He! All of the sudden appears, a few years back, claiming to be an expert in All Things Spanish !
I have yet to hear about his credentials!
Most or about all of his information was available before!
Unlike, C.A. Kenworthy, a professor, who actually visited the Archives in Mexico City, Seville, ETC!
And Gathered the info from the actual documents!
After Kenworthy DIED...
There was a rush to fill the "Gap"!
I have found most of these other come latelys to have copied their info from Kenworthy and other authors & books!
AND! They! Have come up with some ideas, very weird ideas, of their own!
Being a FT TH'er, I like to deal only in fact(s)!
I don't want to waste my time and effort on wistful thinking and ideas!
If someone can't prove what they are saying, by means other than single source second hand info., I'd rather not hear about it!
I am sure that you know or are aware ...There are all kinds of examples, right here, on the Treasure Net Forums!

cptbil: I just want to make clear that I understand what you are saying. First of all I have no book or website,I have never charged for this information. I have no finnacial agenda.

The information I released other places on the net was after I was asked by others to post. Yes I have been to Spain and Mexico city and countless churches in those countries. My copies are exact duplicates of the ones at the archive. I found three major things that Charles did not cover. I covered some of them in my posts.

Yes,the documents where written well over a century ago on paper. I guess that means these copies are second hand information. I mean the guy that wrote them died over 200 years ago,right?

Anyone can do what I did. Email me and I can suggest very polite ways of offering bribes.

By the way Charles was by no means the first authority on Spanish mines and traps. I have books that were written in the 1930's and 1940s.

I also posted that the chances of finding a mine with a trap are extremely remote. Most will lie right where they were left forever.

But my question to you is suppose after digging for 4 feet on the side of a mountain,you uncover a pozo with a red lightning bolt painted on top of it. What do you do? I hope you don't do what I have done in the past.

I guess you need to understand my misguided motivation. Here it is in front of you and everyone. 7 years or so ago me and my wife were deep in Mexico.

I have talked about the experience elsewhere on the net,and it is very hard to write about still.

Bottom line I got the joy of seeing the woman I love freak out totally when she returned after hearing a large noise that literally shook the ground. My reflexes and a good dose of luck helped me jump out of the way. It missed by a little less than an inch.

The look that my wife gave me will never leave my mind,it is burned in my mind forever.

What no one yet has figured out it my real motovation. Here it is. If you find signs of a death trap,walk away. Period. No trove is worth your life. Each of us has people that are counting on us and love us. What good are we to them dead.

There is small caches all over the country that require little more than owner permission and a good detector.There is more of them than you could pull out in several lifetimes. Is it worth your life?

My now you have probably figured out I am not a newbee to this area. This is my lifestile. It is not a choice,its who I am.


Great to hear some background on you!
It isn't usually available!
As far as gentle ::) ways of offering "bribes"?
I have worked, for a mining company, in Mexico!
SO! That system, is almost second nature!
In Fact!
As you know, having experienced it!
Their whole economy is, more or less, based on it! :-
AND! After, Seeing their economic situation, :( I actually have to agree with it!
The "policeman" in the village, where I Lived, had a total of five bullets/rounds for his weapon!
Guess? ??? What kind of treatment I received from him, after smuggling a box of .45 ammo in to him?
A gentle bride to be sure!

cptbil: That was a clever and smart way to do it. Some of the most memorable people I have met have been Mexican cops. They are a breed to themselves.

You might recognize me and my wife ******. We have been all around New Mexico,with a year stop,(to lick our wounds),in Truth of Consequences,NM. This was after the Mexican Death Trap disaster.

For all I know you were the person that bought our last gold nugget in a swap meet. If that was you,you need to know we are back on track now and have been so for a few years.

Others of you have seen use roaming the deserts or Arizona and New Mexico. We were active posters on the internet years ago posting on Spanish and Mexican treasure. We posted to the old TreasureNet,the On-line Treasure Hunters and Lost Treasure Magazines on line forum,when they had it.

Then a three year jump into the madness of Spanish Trove chasers.(If there are any kids reading this at home- Do not attempt this for any reason.It is insane and you have no idea what you are doing.)

Well anyway the computer and most of out possesions were sold to raise the necessary cash. Also, if you are 15 miles from any phone or people,it is hard to keep people updated on whats going on.

I am willing to clarify anything about death traps on this forum. I feel there is a misunderstanding about the poisons and gasses,that I need to clear up.


Hello Ericwt,? how about telling the story about your close encounter with a death trap?? Some of us have not heard the story, only your reference to it.? Tell the story and if out paths cross out in New Mexico, the coffee and donuts will be on me, fair enough?? Kelley (Texas)? :)

Kelly(Texas): I will consider the suggestion. However you are going to have to give me a week or so. I could just give you the link but I think you need more than that. What I will do is recompile the three part posting I did. The reason for that is it originally was going to be 4 parts. But then I realized people were not getting the point,and as I had risked my life so foolishly and my wife's,I was frustrated that people did not get the point.

As time goes on as I grow older(I am 37) I finally figured this treasure hunter lifestile out. I realize now that telling a treasure hunter
to not do something is useless. I would have ignored my own advice 7 years ago.

So I figure if some fool wants to get himself and his crew crushed under a boulder,I guess that is their choice. But then on reflexion it occurred to me,the real dangers for the casual treasure hunter as far as gasses and poisons go.

This needs to be brought to light because Charles in all of his glory totally ignored this subject.I will post shortly about this.

I have also had additional adventures in Mexico since then. (No,we treasure hunters never learn). Although I have a contract with my sweetie,as to what I can and cannot do in regard to death traps. We have a very interesting contract that people must agree to.

I can only work as a consultant for others under very strict guidelines. This gave me more experiences that showed what cyanide could do.

Also, I am no longer roaming the desert. We have settled down,bought a home. We live in a tinny town close to a bigger town thats not very big,in Northwest Arkansas.

If you or anyone else happens to cross our path in Arkansas or anywere else ask my wife to make her french fries. Best in the world!


Hello Ericwt,? I would think that anyone looking for spanish treasure, especially one located in a cave would use extreme caution and common sense.? It is difficult for me to imagine someone not learning from the mistakes of others, especially when it could possibly involve a life and death situation.

I suspect that while some of us will poke fun on the Forum, it is just that, poking fun...down deep most folks do heed the warnings that are posted.

You live in Northwest Arkansas...there is a good spanish treasure site near you in Tulsa, Oklahoma.? Many years ago, while looking for some Indian arrowheads on Turkey Mountain, I found four Spanish Signs.? At the time, I did not know that they were spanish signs.? Years later, I discovered that they were spanish was the sign for gold, another was an arrow pointing a direction, one was a sign that meant under crest of hill.? I never figured out the meaning of the fourth sign.

This is the location of the area where the signs were carved into a rock on a hill side.? Going west out of Tulsa, towards the Turner Turnpike, just as you cross the Arkansas River, you will see a road by some railroad tracks.? This road is on the South side of the highway and follows parrallel to the Arkansas River. ? A short distance from the highway, down that road, you will come to a fenced in gate.? Approximately 1/4 mile futher down that road is where I found the spanish signs on the side of Turkey Mountain.? Near where I found the spanish signs, in 1902, when the railroad tracks were being layed, some spanish coins washed down onto the railroad bed after a strong thunderstorm.? Some time spent in research at the newspaper office will verify the gold coins being found.? I am sharing this information because I have never been back to Tulsa, and do not ever envision returning there.? There are also records confirming that the Spanish did indeed explore up the Arkansas River.? I suspect that I may be the only one that has ever seen the spanish signs carved on that rock, they were weathered and hard to read.

Ericwt, there are some of us out there that are active in endeavoring to locate Spanish treasure sites, and do appreciate information such as you have provided in regards to death traps.? Kelley (Texas) :)

Okay, I will recompile and update this report and then post it here. I will need at least a week. There were some details I left out.

This is not an easy thing you know. How would any of you out there like to write in step by step detail,the most foolish and stupid thing you have done in your life. After this experience we were destitute and homeless in a Mexican desert. It took us two years to get back on our feet.So maybe you understand why I am not so thrilled to post it.

But first I will answer any questions, and in a few days I need to explain the poisons. As this is more important to the part time treasure hunter,as it is actually a possible danger.Although the odds are worse than getting struck by lightning.

For you full time nuts,I will post the story. But if you pull a limp body out of an air vent,don't say I did not tell you so.

I am still actively seeking Spanish Treasures. But my full time focus right now is moonshiners loot and small outlaw caches. I also seek Spanish caches in Arkansas,Oklahoma,and Missouri.

Keep in mind there is Spanish treasure and mines that were not death trapped. The majority were not(75%,feeling lucky?). If you have a death trap you have treasure.


You say that you are interested? ????? in Spanish Treasure Trove in Ariz., & NM., ?
Those are my hunting grds.? :D
I too! Am into Spanish Treasure!? ?::)
I am going to be IN! the Field, I camp out, from April until the Snow Flies!? ?:(
I have several well researched and ready to, recovery ? sites...? :o
IF! The yrs. of Research and field work? ?:P? proves OUT!?
Care to join up on one or more ?
One is a Spanish gold bar cache and! mine (cavern) in NM., Southeast of "T or C"!
The other is a Spanish Silver Bar Cache in a Mine Tunnel with Church artifacts, in So. Arizona!
Both have been fully researched!
Both have had years of actual field work/searching!
The NM Site has been core drilled!
Where!? :o? I hit one large cavern!? :o
I'd sure like the opportunity to meet you, out there somewhere?
You May have seen my Yellow Jeep and trailer...
I have been using it for the past 12 yrs in both states!
Speaking of T/C, have you heard of a "Gene Ballinger"
Actually! In Hatch!

How come more of youse guys didn't bite? ????? on my Reply #11 ? ???
Are you all so smart? ?::)? that you knew/know that Gun Powder "BURNS"
It doesn't "Explode"? ;D
It will cause an explosion if confined, But It doesn't "Explode" !
I had expected to be covered up with a FIRESTORM of...
? :-* SNEERS and JEERS!? :-*
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Congraduations !!!...
You're all just too smart!
For this "Kraut, Limey, Frog, & Mick" Guy!
Ta' tryin' pull the wool over your eyes!

Gene Ballinger. OMG! That is a name I have not heard in years. He was more than a mentor to me ,he is in my mind a friend. I'm sure he would remember me as an arrogant brash young man. What I learned from him saved me years of struggle. When I did not listen to him I paid a high price. If he is alive and you know how to reach him,I need to make contact with him. He probably thinks I am dead in some desert.

I heard he was dead. I have tried many times to locate him. I could not find his bookstore on the net. I paid the price when I failed to listen to him. He warned me about a lead I was following. He was right.

Yes I am a Spanish treasure fanatic. Always have been always will be. How many people do you know have traveled for over 3 years in Mexico,hunting treasure.

I draw the line with many THers. Unlike most,who have not jumped out of the way of a boulder,I will not waver on Safety Issues.

Most of my work is currently in the South. I have 2 long shot targets in Southern New Mexico. If I get a break geophysics wise I will drive down there. I will email you if I do.

If I actually do get a break on the NM targets,I will need help and will ask. Hopefully if it happens we can work something out.As this is a quick stealth job. In and out in one night. 6 mule loads about fifteen feet under,plus I have historical correspondence written 1795 to a padre about the location.

I wish I could join you now. Hoverer so busy I have been giving leads to others because I can handle all of my current projects.

One way or another we will connect somewhere in NM or other places. I still think you might know me.

FYI:I am not associated with Treasure Hunter University or any treasure hunting web site. I have no books for sale(Although I could write 5 or six in a matter of months based just on our adventures in Mexico). The articles I write and post on the internet usually piss people off. But I have more than 8 years full time searching for treasure in the most hostile lands. I would be vastly richer if I kept that "real job" I had after I graduated college.

Thanks for bringing a smile to my face mentoning Gene.

cptbil: Sorry,That last post was for you.

I joined the conversation in the middle. However there is a diagram for a black powder trap. I have seen only one diagram. But I have heard of one incident of it happening in Europe. The idea is the flash from the flint will ignite a fuse leading to a chamber of packed powder underneath.

I dismiss this is a serious threat and here is why. Anyone who thinks about it knows in the old world black powder could save your life on your dangerous ride home. I think this trap may indeed have been experimented with,but highly unlikely. It was supposed to be used for distraction and scaring people away.


There are 10 deadly sins for Treasure Hunters. These rules you wont see any where in any book. I am not going into all ten but will focus on the relavant ones to this story.

Thou shall not bow down to greed,for it will inslave you as its servant and then impale you. This is the first commandment.
We were doing okay after a year of struggle. My poor wife,god help her,she fell in love with a treasure hunter. But things were going our way. We had just figured out how to streamline our fine gold recovery unit. We could pull several pennyweight out of our little area in a few hours. Then with extra cash we made trips into civilization,for food and books. The next few years we saved and researched. Not being content with money rolling in for a few hours work each day I learned about a legendary mine in the interior of Mexico. Day by day I became consumed with this story and others.Over and over playing the visions of rooms of gold.
I will not reveal the location with anyone,so don't email me about it.I almost died,I am not going to be responsible for some other idiots death.
The more obsessed I became I lost all objectivity. Then I violated the second.
Do not be pig headed about views that are different than yours,or you shall soon be eating pig slop.
I had heard about death traps,but I thought they were legends to be honest.This Indiana Jones fad is going nuts.
For time reasons,I must cut to Mexico.
I have 2 weeks more of posting time before my project begins. After that starts I will not be able to post on a regular basis. Although I always answer my email,and will post as I can. I need to knock this out because I need to annoy some KGC experts.
I have added details because when I posted it I was still freaked out about it because I had just came back from consulting on a project. Something terrible had happened. They broke the rules of my contract.My consulting contract is very reasonable I get $100 a day+ expenses. The deal killer is always the contract details.The second the pozo is popped I am the boss.They got excited and greedy and decided the extra day and a half of work and the finding and bringing in the proper size genorator was just not worth it.As I was arguing with him they lowered him down the airvent. I informend him that the contract was broke and I left.Poor fool,never had a chance. What I am saying is I was not at my happy place when I originally posted. Upon digging up the original post,I noticed part of my post was corrupted.This one might fill in the missing parts.
For those of you who think I am trolling for clients can take a hike. I am talking no new projects at this time.For the last 2 years I have worked my own projects exclusively.
Cut to Mexico...

At this point we were locogatos. Which is what our many Mexican
friends would call us. It means crazy cats in Spanish. We rented horses.
I taught ******to ride in a few short lessons
and then we were off into the Mexican desert with 2 months
provisions and two mules with our toys.

I will never tell anyone the location of were we were. So please
don't ask.

Anyway four days later we find the mountain range we were looking
for and had good indications that our research was correct.

We pinpoint the area and spend two days digging and picking. Finally
we find what we believe is a mine entrance. Out comes the neat toys-
and we verify it is a cave inside.
Digging with a pick looks funner in the movies. Cut to few days later
We are giddy with delight so we
move the whole camp right below the entrance.NOTE:entire camp-water,
food,supplies,2 horses,2 mules,money,passports-Right under the entrance
we were working. We had several high
priced detectors and other electronic tools as well as the
provisions to make the ride to where we started from. We felt like
we were starving so we quickly ate to give us the strength to break
the last barrier and enter the mine. We finished and ****** left
to find the ladies room down to the north of where we first camped.
She told me to be careful as she walked away. I grab the pick and
slam it into the entrance. I am supprised as it gives way easily not
like the rock before. As I reach back to give it the finall blow I
have this strange spooky feeling. I figure it is the feeling you
get fight before you get rich and I slam the pick. Sand exploded
from the top of the entrance. Some how in that moment my instints
kick in and I jump to the right and some how manage to land on the
ridge without going off the side of the mountain.For about 2 seconds
there is nothing but sand everywhere and then it felt like the earth
got hit by an bomb. It took several moments for the air to clear but
only seconds to hear the paniced screams from ****** asking if I
was alright.

What we found was a huge slab of rock that was about three foot
thick and was about three times as wide as my car. It was inches
from my foot.
What I did not post before was the two mules,were not so lucky.I had mule
milkshake all over my body.
On the top side was a Spanish probverb basically saying
underneath this rock lies a poor person. Actually what was under the
slab was our equipment,food,clothes,everything including the mashed mules.

I would learn later that I could have crawled in safely through the
Pozo or air vent if you brace it right to prevent it from dropping a
rock on your head or sealing yourself in.

I will post information that will prevent the part timer from getting sick. But this is nothing, highly unlikely.

I have any heard 3 cases that I can prove and none of them were fatal.One had to go to the hospital for observation for a few hours. If you find a trove the game changes. I will go into why.

If there is interest I can post my generic contract. It was written by my wife. Maybe it will open your eyes as to the true danger and how serious I am.


? :'( Yes! Gene did die, two years ago!? :'(
His DAD, John died almost exactly one year prior to Gene's passing!
I was with him in Las Cruces, when this happend.
I had known both of them, from the Days in Oscoda AND! The Association!
Until the very end, when they both went over !
If you were ever in HATCH , to visit "The Institute!" we may have meet there also!
I was in partnership with Gene, on the purchase of the, then! " Institute Building " in Hatch
As a matter of fact, I had living quarters in the back !
Many! Of the photos in the "Inst. Newsletter (paper) were taken by me!
I was designated, "Field Director"
A fancy title for "Gofor"!
But! The "Field" part was right!
I was always out there, in the field, some where, checking on/out leads and stories that came into "The INST."
If you're going to be in NM this April, ? ?;)? Perhaps, We could meet somewhere for a cup of coffee!? :)
I have a friend there in TorC that I need to TALK to .
So! I could combine the trip !

cptbil: Wow,I really miss him. He had a profound effect on my life. Did not know him nearly as long as you did. Though I considered him a friend and a mentor,he proboly thought I was his weekly entertainment. He talked to me for hours and was paitent with me and answered all my questions. Everyone was nice at the Institute. I will try to think about how I can honor his memory.

I think your friend in TorC knows me. Not by name by sight.There is only 5 nuts that I know that it could be,and one of them bought my last nugget,when we were broke. He owns a backhoe. I will pay him 7 times spot for that nugget if he still has it.


? ? ? Send me a private message,? ::)? with your private address,?? ::) ?and I'll send you his email address!? ?;D
You can see if he still has it!? ????


I used to live in Springdale, what town are you in? I still visit my son in Springdale and was just out there this past July.



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