I am about an hour and a half from Springdale. Not really in a city. PM me when your around this neck of the woods. I am hard to catch as I am always going here and there. But I always answer PM if I am in the county and am not working on a project.

I leave in two weeks. I will be gone for a undetermined amount of time.

I would be happy to answer questions by PM.


WOW THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

I know with our club I make sure there is NO censorship!!! ;D

Sorry man. :(

? :o? REALLY!? ?:o
Do You actually, adovacate "No Censorship?" ???
I once, but! not this time, complained to the "Monitor" about a very sexually explicit comment made by a person in a very tasteless "reply"!
Do you think, that action, was wrong ?
Should any kind of language/comments be allowed ?
Remember!? :-[
I am? ?:-[? "No Goodie Two Shoes!? ?:-[? myself!
I have spent? YEARS!? ? in 4 branches,? ? The USMC, USAF, USA, & The USN !
Meaning, I have heard//participated in some VERY STRONG language!
YET! ? I!? believe, ?
:-? There is a Limit ..? ?:-?
Don't you think so??

and FOR THE RECORD, no ones "OPINION" was censored here

I would like to thank jeff and the staff of this site.

The situation is resolved and I need some people to understand,the moderators take heat from all of us. We are all at different places with different ideas.

The moderators have taken heat for me. Lots of heat.I thank them for this. You have to understand they are trying to create a civil place where people can exchange ideas,without resulting in personnel attacks.

I will contine my rants and contine to post shortly.


& I'm looking forward to them Eric. Thanks & welcome Back ..................jeff


I do agree there are certain limits to everything, not just censorship, but as long as it is not attacking anyone on a personal level we usually let is slide. ;) 99% of our members police themselves 99% of the time, but 1% of the time it can get wild sometimes. ;D And I can live with those percentages. ;D ;D

For the record. There was nothing sexual about any of my post,nor was there any profanity.

I want to talk about poison. Who wants to hear about poisons? Those sneaky Spanish had their little tricks.

We will discuss what the part time metal detector user needs to know. There is a lot of hype. I will set you strait on what is real.
Then I will touch on what the pro needs to think about.

Tonight late in the night while you sleep,I will post the dirt.


ericwt said:
Please let me try to put this in perspective. I realize there are some of you that think you know all the answers. You don't and nether do I.

There is a reason I no longer do contracts for Spanish Death Trap work. When I am saying contract- I mean entering the air vent going down and hopefully live. You can make a good living doing it. I don't do it any more for others and recommend you don't ever under any circumstances enter ANY MINE Shaft what so ever. No trove is worth your life. I have tools you don't.

But my second adventure taught me a new lesson. If you think you know it all, you don't have a clue.

I spent many weeks,licking my wounds and feeling sorry for myself after the first jolt of reality. I cannot express how we love the people in Mexico. I would not be writing this if not for there kindness.

I was determined to find out what went wrong. I was obsessed with Spanish Symbols and now this new thing called death traps. I learned of a author named Charles Kennworthy. If your into Spanish Treasure read and read again everything he wrote.

If I could recommend 5 books on Spanish Treasure,all of them are by him.

But you see I would find out the hard way that even Charles did not know everything.

I cannot put into words how I felt as I was strapping my gear on after the air vent was unearthed. Thankfully the contractor does no digging. I had to sit down for a little bit to consentrate. Truth was I was terrified and the reason I was sitting down is because my body was in a panic and I don't think my legs would hold my body. I instructed the crew to support the insides as I was going down. My floor jack idea actually worked. I was starting to calm down. We figured out a system of tension on the rope around me so if I stepped on the trap door,I could be retrieved. Okay everything is going as planned,but I had a problem the light I had was not nearly as bright as I needed. I start to panic again as I landed on the floor. I calmed down as I scanned the tunnel with the light. I was in heaven for a second or two as I looked at a symbol. Then something happened,I started coughing over and over,it felt like I was inhaling bleach or something. I then realized something was wrong,it was to late.

I came to the next day. We were hero's in that little town. We were the crazy cats or locogatos. They had a banquet in honor of me losing my first life,only 8 to go they laughed. I smiled and tried to act like I was having a good time. Inside my mind,I was furious.

What went wrong, I had to know. My research took me all over Mexico and into Spain. I did not have million dollar budgets and teams of researchers at my disposal that he had. He also had credibility and academic status as well as very powerful men at his disposal. I am a lunatic treasure hunter,the USGS does not return my calls.

I will post later about how I did my research,so you can learn to do it to. That way you can learn for yourself and then you can go get yourself killed if you try to enter a mine tunnel.

? Hi Eric, very interesting post and one every treasure hunter should read thankyou for sharing this story,a few questions though, for one what were you breathing that was like bleach? and? that would be that strong after all those years sitting idol undisturbed,? and if it were arsenic how did it get so stirred up? sounds like you didnt even get a chance to walk yet to stir anything up? would a paper mask filter it out? or would you need special like charcoal filter masks or something?, I do know there are natural gases in mines thats why they used to use canaries for safty because birds were very sensitive to the gasses and would die rather quikly,modern miners use some kinda detection badges i think, Also what was the problem at the entrance of the mine was it an explosion?, or , like a dead fall with an over load of rocks and sand up top that came dumpin down once trap was sprung? what was it? also have you ever encountered a false floor? i dont hear any stories about them thats why i ask, most i hear about are deadfalls,also I'm a semi newb at this? so bear with me? i tend to flap at the jaw hehe ,do you have any pics of a piece of caliche so we all could see what it looks like? reason is i? read thats what they make false floors out of and seal mines with, and another question if the spanish used arsenic powder where did they get it from? especially way out in the desert?, if you could answer these it will probably save one of our lives out here thanks tammahawk :o :o :o :o :o

tammahawk: Thanks for asking. Understand when I write about certan things that envolve me almost loosing my life I have to reach for words that describe it.

When I was in the cave,the second my feet hit,my body knew something was wrong. I was breathing something that did not belong in my air. When I wrote the post what I did was go back in my mind to find a similar experience. When I was a little kid one day,I decided to show my artistic expression by decorating the television with my artistic vision. Then I learned they were permanent. In a panic I mixed nail polish remover with bleach and some other chemicals. I lucked out,mom came in before I fainted.

In this case my body knew something bad was going on,but my adrenalin was pumping my heart like a jack hammer. In that moment I knew something wasn't right.As to what it was I can offer 2 guesses. In my opinion I think in was trapped gas. I will try to explain my theories of poisons shortly.

The other possibility is it might have been in my own mind. Sometimes we are our worst enemies. But considering I heard later that 3 others went down after I left the area. None came out.

I will offer this In my opinion. Poisons are not a threat if you deal with them wisely.

If I were in your position and was going for the gold here is what I recommend.

Ignore the front entrance unless you have money and recourses because it could be trapped. Go for the pozos or air vents.They are usually on the top side of the mine under 3-6 feet of overburden. Find them and then brace the sides as you go down to prevent getting sealed in.

At this point air is what you need. I have a airtank and a regulator for my oxygen. There is no skin exposed to the air. I would go down do a brief survey and test the air. If the air test okay the gear gets put away. If the air is bad you have a few options.

Recovery while using oxygen tanks,is hot,uncomfortable and a pain,but it could be done at a very slowed pace. I would not recommend this unless you have some endurance.

Since my real belief is the main danger is bad air,not necessarily the poisons on the treasure. The Spanish,in there larger mines had air ventilation systems. You need to learn them in and out. This information is in the following book. Everyone interested in Spanish Mines needs to read "De re Metallica" by G.A.Agricola,in the English translation.If the air vent system is unusable or to complex a air compressor and a generator can help clear the air quite nicely.

Yes floor traps can be a problem. But if you go in the mine and have a system where you are strapped to a rope. You need to have constant tension on this rope. Also there are warning signs such as the lightning bolt painted on the wall pointing down to the trap.
As I said earlier you should read and study Charles Kenworthy's books. Better yet memorize them. But realize even he did not find or have all of the information.

Watch for anything that looks to easy. The Spanish understood greed. They would place items in plain sight. The removal of these items releases sand that is supporting the trap. At that point you turn from treasure hunter to a "PATRON" of the mine. A patron is one of the names of the spirits of the dead protecting the treasure.

Once in the cave after the air is clear.Do not touch anything with your skin. Wear thick rubber gloves and do not touch your face.

Once out of the cave items can be tested for poisons. Then a determination will need to be made if it is water based or oil.

If it is poisoned you can assume it is oil based.Then the oil must be removed. Please consult a chemist for advice. I will not print a recipe,because some people have no business fooling with chemicals.

You can PM me or post questions here if you need more information.
My post on poisons will come soon.


jeff of pa: I see I have turned into a jr.member. When can I expect my membership card and ring decoder in the mail?:)

To the rest of you let knock out this poison stuff. I have about 3 more postings on death traps. I will try to answer any questions you post. But frankly I would rather talk about Spanish History,Mexican legends,and adventures that I have had. What I am saying is I know the importance talking about it.But frankly I will be happy to not talk about death traps. I have already told all of you,I don't know everything.But I will share what I know.

There was some rather sensationalized information realeased in a book in the 90's. It is not my job to bash anyone or anything, Anyway among other things was this claim. If gold has been in a container and you are not careful it will spay you with poison gas. They had descriptions of a pick going into the ground and this toxic gas shooting out.

There is a lot of false information out there. Okay it is possible if gold was placed in an air tight container,like a tobacco can for several years to build up a Mercury vapor. Mercury was and still is used in refining gold,so where other fun toxic things. It would need to be a lot of gold coins and it would need to be airtight.All the detectorist needs to do is not stick your nose in the can right when you open it. Open it let it air for a few seconds,then you can stick your nose in it. Mercury vapors can kill you. But I think this is unlikely unless you have a large amount of gold found in an airtight container.

There also is a buzz about powdered death. It is either cyanide or arsenic dust. There are a few cases that I have heard. But my conclusion is that the powder was used in SPAIN,not the New World. From what I can tell it was the kings version of loss prevention. But even if that is not the case powder is easy. Don't touch it don't breath it. If you are dealing with poisons you need air and you need skin protection.

Also the reason I don't buy it is because everything in the new world had a pourpose any chemicals they had were for the mining and processing of gold and other metals. Why would you waist that on poisoning the mine. Use the chemicals you have to refine the gold,and If you cant carry it with you,throw the slurry(chemical leftover from refining) on any gold you leave behind.

That is the oil based. It is as simple as that. Have air,protect skin,consult chemist for easy removal of the nasty stuff.

For the pro the oil based is what it will be. I always assume the worst though, so If I enter a air vent for the first time I always have a air tank and gloves.


Hello Ericwt,
Just want to say I really enjoy reading the info you and others provide here on this forum. I have a few questions. Please bear with me as well. I am really interested on this subject , and am trying to learn as much as I can.

When you go down a pozo for the first time, What exactly are you wearing? You say no skin exposed. I understand the rubber gloves. Is a cotton long sleeve shirt OK?, or do you use a type of water resistant suit?
How do you test items for poisons?
How do you brace the sides of the air vents?

Last question . Let's say? you find?stacks of gold bars , and a bunch of snakes on and around the treasure. would it be safe to say no poison exist? (other than the snakes of course) ;D

fernie: A cotton long sleeve shirt is what I use. Don't try using a dry suit,you will be way too hot. What I am concerned with is skin coming into contact with something that I don't know is safe.

There are paper strips that can test the air and these could be used for items. Mining Supply stores sometimes carry a air test strip for air.

If I was in an area that has death traps,I would assume the worst and automatically flush with water and then bathed in a solution that would remove oils.

But the sad fact about this is,of the 4 areas in Mexico that I know there is treasure and death traps,all 4 sit right where they have for hundreds of years.

I have been lucky. Not one experience with death traps was successful. But I consider myself blessed to be able to discuss this right now. Better men than me will never tell their story.

The sides of the air vents can either be braced like I do,or the Spanish had a way they did it. See "Death Traps to Treasure" by Kenworthy,It explanes how the Spanish did it. But what I used is several floor jacks. As you go down you crank the jack so it is wedged between two walls. The boulder that is supposed to seal you in is likely in the first two levels. There will be shelves going down at different levels. If the sides of the airvent are braced will strong pressure,releasing the sand is not going to let the boulder fall on you or seal you it.

There is some talk about snakes in the book by Kenworthy and by others. Snakes are a danger when climbing up to find the airvent. Watch where you put your hand. In sealed mines there will be no snakes unless you let them in.

If you are referring to the Mexican snake pit,that is a different matter. You will see snakes way before you see any treasure. I do not think there is a danger of the treasure being poisoned.

I will say I know of two places in Texas that I believe to be Mexican snake pits,that are hiding what I believe are large troves. But my mind freaks when we are talking hundreds of rattlers in a small area. No thanks.


recovery from a snake pit a hose from you vehical or generater exhaust into cave the snakes will leave ............have a snake shooiting contest..........pump fresh air into cave ....recover ;D

Ericwt,? in reference to your statement about the Mexican snake pits, this is most interesting.? This was the type of situation that I was asking you about in a prior posted message.?

If by chance someone did find what they believed was a treasure cave, and it was full of hundreds of rattlesnakes at the entrance, I would think that there would be no way to totally eliminate all the would be at great risk entering the cave.? I would think that the risk would possibly be too great to take, especially when you are never 100% certain that the treasure trove still exist.?

Normal death traps like sand/boulder traps, or trap doors could be controlled/disarmed or avoided by the returning Spanish or Mexicans, but how could they assure safe entry into a snake infested treasure trove cave?? This is a very interesting subject.? Kelley (Texas)? South Texas

Kelley (Texas): If it is the kind of snake pit I am thinking about,there will be clues in the area around the cave. The Mexicans had Many markers.

The best way to retrieve is to wait till the coldest part of winter. The snakes will hibernate. It will still require nerves of steel because possibly hundreds of snakes will need to be moved. I do not know how deep of sleepers snakes are.

If this is a snake pit trove there will be hundreds and hundreds of snakes.

The trove is in a chamber 5-15 feet down. It may be under water or under a false floor. You will need to figure out how to hoist the gold from the chamber. the cache will likely be several hundred pounds,so this is not something to do alone.

In Mexico I wear 2 pairs of pants. One cut straight leg. The outer is baggy. When a rattler strikes it usually goes though the baggy pants and shoots venom on my straight leg pants. The venom wont get you unless your skin is broken.

Pm if you need to discuss specifics


How often do snakes strike above the knees? I am wondering if the snkae proof leggings are worth the money, if they do not protect the areas. Most of them are 15"or so high.

Hey! Gang:
? ::)? Let's not get carried away here!? ?::)
How many Spanish Treasures are you working on?
How many treasures do you think that you'll find!
Worthy of The Spanish Curse! ? :P
I know of three extremely Large! Spanish Treasures (all gold bars) that have been found!? ?:D
I know of three Extremely Large Spanish Treasures THAT! DID NOT!,? ? Let me REPEAT that !
"DID NOT" have any death traps., or Poison powder laying about!!
::) OR! Any, ?Dens of rattlesnakes,? ? ETC... !
The chance of anyone finding even a Small Spanish Cache is, what!? >:(? 500 - 1000 million +? to one ?? ?>:(
When I have been out there,
I have come closer to being Zonked by a falling rock
OR! Shot ! Than poisoned by powder,? Or!? Bit'n by a Nasty, lo down Snake!

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