jeff of pa: I see I have turned into a jr.member. When can I expect my membership card and ring decoder in the mail?
To the rest of you let knock out this poison stuff. I have about 3 more postings on death traps. I will try to answer any questions you post. But frankly I would rather talk about Spanish History,Mexican legends,and adventures that I have had. What I am saying is I know the importance talking about it.But frankly I will be happy to not talk about death traps. I have already told all of you,I don't know everything.But I will share what I know.
There was some rather sensationalized information realeased in a book in the 90's. It is not my job to bash anyone or anything, Anyway among other things was this claim. If gold has been in a container and you are not careful it will spay you with poison gas. They had descriptions of a pick going into the ground and this toxic gas shooting out.
There is a lot of false information out there. Okay it is possible if gold was placed in an air tight container,like a tobacco can for several years to build up a Mercury vapor. Mercury was and still is used in refining gold,so where other fun toxic things. It would need to be a lot of gold coins and it would need to be airtight.All the detectorist needs to do is not stick your nose in the can right when you open it. Open it let it air for a few seconds,then you can stick your nose in it. Mercury vapors can kill you. But I think this is unlikely unless you have a large amount of gold found in an airtight container.
There also is a buzz about powdered death. It is either cyanide or arsenic dust. There are a few cases that I have heard. But my conclusion is that the powder was used in SPAIN,not the New World. From what I can tell it was the kings version of loss prevention. But even if that is not the case powder is easy. Don't touch it don't breath it. If you are dealing with poisons you need air and you need skin protection.
Also the reason I don't buy it is because everything in the new world had a pourpose any chemicals they had were for the mining and processing of gold and other metals. Why would you waist that on poisoning the mine. Use the chemicals you have to refine the gold,and If you cant carry it with you,throw the slurry(chemical leftover from refining) on any gold you leave behind.
That is the oil based. It is as simple as that. Have air,protect skin,consult chemist for easy removal of the nasty stuff.
For the pro the oil based is what it will be. I always assume the worst though, so If I enter a air vent for the first time I always have a air tank and gloves.