I went to the dumpster yesterday and guess what was sitting on top of it ? A chinese knock off underwater metal detector. I turned it on and herd it chirp. Took it down and made a penny find right away. Wooo hooo !! My kid can use this one !!
I looked it up roger 110$ new. It works pretty well though. Perfect for a 7 year old.
GB looks like you might be getting into some digging weather finally!! Has it cooled down at all out there?
Alright man....that's great....I've been waiting to see what you dig up next !!it finally rained here and its in the mid 60's right now woohoo!!
i haven't been digging that much due to me being sick and the ground being rock hard
Hope you fell better soon. Don't forget that Flu shot.
i don't get a flu shot my parents won't let me. due to the fact when my mom and dad each got one they always got it and they fear it will happen to me too
Don't put that crap in your body!!!