... He’s a friendly snake...
On the subject of friendly snakes...
Last Friday my grandson let the dogs out, left the sliding glass door open, then went to his room to continue playing video games.
From under his closed door, a black snake slithered out, raised up, giving him the eye.
Grandson freaked out, and my daughter came to his aid, seeing the 3 1/2 foot black snake go under his bed as he made a mad dash out the door grabbing a shovel and the chase was on to no avail for a fast and evasive snake. Finally they got our next door neighbor to capture it in a pillow case , who took it to his yard and set it free.
When my wife arrived home after shipping at Walmart, we were greeted at the car with an excited grandson spilling out his adventure.
I went to thank my neighbor who burst out laughing, retelling his version of a three ring clown time snake encounter.
Yes, indeed, he was friendly snake.