... I have a deathly fear of needles.
Me too, and that a phobia that stays with you forever.
Being over 65 by many years, younger than T_H by two months, I have to have my blood tested for diabetes several times a year.
I had to go to a "chain" bloodletting lab where it was always tough and go with the technician .
The last time I ever went to this national chain lab, the women technician, whom I informed of my phobia, stuck in the needle, punctured the side of the vein, and complained that my blood was filling her tubes too slow. She then proceeded to root around with the needle in my arm, while I am totally freaking hyperventilating turning completely white verge of passing out.
She then said she needed to get another needle because the sample was not enough.
Coming to my rescue, my wife told her she had to made due with what she got, and led me out of that lab from hell- and I never went back.