I have a cemetery with 40 headstones. Out of those (of the headstones that are readable) here are the younger ones. Note: the first two have different last names, all the rest are from the same family name.
Eliza, died 11-1873, aged 2 yr. 6 m 29d.
Matilda, died 11-26-1873, aged 17y 6m 1d
Salomie, died 2-8-1872, aged 12 y 10 m 6d
Clara, died 4-25-1872, aged 4y 6m 4d
Joshua died 5-9-1873, aged 3y 7m 22d
Benson, died 1-29-1870, aged 10m 12d
Jerome, died 7-19-1863, aged 2y 5m 17d
Alice, died 12-6-1872, aged 1y 2m 25d
Sarah, died 10-12-1867. aged 3m 2d
Mary, died 12-7-1863, aged 1y 4m 4d
Alexander, died 9-14-1866, aged 1y 4m 11d
What does that say to you?
Now, I don't have death certificates for proof, but it tells me these shots and vaccines were invented for a good reason. Just sayin'.