View attachment 1845116 open the pic and check out this chart shot.....this is the "tongue of the ocean"...... this is the extreme north tip of andros and what's called the northwest channel light !! This is an incredible shear drop in spots from reef that sticks out of the water at low tide to 2000 feet !! I spent time between 2 home islands growing up.....mangrove cay, andros....and key largo FL. This is some great fishing and diving grounds. When I was a kid I would take my trusty 14 ft aluminum boat and anchor it in 3 ft of water on the reef edge. After I got everything ready I would let out the anchor line 50 ft and be in 2000 ft fishing for big tunas.....60 - 120lb !! It was some crazy nerve racking adrenaline fun !!!
We snorkelled on the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef. The guy brought us out to this really little sandy cay to show us the wonders of the reef. One side were the giant clams in 10-12ft of water. On the other was the drop off-it still gives me the willies 28yrs later. I swear there was something looking at me for lunch-that's the feeling we all had.