Morning, fellas.
Hunted all day Saturday, didn't hear one single gobble. Sunday, we heard several gobblers on the ridge tops, so we walked about a mile and three quarters to get up to the one area we know gobblers frequent. We sat all day, and towards the end, we started hearing leaves being kicked up by hens on their way to roost. I can't shoot hens, but just because we don't hear gobbling doesn't mean they're not there. So then all of a sudden, the leaves are quiet, and we hear the hens yelping in the distance to our left now. Then we heard a ton of commotion behind us. I said to John "That is either the biggest dang turkey in the state, or that's Bigfoot." So the crunching gets louder, we're all ready for the monster turkey to come into view, and then we both nearly jumped out of our skins when the unseen creature said "Dad, I got another one!" Nobody is supposed to be up on this ridge but us, so John jumps out to rip the trespasser a new one, and then a friendly "hello" is heard, and out walks Mr. Massie from a tree. He hadn't been on that section of property for 11 years, but they like Morel Mushrooms, so here they were. John says it was the first time he had ever called in a congressman before.
It was a long weekend, and now I'm exhausted. When we weren't hunting, we were watching movies, including such classics as Ace Ventura 1-2, 21 and 22 Jump Street, Deadpool, and an entire season of Justified. I've got a "peeping Tom" complex, where I get embarrassed by watching people kiss, in movies or not, so I just smile and look away. Over the weekend, my face must have been beet red, and I counted 13 lady bugs on the ceiling, from watching some of these movies.