THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

well if there is no lint involved,try pressing the power key and volume down to reboot...……..or you can pull the battery out of phone and hold power key for one minute that discharges any glitches that are trapped in circuits


About the only advice I can suggest is practice social distancing and the hand washing thing. Also make sure you have a good supply of long lasting foodstuffs such as pasta, rice, beans, etc. Let the idiots hoard toilet paper we can always go back to using catalogs.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:
have been doing all of the above but with so few places to buy stuff it gets ,,,,,,it sucks still cant find any chicken!!!

Arrrrrrrrgggggggg. There Beeps. :)

And on that sweet note... I am off.

May the cool winds fill ye sails ... And take you over the horizon.

Speaking of horizons... Its horizontal time.

Yo ho ho me hearties !

have been doing all of the above but with so few places to buy stuff it gets ,,,,,,it sucks still cant find any chicken!!!

I asked a butcher about chicken and where the hold up is.
He said at the processing end.
I did not ask if overseas stock is part of that equation ;knowing there was domestic stock in the recent past...

You might ask (nicely) when a shipment is expected.
Last week my ladyfriend had a contact that gave a close estimate of a truck arrival. (not chicken...But similar principle.)

Crazy stuff. Chicken will return.
My guess is too many people buying too much for their freezers at one time. Die happy with lots of supplies I guess.
One butcher had blisters from overtime. A cashier said she worked late the night before helping butchers...

Could there come a day when perishable meat stock gets marked down from setting so long?
My guess is yes.
When people calm down and look at what they have , why keep hoarding?


I've been told alligator tastes like chicken time to think outside the box buddy.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

have been doing all of the above but with so few places to buy stuff it gets ,,,,,,it sucks still cant find any chicken!!!

Gator is some very good eating.

Clearing my throat. Thanks bill.

Keyshunter Thank you!
Holding the power and volume buttons turned it on. It works!

For that I'm sending the loaded cannons down there to send the invaders packing!I don't have to fire across their bow first either! Send them packing!
Tell them all they won their states lottery, you saw their license plate on the news for the lottery.

Yep gator tastes like chicken!

Cause you don't call a gator chicken unless you can out run him!
Be advised those gators have get up and go on a whole other level.

Cause you don't call a gator chicken unless you can out run him!
Be advised those gators have get up and go on a whole other level.

Apparently there's an escargot video too. I don't think I can watch that one tonight. :icon_cyclops_ani:

No guys, I am here, sorta, off and on. My internet has been acting up the past few days. Plus disruptions around the house. Being here reminds me of when I work on something, something that should take 15 minutes now takes an hour and a half and now posting takes me almost 30 minutes, ( and it is on my end not TNET ). :BangHead:

We got a prayer chain call tonight. Some one in our church family contracted the virus due to her exposure as a nurse.

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