I work part time, just when they need the extra help. We've saved a little extra powder and I would love to really load up the truck with everything I could muster, but the problem is, in the short run, that extra powder is going to be needed if things continue to slow, or put on hold, and I don't get much work.
Doesn't matter how good a sale silver might be right now, circumstances say to hold the extra powder for a bit. Aarrrggg.
In fact, having an emergency stash of powder, in case all the power is down for a period of time, and electronic payments are out.
At least enough handy to fix a flat, or get some gas . . . could be cold medicine, or baby formula . . . things happen. (That rainy day stuff)
If everything was cash only all of a sudden, and ATMs were tapped out. Would we be ok for a while?