THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning forum followers. 11.47 inches of rain for me this month. South of me has had as much as 37 inches. It is incredible.

Not to mention all of the rain we have here, being dumped into the Ohio River, which in turn sends it down your way via the Mississippi.

Morning bart and bill.

Not to mention all of the rain we have here, being dumped into the Ohio River, which in turn sends it down your way via the Mississippi.

Absolutely. Some our rivers won't crest for maybe a week or so. More rain today.

Good Morning, Pirates & Piretresses! I see we have a new crew member. Welcome wolf gurl!

Starting off the day that you can only laugh at! I got to work and first thing I noticed was I had my shirt on backwards. LOL. At least I was the only one to see it. Then I found out that at 12:36 a. m. someone tried to buy a computer with my company credit card. Got to give the fraud department a kudos for catching that right off the bat!

I have picked out 11 rings of my mother's to take to the jeweler and see what is what. We have plans to take everything, but I think that will be a daunting task. So I am to going to pick out what is unique looking and what has markings first. Also, in small amounts so I can keep track easier. One of the 11 is my mother's wedding ring, which I am going to have repaired just because. Take a look if you want.


Goo to you too...:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Goo is some kind of rum speak probably.....


I wish it was Rum speak!

I totally crashed yesterday. We finally got home around 5:00 p.m. I fixed supper and then went to bed. Woke up at 5:00 this morning to do it all over again! I am dragging bad. If this pace keeps up, I am going to be in a hospital either in Dayton (health) or Indiana (Mental).


Goo to you too...:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I'm always looking for recipes to use up what we have stockpiled rather than buying more pantry items. Well I bought a 5 lb package of macaroni last year and still plenty left in the pantry.

So I'll be doing this recipe but changing it up for vegetarian. Use some frozen swiss chard from the garden, ricotta and home made tomato sauce and use some grated cheese as per the recipe.

Feel free to use the mac & cheese and meat or whatever you have or like.

Ah yes! We like to take our leftover chili and add it to macaroni and add some cheese, then bake. Mmmm Mmmm MM!


I wish it was Rum speak!

I totally crashed yesterday. We finally got home around 5:00 p.m. I fixed supper and then went to bed. Woke up at 5:00 this morning to do it all over again! I am dragging bad. If this pace keeps up, I am going to be in a hospital either in Dayton (health) or Indiana (Mental).

Be careful out there WD. Keep us in the loop.

Morning joshuaream. Welcome. What's going on with you today?

Here's another thing that's been going on with me. I have benn researching on Fam. Srch. for several years now. It was pretty slow going, but all of a sudden they are piecing the puzzle together. I have ancesters that were from Hampden county, Mass. So I am searching and come across this book that has cemeteries and history of the area. It was approx. $230.00. I found it on e-bay for less than $15.00.

Agawam Massachusette Stories Carved in Stone


Good morning ARC, Rook, Wolfgurl, Bill, RR, GB, WD, and our awesomesstestsss rum rummaging crew!

Welcome aboard wolfgurl, cup of rum?

WD goo is a thing at our house too, usually from the 2 youngest members.
...and then there were 5...more family drama!
We could put the tv soaps to shame! :BangHead:
GB, 2 are headed your way, one is cute...the other sucks.
Long, day/night/day.
PD showed up but not at our house, another state. Then "someone" couldn't tell the difference between am/pm on take off times. for sale cheap! ...uh..FREE! :BangHead:

Good morning rook, GB, bill, beeps, RR, WD, TR, and wolfgurl,..............

I put rum and brown sugar in my oatmeal,........... this is going to be a good day.

Rum, someone hand me rum!

Morning Sanman just fill up my coffee cup with rum, hold the brown sugar.I

And now auto correct wants to give me attitude! sheeez

Coming for a visit WD?

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