Mornin all.
Crawled around with pinpointer yesterday looking for two of the property stakes. Found one.
Starting to think I might need to use a detector. l.o.l..
The day without rain meant hustle.
Went to dry out a small heater stove salvaged from a demolition and couldn't find the propane hose I put in a safe place. (Safe from me I guess.)
This morning I'm thinking I hung it over a rail in the tarp shed. A place I didn't look yesterday because bugs could get in the hose...Cleaning mud dauber nests out of the control knob probably helped think it was in the solid shed. Or back of truck(s) or everywhere else it wasn't . Ah well.
Grape vines pulled and more yard stuff.
Still need to bleach dead mouse spots of hunting blind. A muddy route to get there. But when?
Dog food run a priority today. Which should have been one of yesterdays dry weather activity's..
Crawled around with pinpointer yesterday looking for two of the property stakes. Found one.
Starting to think I might need to use a detector. l.o.l..
The day without rain meant hustle.
Went to dry out a small heater stove salvaged from a demolition and couldn't find the propane hose I put in a safe place. (Safe from me I guess.)
This morning I'm thinking I hung it over a rail in the tarp shed. A place I didn't look yesterday because bugs could get in the hose...Cleaning mud dauber nests out of the control knob probably helped think it was in the solid shed. Or back of truck(s) or everywhere else it wasn't . Ah well.
Grape vines pulled and more yard stuff.
Still need to bleach dead mouse spots of hunting blind. A muddy route to get there. But when?
Dog food run a priority today. Which should have been one of yesterdays dry weather activity's..