Another week has past so fast and it's great to have had a full day of sun yesterday.
37F this early am-getting close but not there yet.
Bug are being knocked backdown which is nice.
We brought the Max for a spa treatment this week, got the full treatment and came out just a very clean pup.
His nails don't click on the floors any longer.
Got my braking system figured out on the car hauler yesterday finally, just 2 wires reversed.
Had everything else working on the trailer as in lights, signals.
But the brakes were not for some reason.
Every plug is not the same it seems and even though it states colour coding, it's not the right terminal.
Leaving to go to pick up my manure spreader this morning.

Should prove interesting getting it loaded, it's drawbar for the team of horses will have to come off.
The hauler is 16' long plus some cheating on the tongue end for length.
Exciting times having a new toy to make things go easier in life.
Now this is total speculation on my part-as it might be just a lawn ornament type rig.
Friend texted yesterday its a Lobster dinner event on Saturday.
They're returning from the East coast and loaded down with sea food.
Ordered up Large Scallops, Halibut steaks and cheeks.
Then it's a cheese stop in Quebec for butter and old/smoke cheeses
Oh ya-nothing like getting in the food for winter.