Ok…. Just thought I’d tell y’all about my day as it seems like a good thread to vent. As of Friday evening I could not find my jeep keys, nor the spare. Looked high and low and as of Sunday evening, resigned to the fact that I would have to have a new one made. Caught a ride to dealership this Am (missing work-and I’m already swamped) ), paid 470 dollars for new key, arranged a tow ($140) to have car to dealership so that they could program. As the tow was on its way, I started to move things out of the back. Moved a case of water and there they sat! Called and cancelled tow, but dealership wasn’t sure they could refund. 3 hours later I paid 90 dollar restock fee and was refunded. Arrived home, and found my spare under my inflatable kayak. Not making this up. The cost of mindlessness 😐. Thanks for listening, and feel free to laugh and ridicule 😂