Pepperj 's world....
Bart's world.....
Both float (I hope)
But just an example on how 2 lives are in different leagues but still have a common element.
I guess what I'm getting at is if we measure ourselves against others it's sometimes a tad out of ability to grasp.
I have next to zero chance of recovering the gold or ship wreck treasures.
But then again we don't even try to measure the 2 worlds as it would just be a total bummer for the Bart.

(Like really how can he even come close to comparing or even competing with my big blue salvage vessel )
So keep trying buddy-keep posting up that shiny gold, the encrusted silvers, and throw a pull tab in once in a while to make that other feller feel warm and cozy.
Truthfully you are a inspiration to many and the sharing never gets old, it just grows.
It gives many the hope that little dreams grow into real life adventures.
Share-because there are many that do care that others share.
I accept what my world gives me for finds, I would love to once again dig in the blossoms dirt and spend my time. The thoughts of blowing bubbles in the sea, fanning the gold free.
But these are just a dream, an inspiration to just get out and play in the dirt, that is my play ground these days.
So to the fellow pirates that are struggling with the day think of it in another way.
We're all alive-bonus (we have lost too many pirates these past few years)
Not live in the past-but don't forget the cherished those moments either.
Get out and enjoy a little nature-as it's worth more than most finds.
Laugh-even at the silliness of oneself.