THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Most likely not as I don't even know what that is. Not sure I'm got at much of anything besides being good at being good at nothing. Mind I'm a very hard worker and understand work isn't meant to be fun it's work. I've worked in the orchard hours on end in heat and cold. I've gone long hours doing work. I have done many mundane tasks hours on end content with it. I'm just terrible at things when a lot is going on my brain gets easily twisted all up.
Two boards nearly touch along thier sides. Barely because between coldest winter and hottest summer there will be expansion and contraction.
So (per me) we don't need to beat the boards together. Or have them more than about 3/4 inch apart .

Vertical boards on walls for siding. Lets fill in the gaps with , battens. Thin strips of wood/material fastened over the gaps between boards.
You can do that. Could we find a source of rough cut pine , I could set you to work duplicating a hunting blind. At your pace . You have a pattern /example.

If we built a shack and nailed/screwed boards over the frame to skin it , we could use battens to secure (support better) mineral paper we tack on the boards. If you had money we could put a roofing felt on the walls before the mineral paper/rolled roofing.
Or we could use common shingles. Or split cedar shakes (no thanks).
Was a shake mill near me. Men sent over by me (long before my time) to cut remaining pine stumps from the logging era to make shingles from. Another mill in the other nearest village saw fire from train sparks. So the story goes.

Can we see the battens? I'll need to swap to the phone and find a picture.
A guy could use a case of caulking too on cracks still. But the battens stop the worst of the wind. Leaving interior wall flat.(No battens. Not that they couldn't be added..)


Ugh! I hate that too! As we post the dryer is buzzing, the washer beeped several minutes ago, I’m looking at a basket of clothes that needs put away, the vacuum cleaner is winking at me and it’s time for supper. Yet here I am. 😂
I just finished the dishes.
No ,no dish machine.

I just finished the dishes.
No ,no dish machine.
To quote Blossom… Ah Bless you!

I know I’ve told the story before, but it’s worth telling again since we have so many new people. Once while doing dishes and glass broke and sliced my little pinky finger and it needed stitches. So, I called hubby and he took me to the emergency room. I was telling him on the way down there that he would have to do the dishes when we got home. While sitting with the doctor, the subject came up, and the doctor advised him to get a pair of rubber gloves I could still do the dishes. And so he dropped me off at home and then went to the store and brought me back some rubber gloves. No compassion from the Mr WD. 🥺

PS: it’s really quite funny when you hear him tell the story.

To quote Blossom… Ah Bless you!

I know I’ve told the story before, but it’s worth telling again since we have so many new people. Once while doing dishes and glass broke and sliced my little pinky finger and it needed stitches. So, I called hubby and he took me to the emergency room. I was telling him on the way down there that he would have to do the dishes when we got home. While sitting with the doctor, the subject came up, and the doctor advised him to get a pair of rubber gloves I could still do the dishes. And so he dropped me off at home and then went to the store and brought me back some rubber gloves. No compassion from the Mr WD. 🥺

PS: it’s really quite funny when you hear him tell the story.
Smashed my hand open months ago . And went and got some rubber gloves.
She could dish again probably.
I'd rather she cooked. No I don't demand she does.
And I don't mind the results of my dishing Vs hers. (Not that I stop her if she washes somethings.)
Oh, my laundry is mine too!
Nothing like the bouquet of some funky fabric softener while deer hunting. "Calming lilac" or "sunshine daydream" my foot!
Then , I wear one sock.
Do I really need matched and folded and tucked together socks?
Do I care if a sock went on a sabbatical or a.w.o.l. without my knowing?
Just grab the pile of clean socks and shove them in the drawer! Ta da! Pull one out, Not a pair that one cries when I tear them apart and it gets shoved back in the drawer. (Maybe they both cry? They werepretty close after all. Paired up even.)
Old cloths of mixed colors? Wash them together. Their done bleeding. Whites together? O.K. , but let's not get too picky about it. A pale colored something falls in the wash tub that isn't a furred live animal or something ' it can go for a ride with the whites. After all it wasn't my idea.
End of the month I'll pull out the fabric softener holder thingy atop the agitator and clean it well. That will help ensure there's no backlash/wash of softener when I wash a hunting clothing item.
Not that they get washed a lot but there can be some bloody events where much of what I'm wearing during an incident / wrestling match get washed. No , blood stains on camo are not a screaming deal if they show post wash from getting set.
Oddly , seldom seen anyways. Must be promptness of washing to avoid dogs trying to eat bloody cloths. Or who's wearing them.

Dog bedding and dog bathing towels get washed a lot. Hard on a washer in our sandy area.
Killed one transmission seal and had it replaced to fail again.
I saw the "mud" on it. Hard to try to keep off. Not really preventable without a prewash outside somewhere.
So I'm back to the brand formerly toughest , despite being plain Jane.
house is trashed but clean cloths and bedding. Being a former cook and custodian , I can survive hygiene and sanitation mostly. Got to be careful sharing my breakfast with dogs and thier germs is all. l.o.l..

Smashed my hand open months ago . And went and got some rubber gloves.
She could dish again probably.
I'd rather she cooked. No I don't demand she does.
And I don't mind the results of my dishing Vs hers. (Not that I stop her if she washes somethings.)
Oh, my laundry is mine too!
Nothing like the bouquet of some funky fabric softener while deer hunting. "Calming lilac" or "sunshine daydream" my foot!
Then , I wear one sock.
Do I really need matched and folded and tucked together socks?
Do I care if a sock went on a sabbatical or a.w.o.l. without my knowing?
Just grab the pile of clean socks and shove them in the drawer! Ta da! Pull one out, Not a pair that one cries when I tear them apart and it gets shoved back in the drawer. (Maybe they both cry? They werepretty close after all. Paired up even.)
Old cloths of mixed colors? Wash them together. Their done bleeding. Whites together? O.K. , but let's not get too picky about it. A pale colored something falls in the wash tub that isn't a furred live animal or something ' it can go for a ride with the whites. After all it wasn't my idea.
End of the month I'll pull out the fabric softener holder thingy atop the agitator and clean it well. That will help ensure there's no backlash/wash of softener when I wash a hunting clothing item.
Not that they get washed a lot but there can be some bloody events where much of what I'm wearing during an incident / wrestling match get washed. No , blood stains on camo are not a screaming deal if they show post wash from getting set.
Oddly , seldom seen anyways. Must be promptness of washing to avoid dogs trying to eat bloody cloths. Or who's wearing them.

Dog bedding and dog bathing towels get washed a lot. Hard on a washer in our sandy area.
Killed one transmission seal and had it replaced to fail again.
I saw the "mud" on it. Hard to try to keep off. Not really preventable without a prewash outside somewhere.
So I'm back to the brand formerly toughest , despite being plain Jane.
house is trashed but clean cloths and bedding. Being a former cook and custodian , I can survive hygiene and sanitation mostly. Got to be careful sharing my breakfast with dogs and thier germs is all. l.o.l..
Fish don’t care what you smell like. You will smell like them by the end of the day. Lol. Yeah the mr has me trained well. He goes to work every day, mows the lawn once a week for about 6 months a year , and I do the rest. Oh he does haul the trash up the driveway. Once he forgot and was about 5 miles down the road hauling the trash can with his hitch. Now he calls it, “ Take your trash to work day.” Lol
Major projects, those are his too, but I have to help.
All that being said, good to know the laundry info, should he decide to take up hunting.

Most likely not as I don't even know what that is. Not sure I'm got at much of anything besides being good at being good at nothing. Mind I'm a very hard worker and understand work isn't meant to be fun it's work. I've worked in the orchard hours on end in heat and cold. I've gone long hours doing work. I have done many mundane tasks hours on end content with it. I'm just terrible at things when a lot is going on my brain gets easily twisted all up.
Cut trees, chip branches, mow grass, frig I would even feed ya.
Heck I'll buy a sawmill, we'll learn to ve frustrated together.
Then there's the fall detecting.
You probably get along with the Max, you can be his new play buddy.
Now that's bottom rung stressful.

Fish don’t care what you smell like. You will smell like them by the end of the day. Lol. Yeah the mr has me trained well. He goes to work every day, mows the lawn once a week for about 6 months a year , and I do the rest. Oh he does haul the trash up the driveway. Once he forgot and was about 5 miles down the road hauling the trash can with his hitch. Now he calls it, “ Take your trash to work day.” Lol
Major projects, those are his too, but I have to help.
All that being said, good to know the laundry info, should he decide to take up hunting.
He takes up hunting , starch his underwear heavy. Just because you can. And because he's hunting. First it's hunting Ohio. Then out West. Then Alaska. Hear that? Africa beckons.. Drinking or chasing skirts might not be worse before you intervene. The roads are parallel.

He goes on a hunting trip , put his socks in his gun case. He complains you didn't pack him socks , shoot him for not opening his gun case on his hunting trip.
You're welcome!
Follow me for more domestic bliss tips.
(Caution and disclaimer , you may find the house long term peacefully quiet after a while. Not always a bad thing. But do it in a manner it doesn't get traced back to you.)

Cut trees, chip branches, mow grass, frig I would even feed ya.
Heck I'll buy a sawmill, we'll learn to ve frustrated together.
Then there's the fall detecting.
You probably get along with the Max, you can be his new play buddy.
Now that's bottom rung stressful.
Don't forget leaf raking about to start soon. (No not while in a climbed tree).

Cut trees, chip branches, mow grass, frig I would even feed ya.
Heck I'll buy a sawmill, we'll learn to ve frustrated together.
Then there's the fall detecting.
You probably get along with the Max, you can be his new play buddy.
Now that's bottom rung stressful.
I've always been fine with work. Just I seem to struggle with far too much and the generalize anxiety disorder and panic disorder doesn't help. Makes me feel terrible that dummy me can't even handle a part time job. The dread I feel when I go to work is terrible the whole time I'm on edge stressed at levels that definitely aren't normal for work. I force myself to go because I want to do my part I'm not lazy. I just can't figure out why I'm such a disaster when it comes to being functional I just want to be normal.

I've always been fine with work. Just I seem to struggle with far too much and the generalize anxiety disorder and panic disorder doesn't help. Makes me feel terrible that dummy me can't even handle a part time job. The dread I feel when I go to work is terrible the whole time I'm on edge stressed at levels that definitely aren't normal for work. I force myself to go because I want to do my part I'm not lazy. I just can't figure out why I'm such a disaster when it comes to being functional I just want to be normal.
You get to work. Keep saying that. Yes. I did too. Multiples of us saying "I LOVE MY JOB!" And not meaning it.

Normal? Haha hahaha..
Ain't nobody normal!
Normal! Ha ha haha.
Say it with me. HA HAHA.....

He takes up hunting , starch his underwear heavy. Just because you can. And because he's hunting. First it's hunting Ohio. Then out West. Then Alaska. Hear that? Africa beckons.. Drinking or chasing skirts might not be worse before you intervene. The roads are parallel.

He goes on a hunting trip , put his socks in his gun case. He complains you didn't pack him socks , shoot him for not opening his gun case on his hunting trip.
You're welcome!
Follow me for more domestic bliss tips.
(Caution and disclaimer , you may find the house long term peacefully quiet after a while. Not always a bad thing. But do it in a manner it doesn't get traced back to you.)
He already hunted in Africa back in the Spring of 2019. It took over two years to get the mounts back here. He just finished his displays this year.


He already hunted in Africa back in the Spring of 2019. It took over two years to get the mounts back here. He just finished his displays this year.

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My condolences Mrs. W.D..
Do you have a good contingency plan?

Kudu has a lot goin on there.
(Got to be interesting looking up at ones quarry when too close...)

My condolences Mrs. W.D..
Do you have a good contingency plan?

Kudu has a lot goin on there.
(Got to be interesting looking up at ones quarry when too close...)
The granddaughter calls them monsters. She has even had a nightmare about two monsters and “papaw came and shot them and then he went home! “ We will probably have to leave the room closed off when they come over.

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