I'm the only beach guy that dosent own a scoop !! I've never owned one ever !! Also,...don't tell anyone, but 98% of the time I don't use anything but factory settings !! Rarely do I use any custom settings. If the machine is out of my normal mode from accidentally hitting buttons....I factory reset. Pin pointer ?? Ha......once in a blue moon I use it. Never had a real digging tool until this year. Customized machine is like a fancy car that dosent race 🏁. My machine won't last 3 years.....whatever brand it is because that's how long they all last if you use them more than twice a week.....no matter how you treat them. I learned that from using them up. Just like a battery drill.....they ware out after 3-4 years and ya get another one.....thats how it works. Head phones are always stock, and wired !! No time for me to put up with pairing problems and extra things to charge. Never ever wore a finds pouch, and fancy gloves are for p...y's
Everybody thinks I'm some kind of professional.....haaa ha !! Im just an islander who has been a top level beachcomber all my life !! I have found everything that any of you can imagine that would wash up from the sea....EVERYTHING !! the metaldetector was a natural progression for any successful beachcomber, and I was using a probe long before the detector. We call it tapping bottles ..... by probing for them in the swampy sand !! To be truthful, I am able to eyeball alot of great finds, and often see them before detecting them. My oldest coin to date 1621....was eyeballed long before my latest detecting success. The image people have of me and the reality is often very different. We all have our techniques and methods....mine are just crude yet effective !! Some people would be shocked hunting with me. I carry almost nothing !! Im very light and mobile !