Not too great to be honest. I get far too anxious. Can't get the serving down as I can't remember names or orders so that isn't going well at all. Not sure I'm going to last.
Association (relates to your memory by....) Is part of memory. Not everyone remembers names.
Babe Ruth. Called everyone Butch. Hi Babe! Hiya Butch!
Thats how it was.
IF as mentioned you're allowed a note pad or ticketbook (who wouldn't?) Youcan use your own abbreviation andorlaunguageof association. Do becareful not to incriminate yourself should your notes fall in the werong hands. Like customer called butthead or something.
You have a position. Table or chair or door ect. Tables often numbered formally or informally.
Then in is a matter of position at the table. Clockwise or counter clockwise.
6people can be 6 numbers. Yopu just have to approach numbers from the same position of tables. A cardinal direction (North for example) or main aisle or however it works for you.
Then of course , ladies first.
Table three with two customers are , customer one on my left as I face the table with North(which happens to be the main traffic isle to the table ) behind me. Number two is the only customer left but still clockwise from number one.
Here on my order ticket copy (the kitchen has my original) is table #6 cus. #1 blue plate. #2 prime rib ,baked,x-tra sour cream .french on sal.
#1 coffee. #2 white house wine.
Specials I've had wait staff have written down and read to me. Closer to or as new specials arise or older ones subtracted/revoked notes can help.
Dessert lists too some places with non commercial commercial offerings like a place we hit with "home made" desserts. Keep track of inventory how?
You just started shift how would you know what today offers? And then you'd memorize it? Hmm. Maybe.
When I cooked for a living I had three menus /(restaurants)to cook from at times. Usually two.
That took time to learn/associate/memorize..
Remember my opinion of time frames? A week? Two weeks? Yes . only opinion.
But watch ; and it does take time to gain traction.
you haven't been at it that long.
Probably different today.
Most folks had nicknames.
Yes one has to be careful there too. But it's that association/memory there too.
Smiley the cook was pregnant among other things , and cried a lot.
A Smiley I had a handin naming elsewhere smiled a lot. Had heavy internal mental anguish at times , but smiled a lot anyways.
How did everyone (mostly) know who Smiley was in either case?