THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good mornin' crew!

Today's adventure; an old timer in the neighborhood thinks he knows the location of an 1800's brothel near a small lake way up in the Sierras.
And off we go!

Morning John
How's the work going?
Not too great to be honest. I get far too anxious. Can't get the serving down as I can't remember names or orders so that isn't going well at all. Not sure I'm going to last.

Can't get the serving down as I can't remember names or orders so that isn't going well at all.
Unless it's forbidden, there's no harm in using a notepad.

Well what a nightmare I’ve had this morning…. We have decided to postpone the Basset Paw-Ty this weekend given the crazy heat (for September … in England) … but I think the worse news is… when I called the coffee van.. was expecting her to say… “ now Blossom.. your gonna have to take all the cakes Id ordered…”.. obviously I’d have had to put my big girl’s pants on and stepped up to the plate… so to speak… but oh no… she says that’s ok will sell them at the park I will go to instead 😣 ..

but the good news is she delivers to the BBC… so is going to ask them if they want to come over and film for the local news segment on the rearranged date…. 😂😂… so your girl Blossom, may yet make a late bid to Fame and fortune yet…. Now to work out how I can segue way from it being about the basset paw-Ty to pirate ships and digging for treasure 🤔 x

Unless it's forbidden, there's no harm in using a notepad.
I can do that. Once I'm able to get one I will. I just have a huge problem with anxiety. Just such unnatural levels of it and getting confused with the dumbest things. Just feeling like a moron when it comes to work and like I only get in the way and slow things down

Not too great to be honest. I get far too anxious. Can't get the serving down as I can't remember names or orders so that isn't going well at all. Not sure I'm going to last.
Association (relates to your memory by....) Is part of memory. Not everyone remembers names.

Babe Ruth. Called everyone Butch. Hi Babe! Hiya Butch!
Thats how it was.

IF as mentioned you're allowed a note pad or ticketbook (who wouldn't?) Youcan use your own abbreviation andorlaunguageof association. Do becareful not to incriminate yourself should your notes fall in the werong hands. Like customer called butthead or something.

You have a position. Table or chair or door ect. Tables often numbered formally or informally.
Then in is a matter of position at the table. Clockwise or counter clockwise.
6people can be 6 numbers. Yopu just have to approach numbers from the same position of tables. A cardinal direction (North for example) or main aisle or however it works for you.
Then of course , ladies first.

Table three with two customers are , customer one on my left as I face the table with North(which happens to be the main traffic isle to the table ) behind me. Number two is the only customer left but still clockwise from number one.
Here on my order ticket copy (the kitchen has my original) is table #6 cus. #1 blue plate. #2 prime rib ,baked,x-tra sour cream .french on sal.
#1 coffee. #2 white house wine.

Specials I've had wait staff have written down and read to me. Closer to or as new specials arise or older ones subtracted/revoked notes can help.
Dessert lists too some places with non commercial commercial offerings like a place we hit with "home made" desserts. Keep track of inventory how?
You just started shift how would you know what today offers? And then you'd memorize it? Hmm. Maybe.

When I cooked for a living I had three menus /(restaurants)to cook from at times. Usually two.
That took time to learn/associate/memorize..

Remember my opinion of time frames? A week? Two weeks? Yes . only opinion.
But watch ; and it does take time to gain traction.
you haven't been at it that long.

Probably different today.
Most folks had nicknames.
Yes one has to be careful there too. But it's that association/memory there too.
Smiley the cook was pregnant among other things , and cried a lot.
A Smiley I had a handin naming elsewhere smiled a lot. Had heavy internal mental anguish at times , but smiled a lot anyways.
How did everyone (mostly) know who Smiley was in either case?

Association (relates to your memory by....) Is part of memory. Not everyone remembers names.

Babe Ruth. Called everyone Butch. Hi Babe! Hiya Butch!
Thats how it was.

IF as mentioned you're allowed a note pad or ticketbook (who wouldn't?) Youcan use your own abbreviation andorlaunguageof association. Do becareful not to incriminate yourself should your notes fall in the werong hands. Like customer called butthead or something.

You have a position. Table or chair or door ect. Tables often numbered formally or informally.
Then in is a matter of position at the table. Clockwise or counter clockwise.
6people can be 6 numbers. Yopu just have to approach numbers from the same position of tables. A cardinal direction (North for example) or main aisle or however it works for you.
Then of course , ladies first.

Table three with two customers are , customer one on my left as I face the table with North(which happens to be the main traffic isle to the table ) behind me. Number two is the only customer left but still clockwise from number one.
Here on my order ticket copy (the kitchen has my original) is table #6 cus. #1 blue plate. #2 prime rib ,baked,x-tra sour cream .french on sal.
#1 coffee. #2 white house wine.

Specials I've had wait staff have written down and read to me. Closer to or as new specials arise or older ones subtracted/revoked notes can help.
Dessert lists too some places with non commercial commercial offerings like a place we hit with "home made" desserts. Keep track of inventory how?
You just started shift how would you know what today offers? And then you'd memorize it? Hmm. Maybe.

When I cooked for a living I had three menus /(restaurants)to cook from at times. Usually two.
That took time to learn/associate/memorize..

Remember my opinion of time frames? A week? Two weeks? Yes . only opinion.
But watch ; and it does take time to gain traction.
you haven't been at it that long.

Probably different today.
Most folks had nicknames.
Yes one has to be careful there too. But it's that association/memory there too.
Smiley the cook was pregnant among other things , and cried a lot.
A Smiley I had a handin naming elsewhere smiled a lot. Had heavy internal mental anguish at times , but smiled a lot anyways.
How did everyone (mostly) know who Smiley was in either case?
I deal with the same people sitting at the same tables because it's an assisted living home. So I have to kind of know names. My brain has just always been terrible at taking in multiple bits of information at once. I really struggle with it. I feel bad because when it comes to the part of having to serve and take orders I'm no help

I can do that. Once I'm able to get one I will. I just have a huge problem with anxiety. Just such unnatural levels of it and getting confused with the dumbest things. Just feeling like a moron when it comes to work and like I only get in the way and slow things down
A particular friend would call me a dumbass if I told him that. And when he has struggled I've given him a solution and assured him he needs constant tending. (He doesn't.) Because we've both been there , and he's a "professional" ; but only in some things.
Once we've done something it's different next time usually.
And the third time easier.
And after a while it's just done.
Then we have to ask ourselves if we did it. When the first time or multiple times we struggled.
It's alright. You could be standing on the same two feet of floor turning the same type nut on the same type bolt in the same way over and over.
Or like one job I had , pumping a steel bar handle thousands of times a day while feeding parts into a grinder with the other like a chimp.
Meanwhile the stress your feeling on your new job would run out your ear with your brain after a while.

Good stress , bad stress.
Good stress you recognize. It's oh crap I'm alive and jumping through hoops while spinning plates and singing a song I just read the lyrics to once while also multi tasking on top of my mind thinking of other things .

I'll leave you alone after a Steven Wright quote I like a lot..
(I'd wear it on a tee shirt if "they" made it a medium tall.)

Steven Wright

“You know when you're sitting on a chair and you lean back so you're just on two legs and you lean too far so you almost fall over but at the last second you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time...”​


A particular friend would call me a dumbass if I told him that. And when he has struggled I've given him a solution and assured him he needs constant tending. (He doesn't.) Because we've both been there , and he's a "professional" ; but only in some things.
Once we've done something it's different next time usually.
And the third time easier.
And after a while it's just done.
Then we have to ask ourselves if we did it. When the first time or multiple times we struggled.
It's alright. You could be standing on the same two feet of floor turning the same type nut on the same type bolt in the same way over and over.
Or like one job I had , pumping a steel bar handle thousands of times a day while feeding parts into a grinder with the other like a chimp.
Meanwhile the stress your feeling on your new job would run out your ear with your brain after a while.

Good stress , bad stress.
Good stress you recognize. It's oh crap I'm alive and jumping through hoops while spinning plates and singing a song I just read the lyrics to once while also multi tasking on top of my mind thinking of other things .

I'll leave you alone after a Steven Wright quote I like a lot..
(I'd wear it on a tee shirt if "they" made it a medium tall.)

Steven Wright

“You know when you're sitting on a chair and you lean back so you're just on two legs and you lean too far so you almost fall over but at the last second you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time...”​

I hate how I am. My anxiety gets so severe. I'm diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder. I feel like such a loser 32 and this is my first real job because I'm so far behind in everything. I'm trying because I hate feeling like such a loser. I wake up feeling such dread knowing I've got to go to work just so anxious over it. But I go I'm always on time. Even the days I've got to wake up at 4:30am to get to work since I walk about 25 minutes to get there. I dread being there but I make sure I am there even when every bit of me doesn't want to go and inside I want to quit because I'm struggling so bad but I'm still going.

I'm struggling so bad but I'm still going.
That's the biggest part of the battle -- just showing up. As for the anxiety, if you've got an actual clinical diagnosis, don't they have prescriptions for that? I used to know a guy with similar issues, and his doctor gave him something that helped. I don't know what it was though.

That's the biggest part of the battle -- just showing up. As for the anxiety, if you've got an actual clinical diagnosis, don't they have prescriptions for that? I used to know a guy with similar issues, and his doctor gave him something that helped. I don't know what it was though.
I don't particularly trust meds or pharmaceutical companies. Not a conspiracy theorist in any way. But fact is the brain is super complex. Pharmaceutical companies like any other companies are about profits not health benefits. I used to take one low dosage medication and it gave me terrible night sweats to wear you could see my body outline in my bed from how soaked I'd get. Even after stopping that garbage I always have to sleep in a cold room or I feel too hot. Sometimes I feel like some of us are just dealt crap cards in life and all you can do is try to cope.

I don't particularly trust meds or pharmaceutical companies.
I'm right there with you on that one. Just relaying what little experience I have with it.

Sometimes I feel like some of us are just dealt crap cards in life and all you can do is try to cope.
Probably some truth to that. But on the other hand, it'll make you stronger for it than someone would be who never had to deal with it at all.

I'm right there with you on that one. Just relaying what little experience I have with it.

Probably some truth to that. But on the other hand, it'll make you stronger for it than someone would be who never had to deal with it at all.
Stronger I'd not know doesn't feel that way all I do is struggle. Another frustration of it all is those that don't deal with it often have zero comprehension of the way it feels or how hard it is. So often one gets people looking down on you or saying oh you're fine you just don't try hard enough and things like that that I've grown so tired of I have trouble tolerating

Another frustration of it all is those that don't deal with it often have zero comprehension of the way it feels or how hard it is
I think everyone has something they feel very anxious about. Maybe not on the same level as you, but enough that they could empathize. Public speaking is a prime example. Being on camera (TV, etc) is another. Obviously different things for different people.

I think everyone has something they feel very anxious about. Maybe not on the same level as you, but enough that they could empathize. Public speaking is a prime example. Being on camera (TV, etc) is another. Obviously different things for different people.
I don't even drive because what I deal with. For whatever reason when it comes to things where there's a lot going on at once it's just overload for me and driving is one of those things. Too much to manage at once

I hate how I am. My anxiety gets so severe. I'm diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder. I feel like such a loser 32 and this is my first real job because I'm so far behind in everything. I'm trying because I hate feeling like such a loser. I wake up feeling such dread knowing I've got to go to work just so anxious over it. But I go I'm always on time. Even the days I've got to wake up at 4:30am to get to work since I walk about 25 minutes to get there. I dread being there but I make sure I am there even when every bit of me doesn't want to go and inside I want to quit because I'm struggling so bad but I'm still going.
Don't hate yourself.
Accept that you as anyone ,are unique.
Recognize that uniqueness in others. But subtlety. lady with eyebrows shaved off and then painted on so high she looks permanently surprised ; is a sweetheart. What's her name? The eyebrow lady?

Your customers are people too. And being seniors (mostly) they recognize individuality and the frailty of being human vs being super human.

Ladies , sir (or gents) , I'm horrible with names. please don't take it as disrespect it's my memory regarding names , among other things.
I have plates ,if you could holler Bingo when I name your choice and give your name we can try repetition... Who has chicken and sweet potatoes?

Or straight up , I'm terrible with names but trying to learn how to remember more.
It's on you how you deal with it as it's your mind.
I don't doubt at all you are great wait staff. Because you care. And know what decent food looks like and how it should be served. Cold vs hots vs order and timing of what. Salad vs main course ect. How you do it would bother me far less than it not being done right.
One of the best waitresses I worked with bothered me the most. She cared more.
Peeking around the restaurant entrance and relating to me , "he's halfway on his salad" meant his steak ought to be about done. (Never mind how many orders I had going. L.o.l..) She earned great tips for exceptional service and great food.
I turned down her offers to share. I didn't get paid to earn tips.
But let her know she bugged me , while she did her job well.

You don't need to know my name for me to know you know what you are doing. And that you can provide the best the house offers.
I can teach you my name. If you'll serve me better I'll wear a name tag!
when I'm dining I don't have an interest in teaching you your end of it. I don't know what's involved beyond the kitchen wall.

Don't know my last waitresses name. She calls me dear. And answers most anything with "awesome!"
Last visit she was wearing the owners apron/ticket/ink pen straw holder pockets with the owners name on it. Who cares? And why?
A couple visits prior I showed her my wallet and pointed at her belly while looking behind her and she nodded.
Brought me a bill including the table behind her's bill.
We don't need names to communicate. And far as I know don't take insult at not being named.
Even after months.
Service is fine. Customers polite. Hi again.

I think everyone has something they feel very anxious about. Maybe not on the same level as you, but enough that they could empathize. Public speaking is a prime example. Being on camera (TV, etc) is another. Obviously different things for different people.
I'm alright in a crowd , if the crowd doesn't look at me.
Better to avoid the crowd.

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