Mornin all.
Cold front rocked for about 30 minutes. Tapered off to occasional thunder and just enough rain to notice. Came in gusty though. Probably should have closed the patio umbrella on the deck but drank coffee instead. The weighted base earned it's keep yet again.
Here's ore thunder on the approach. And a panting dog tugging on the laptops charging cord as he crawls alongside for cover.
Every drop is appreciated out there. Been a while for my newest plantings except the teasing dews.
Cold front rocked for about 30 minutes. Tapered off to occasional thunder and just enough rain to notice. Came in gusty though. Probably should have closed the patio umbrella on the deck but drank coffee instead. The weighted base earned it's keep yet again.
Here's ore thunder on the approach. And a panting dog tugging on the laptops charging cord as he crawls alongside for cover.
Every drop is appreciated out there. Been a while for my newest plantings except the teasing dews.