Alright.... I get it whadi !! Well let's put it this sure he gets the gold whadi, and im sure he digs alot of the iron I leave behind. I'll take the Pepsi challenge with him any day.....and im confident enough in my skill level that I would absolutely crush him on the gold. I hear every Bobby pin and fishhook and leave them in place for him to dig.....if I've missed a faint gold signal that's masked with iron.....well then good for him, because even the faintest non ferrous blip mixed in the iron signal ill dig it. Every couple months I switch it up and hunt all metal with the excal.....ill clean that swim hole so good you'll think your machine is broken if you go after me !! Im not to concerned that I'm leaving more concerned that he's beating me to the punch, by getting there before me on Mondays and getting the fresh gold drops before me !!🫤🫤🫤