THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Ride it out! Hurricane party!
We did a hurricane party at Daytona or Fort Lauderdale (too many yrs ago 1983/4) It was downgraded just before it made land, but still a pretty good storm.
Woke up to banging on the door-the LEOs stating we had to vacate the room.
Water was pouring down the inner walls, the Samsonite suitcases floating around.
Looked out the window and the ocean was in the swimming pool.
Amazing what a bottle of rum can make one sleep right through things like that.

I took a Valium way back in hurricane george.....I had the best sleep of my life !! I woke up at 4AM to a loud banging noise......I rolled over and went back to sleep. When I woke up it was daylight, and the entire patio deck was gone !! That was the banging noise !! I looked at the canal which is normally 12 feet deep, and it had about 18 inches of water in it....the water had receded for miles and the bay bottom was exposed.....I barley moved at all, and only woke up because the power was out and I was sweating my ass off. 😳 we actually broke the lock off our neighbors door, and took shelter in there house.....ours was flooded !! They told us to go ahead and break in and stay we did !! There deck ended up on our deck !!

Gosh....I've been through some great storms.....nothing compares to Andrew, and irma for me. Although we had Katrina, Wilma, and Rita in quick succession in was the worst year ever. Absolutely horrible season, and the house was boarded up from June to October!!

Looking at the tide cycle, and predicted surge for Tampa, plus the full moon, and the actual timing for the hurricane.
Could be a mess.

Pretty funny to see a Pulse induction hunter at my spot. I got there yesterday, and I saw many holes in the shallows of my spot !! Im keeping this spot clean, so im saying to myself ..... how can there be that many targets here in one week ?? Oh I see.....this guy is digging with a PI machine !! He's digging up all the iron and steel !! I skim right over that stuff with the eqx 700. Good....someone is getting schooled !! Picked the big silver just beyond the holes dug by my competitors.....he got discouraged with rusty metal and gave up !! Haaaa ha !!

Worse case scenario for us... sorry to say... the "one" i have been talking about all these years is now becoming a reality.

I will not be online here... perhaps for some time... depending on the outcome of this.

IMO... this will be devastation in its purist form... AND... the strongest landfall on record wherever it hits.
This is going to be a monster.

Wish us luck... we are going to need it.
Well . Some luck to ya.
But better , preparation. Tempered with evacuation if need be ; but in a timely fashion.
(Ya , I know that timely is a theory. And I'm stubborn to get under the weather deck. Though I have perched at the top of the basement stairs in a serious storm a while ago. I really don't want to be flooded ,.gassed ,or trapped below deck either. Nor force the crew at home into such.)

Couple hundred miles to the pink shoreline?
Kinda close to get updates on how the spinning force gnaws on Western Cuba , but resulting direction change or force change will be notable still.
Forecasted trajectory is sure shooting at the gap between countries though.
(I'm not going to check the prior 200 miles to see if shooting the same gap was predicted. That won't change anything from here on out.)

Didn't get my itch scratched yesterday, so back to scope out some Tahoe shallows today.
I'm going soon too, another hour or 2 and I'll try my new spot again.....might not get a chance again this week with the weather !!

Gosh....I've been through some great storms.....nothing compares to Andrew, and irma for me. Although we had Katrina, Wilma, and Rita in quick succession in was the worst year ever. Absolutely horrible season, and the house was boarded up from June to October!!
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That's is part of why I don't live South near the coast.
Can't afford the cigar boat and fuel to boogie North on everytime there's a clap of thunder farther South!
( Breaking news! Coast guard pursuit of suspect refusing to stop on the news... Be on the lookout for a cigar boat load of dogs at high speed. Do not approach. Suspect is considered extremely desperate.)

2-4 foot waves forecast on the central west coast shoreline of Michigan today.

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