See, if I wrote fell into the ravine it wouldn't have been the tree.Well I hope everyone has a great Friday.
Time to get the lift back on the road to clear up some trimming.
Yesterday was a slow process, ugly pine tree on the water side of the house.
Had to get it from the road, no way it was going to reach a 75ft tree being being 15ft lower than the stump.
So it was useful to have the 12ft pruning saw.
Still left the crown, so I roped it, 120ft away I pulled it with the truck.
Fell it into the ravine.
The ravine clean up will be after Labor day.
9 saw logs are laying there now.
Sure tall fighting for sunlight there.
Have it here too. Some old ones. Well not that old but following logging era or just succession of types.
The scrub oaks came up crowded and never managed. Giant stalks now and blocking the sun from the forest floor under thier umbrella canopy. Outside of the odd acorn year (been awhile) there's little browse to be found except a small parcel logged two years ago. Or the neighbors landscaping.
Edge of woods around houses gets enough sun for saplings,,
Slash that burned had a flush of second growth and what was resting in the soils seed bank plus surviving roots second growth came up dense.
Then after a hundred years give or take holes cut for houses.