I'm creeping ever so close to an unexplored 1733 galleon site. As I move through this tourist hot spot, I'm burning the bottom up. In an effort to hunt Virgin bottom, I'm slowly moving towards this historic site. As I have researched the 1733 fleet, I've come across 3 sites that are rarely mentioned. I found the spot on land where a fortified base camp was built as the main salvage camp, and headquarters of the spanish treasure salvage camp. This fortified base camp was built from the remains of one of the grounded galleons of 1733. This ship was smashed on the flat by hurricane force winds. It's keel was broken and the ship was dismantled and the wood, rigging, sails, cannon, and other supplies were brought ashore close by and used to build this treasure store house, and salvage fleet camp site. The actual exact location of this wreck has never been identified and explored by any of the great treasure hunters before me. I know that 1 coin was found very close to where I'm hunting. I've started to wonder what might be left at this site....much would have been saved, but other things may still be sitting in situ still. No one e er deemed it necessary to check this site with so many others that were better prospects. I could feel the anticipation yesterday as I inched closer to this site, and there are deeper targets sounding off the closer I get. There is basically no history written about this particular spot and wreck. I do feel like it may hide a hidden and smuggled treasure that was never disclosed and could still be on site. No one has ever discovered the exact location of this wreck. No one ever cared to look.....until now !! That little voice in my head says go for it Bart!! I have already salvaged timbers with bronze and iron fasteners!!