Well I hope everyone has a great day today.
Back to the tree logging today, now that I have my first week under the belt it kind of feels like a lot more for some odd reason.
I'm sure some of you can relate to this feeling:
Been out in a boat all day-come back in and are relaxing and it seems that things are still sort of moving.
Yesterday was a good example of that as the breeze really picked up and it got gusty (recommended wind during the lift is 15mph)
So after taking down a birch got the second one de-limbed to the crown-the crown was swinging around-I was swinging a tad bit where the tilt alarms were going off-so it was time to work on terra-firma, and buck up a couple of trees into firewood.
So another attempt at doing the remaining 2 birches today. One goes partly over the barn-no limbs left just the pole look. The other over the other chicken enclosure.
Time consuming activity as it seems that most of there trees are over something that is important-like smaller landscaping bushes/trees/plants that can't(shouldn't) be smushed to bits.
Had another tree quote arrive yesterday-took the guy 2 weeks to do it-really-he did come in at a better price over all than the others-but missed a few trees also off the quote (one of those guys).
I guess it's a case of just taking the time out of life and do it myself-from what is being done in reality isn't close to what they quoted on.
The positive note was walking the Max last night, and the last remaining light was in the sky as I came down the back lane, into the yard, it certainly was a wow factor-I could see so much sky over the yard and house. Kind of exciting really.