THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Ahh thanks Peps, I adore being here! Yeah.. Bann …‘cough’ er …!! 😂😂

To mark today’s special day I dug 3 cracking Romans, including a Silver one for you all …. It still blows my mind to be able to find coins that are nearly 2000 years old….. 🤯…. ! enjoy xxx 💕 🤗
Not so hard....hunting in a museum! :angel12:

Try that on this side of the pond!! Still don't count. :dontknow: lololol!!

Having a late dinner on the deck. Along come a big Fox with a black Squirrel in its mouth.
Ran across the road, sat on our sand piles, then off it went.
Couple of minutes later the kits started a yapping.
Now I know what took our hen.
We don't mind her taking the squirrel population down a tad.

Ahh thanks Peps, I adore being here! Yeah.. Bann …‘cough’ er …!! 😂😂

To mark today’s special day I dug 3 cracking Romans, including a Silver one for you all …. It still blows my mind to be able to find coins that are nearly 2000 years old….. 🤯…. ! enjoy xxx 💕 🤗
Heck the only things I find that old are rocks!!!

As silly as it might sound I'm looking forward to cutting the grass today. On Friday the physical therapist gave me the ok to ride on the mower :hello2:!!! Progress my friends progress!! Thank you ALL for keeping the hunting blood flowing!

As silly as it might sound I'm looking forward to cutting the grass today. On Friday the physical therapist gave me the ok to ride on the mower :hello2:!!! Progress my friends progress!! Thank you ALL for keeping the hunting blood flowing!
Morning fishstick
Congrats on the advancement in your getting on with things you can do. :headbang:

It sometimes takes the slow road to recover from an accident/operation.
Having had 25 operations I have seen the inner workings of the physical therapy departments.
The old saying "No pain-no gain"
I just replied: Ya right you're not the one feeling the pain buddy!
Though looking back on the years gone past they were correct in stating that statement.

I have just learnt to live with what I have for paws, they've (plastic surgeons)stated they could do this or that, and I know that I have to face that once again sometime down the road-but really hoping it's a not a well travelled road.
It's kind of strange how the mind can remember the finer details of things that have happened regarding certain things.
Major reconstruction surgery/therapy for 4 months every day/another operation/4 m. therapy/operation/ repeated for 4 yrs straight-the last 2 yrs was living in the rehab centre 24/7, doing 8 hrs a day for 6/3 month stints.

Morning RC
Thanks for the muggy yesterday and the 3/4" of rain this AM
Afternoon my lovelies xxx 🤗
Did someone say rain?? Im back in the truck… himself is out there some where 🤭!!! xx will of course offer to rub him down with some old newspapers when he eventually makes it back ….
😇 😂😂 xx

Morning fishstick
Congrats on the advancement in your getting on with things you can do. :headbang:

It sometimes takes the slow road to recover from an accident/operation.
Having had 25 operations I have seen the inner workings of the physical therapy departments.
The old saying "No pain-no gain"
I just replied: Ya right you're not the one feeling the pain buddy!
Though looking back on the years gone past they were correct in stating that statement.

I have just learnt to live with what I have for paws, they've (plastic surgeons)stated they could do this or that, and I know that I have to face that once again sometime down the road-but really hoping it's a not a well travelled road.
It's kind of strange how the mind can remember the finer details of things that have happened regarding certain things.
Major reconstruction surgery/therapy for 4 months every day/another operation/4 m. therapy/operation/ repeated for 4 yrs straight-the last 2 yrs was living in the rehab centre 24/7, doing 8 hrs a day for 6/3 month stints.
My goodness pepper, I can't even imagine having to go thru all that :notworthy: Thank you for the encouragement and You'll be in my prayers that if you have to go down that road again that atleast it's freshly paved.

Mosquitos bloomed last night too.
Though Canada is trying to smoke out the blackflies , the skeeters still were buzzing.
Oh ya the skeeters are very much alive this year.
The black flies were short lived, but the Deer flies are a pain this year.
Driving along slowly, look out at the side mirror and there's 20 buzzing around just waiting to attack.

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