THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

'a different metal float it took years to realize. Tapered ends , more ridges.
They turn up around here now and then.

I've not seen one like yours.

Lay Bros. of Ohio ...I wonder if they're related and someone made floats for thier business?
As I was reading this, I had a couple thoughts. First one is that I think that was what I pulled up on my phone while trying to decide to buy it. Lol. Second, could it possibly be that the Lay Brothers had these made up for them with their name on them in case they were lost in the lake, a finder would know who to return to? Kinda like how the charters due with their church boards now?
I found similar images, but not exact ones. I may have the opportunity to investigate while up there. Got to be secretive. This is Xmas present. And if it is a float and it is very old, then it is a good present. 🤗

Good morny…!! Ahh super tired and no interest in work today😆 xx but lots of rain over night and its much cooler today! Enjoy ur Thursday pretty pirates xx 🤗
Have a nap

Shower to wake up
Grab himself
Go detecting
Drool over finds
While himself makes you dinner and foot rub

Right you just woke up from nap:laughing7:

Yesterday, I got up for the regular routine and found my coffee pot wasn’t working. Very upsetting, but I have an old little machine that I bought years ago at a garage sale for $2.00. Now that has proven to be a treasure! Any who, I picked up another Bunn at the store yesterday and when I went to unplug the old one, I noticed it really wasn’t plugged in. I must’ve accidentally unplugged it pulling it out the other day. It still works. So I guess the trailer will be getting an upgrade. 🤪

Have a nap

Shower to wake up
Grab himself
Go detecting
Drool over finds
While himself makes you dinner and foot rub

Right you just woke up from nap:laughing7:
Ha!! … “while Himself makes you dinner and a footrub…” … 🤔…. If that ever happened… i would def need to check my life insurance policy 😂😂 he has many adorable qualities but TLC is not one 😂😂😂!!! xx

Ha!! … “while Himself makes you dinner and a footrub…” … 🤔…. If that ever happened… i would def need to check my life insurance policy 😂😂 he has many adorable qualities but TLC is not one 😂😂😂!!! xx

Good morny…!! Ahh super tired and no interest in work today😆 xx but lots of rain over night and its much cooler today! Enjoy ur Thursday pretty pirates xx 🤗
Do you know what I miss most about work? At work, I was always on Tnet! Lol 😂

I found something and could not recover it. This object is non ferrous and is 2 feet under the sea bed in 4 feet of water. It is not brass, bronze, or silver. It's large....possibly 2 feet long, with other features on it. I struggled with it for 1 hour before abandoning it. Again !! I've dug on this before, and it's deep on a 1733 wreck beach. It has encrustaition so it's been down awhile !!

Well, be cause of your influence, I spared it’s life.
Bugs on the outside? I spare.
Bugs inside? Is an invasion, an act of war! And....I will treat it as such! ☠️

Have a nap

Shower to wake up
Grab himself
Go detecting
Drool over finds
While himself makes you dinner and foot rub

Right you just woke up from nap:laughing7:
Can one say that on here!? :angel12:

Can one say that on here!? :angel12:
We were all thinking it. You said it! Rofl!


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