THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I really think this is kind of money grab by the head office.


I really think this is kind of money grab by the head office.

The moderators asked for it and the administration has set it up to are it easier to do.

Something I almost stepped on while in the creek today. We don’t get many otters in the creek usually only if they have babies. Idk if you guys know how viscous these cute animals are. But they are cute from a distance. I took the picture after I walked back about 20 feet then took off. It was asleep I believe which was good news for me.


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Something I almost stepped on while in the creek today. We don’t get many otters in the creek usually only if they have babies. Idk if you guys know how viscous these cute animals are. But they are cute from a distance. I took the picture after I walked back about 20 feet then took off. It was asleep I believe which was good news for me.
We get them late in the fall. They come up from the creek with the young and play around the dock.

Well today is another notch in the sobriety for the Pepper.
36 yrs today of no drugs. (Even though it seems like I am on them at times):laughing7:
I usually go for a day long hunt, go out digging some dirt, reflect a tad about the journey pre/post of this day.

Though it will be a city trip today picking up the Mrs from the train. Been away for 10 days, and it's been a tad busy taking on her tasks as well. Heck just feeding the pets 3 times a day is time consuming.

She sent me a picture this morning from the train of the sun kissing the mountains.
I replied "Nice field!" :headbang:
That got her to reply " I was taking about the mountains"
My response "What mountains"
I sure know what to look for in a picture. :laughing7:

So the detecting is on the mind, hard to find places at this time of the year. Fields are planted, anything in grass is too long right now. The ticks and mosquitoes are full on, just waiting to suck on the human dinner.
Though I will find a site that hasn't been thought of, and go and dig in a day or two away, once the dust settles here.

The fact that I am going on this morning is just a reflection. Deciding to get sorted that day 36 yrs ago while watching fireworks. Doing the best drugs that were available, lines, bumps, smoking Skunk with the white coke-and not enjoying what was truly beautiful in front of my eyes exploding up in the sky.

I still remember asking myself why-the answer was-it was the drugs.
I have said it before when I stated to the crew " After tonight I quit"
The reply from the guys was "sex?":laughing7:
No I stated "Drugs"
Well the :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: still rings in the ears today.
I had no problem closing the door of craving it, going out and finding the answers on how to get sorted.

No matter what I face in life today-I can reflect back-and say hell this is nothing as it's all free to me.
It's free in monetary value, and life's challenges, as if I didn't stop that day-I wouldn't be writing this today.
It's hard to really say what life was like for the Pepper back in those days.

I'm sure we've all walked by the user-or seen them on TV-the down and outs lining up for meal, or the bed shelter.
The unwashed troubled souls that look at the world through indifference in the their eyes.
Yes the Pepper walked in those shoes, not afraid to admit it to anyone.

We can't change what has passed, and we can only reflect, and gain knowledge, strength from the history.
I wear the sobriety on the chest like a medal hidden away, take it out on different special days. .

But seriously if someone is dealing with addiction, no matter how much one tries to sort them, if the time isn't right for them to get sorted, it's just wasted time.
That is a very hard pill to swallow for those that are looking in the window, but if that addicted person isn't truly ready-it just won't happen.
The struggles the families/friends go through trying, is well noted, and it is without great pain.

40 yrs ago my family had a lottery on the Pepper-imagine that-a frigging lottery!
My brother that knew me the best, bought a verbal "6 months" for the Pepper.
Then I was still at my best really, I hadn't even got close to the depths of my living hell.

It's all good today, just slowly wearing out, living it out the best I can.
What was life back then? When I saw this one it made me smile.
There's a lot of truth to this meme

That type looks a lot different than the black ones we have. The one I saw yesterday was half in the water. They get big here
Oh that's just a funny meme I took off the net.
Ours are black as well here in Eastern Ontario
Grow to a healthy size, but not like the ones on the coast.
Interesting read on our Otters

Morning world ☕️!!!

Peps, Loved reading ur post this morning… congrats on the anniversary xx u already know i adore u and love that u are here on board this ship with us today xx 🤗

God bless the pepper 🌶!! Great post my friend. I know I can relate, and probably many others here can too !! Congrats on 36 years of sobriety!!

Wonderful marlin fishing trip for me is now officially over....leaving the Atlantis resort in Nassau bahamas. Will head past my home island of Andros, and then cross the great bahama bank. Then we will hit the Gulfstream and deep water and head the old girl to my other home island Key largo. We will take the third place trophy home, along with some treasure, and treasured memories !! Homeward bound, and ready to heal up from battling the big boys. Heavy tackle season is over for now. It was an epic season for me, and it hard to believe sometimes that there will be a big check waiting for me at home. Farewell for now Bahamas....I may return to treasure hunt in friends have permits now, and the future is bright 🌞 !!

***SIGH***.... Wish i were a charter member.... miss the ole days of BillfromLachine gifting my charter memberships... sheesh i miss the guy.

I am short... i counted out $18.73 in crusty metal detecting coins... only to find out the postage is just as much...

:P... :)

Well today is another notch in the sobriety for the Pepper.
36 yrs today of no drugs. (Even though it seems like I am on them at times):laughing7:
I usually go for a day long hunt, go out digging some dirt, reflect a tad about the journey pre/post of this day.

Though it will be a city trip today picking up the Mrs from the train. Been away for 10 days, and it's been a tad busy taking on her tasks as well. Heck just feeding the pets 3 times a day is time consuming.

She sent me a picture this morning from the train of the sun kissing the mountains.
I replied "Nice field!" :headbang:
That got her to reply " I was taking about the mountains"
My response "What mountains"
I sure know what to look for in a picture. :laughing7:
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So the detecting is on the mind, hard to find places at this time of the year. Fields are planted, anything in grass is too long right now. The ticks and mosquitoes are full on, just waiting to suck on the human dinner.
Though I will find a site that hasn't been thought of, and go and dig in a day or two away, once the dust settles here.

The fact that I am going on this morning is just a reflection. Deciding to get sorted that day 36 yrs ago while watching fireworks. Doing the best drugs that were available, lines, bumps, smoking Skunk with the white coke-and not enjoying what was truly beautiful in front of my eyes exploding up in the sky.

I still remember asking myself why-the answer was-it was the drugs.
I have said it before when I stated to the crew " After tonight I quit"
The reply from the guys was "sex?":laughing7:
No I stated "Drugs"
Well the :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: still rings in the ears today.
I had no problem closing the door of craving it, going out and finding the answers on how to get sorted.

No matter what I face in life today-I can reflect back-and say hell this is nothing as it's all free to me.
It's free in monetary value, and life's challenges, as if I didn't stop that day-I wouldn't be writing this today.
It's hard to really say what life was like for the Pepper back in those days.

I'm sure we've all walked by the user-or seen them on TV-the down and outs lining up for meal, or the bed shelter.
The unwashed troubled souls that look at the world through indifference in the their eyes.
Yes the Pepper walked in those shoes, not afraid to admit it to anyone.

We can't change what has passed, and we can only reflect, and gain knowledge, strength from the history.
I wear the sobriety on the chest like a medal hidden away, take it out on different special days. .

But seriously if someone is dealing with addiction, no matter how much one tries to sort them, if the time isn't right for them to get sorted, it's just wasted time.
That is a very hard pill to swallow for those that are looking in the window, but if that addicted person isn't truly ready-it just won't happen.
The struggles the families/friends go through trying, is well noted, and it is without great pain.

40 yrs ago my family had a lottery on the Pepper-imagine that-a frigging lottery!
My brother that knew me the best, bought a verbal "6 months" for the Pepper.
Then I was still at my best really, I hadn't even got close to the depths of my living hell.

It's all good today, just slowly wearing out, living it out the best I can.
What was life back then? When I saw this one it made me smile.
There's a lot of truth to this meme
View attachment 2085515

Yes Sir , Mr. sober.

Not much is harder than stepping away from your demons.
Caused yourself to survive a good while longer though.
And you can still function. Simple math. Tell day from night. Comprehend what your detector is hinting. Remember to pick up the Mrs.. Don't step on a chicken.

Have a fantastic anniversary day knowin you scrappingly salvaged the last ones 36 ago as you segue into another year. It's a minority what fights that hard to break free; and stays free.


Well today is another notch in the sobriety for the Pepper.
36 yrs today of no drugs. (Even though it seems like I am on them at times):laughing7:
I usually go for a day long hunt, go out digging some dirt, reflect a tad about the journey pre/post of this day.

Though it will be a city trip today picking up the Mrs from the train. Been away for 10 days, and it's been a tad busy taking on her tasks as well. Heck just feeding the pets 3 times a day is time consuming.

She sent me a picture this morning from the train of the sun kissing the mountains.
I replied "Nice field!" :headbang:
That got her to reply " I was taking about the mountains"
My response "What mountains"
I sure know what to look for in a picture. :laughing7:
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So the detecting is on the mind, hard to find places at this time of the year. Fields are planted, anything in grass is too long right now. The ticks and mosquitoes are full on, just waiting to suck on the human dinner.
Though I will find a site that hasn't been thought of, and go and dig in a day or two away, once the dust settles here.

The fact that I am going on this morning is just a reflection. Deciding to get sorted that day 36 yrs ago while watching fireworks. Doing the best drugs that were available, lines, bumps, smoking Skunk with the white coke-and not enjoying what was truly beautiful in front of my eyes exploding up in the sky.

I still remember asking myself why-the answer was-it was the drugs.
I have said it before when I stated to the crew " After tonight I quit"
The reply from the guys was "sex?":laughing7:
No I stated "Drugs"
Well the :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: still rings in the ears today.
I had no problem closing the door of craving it, going out and finding the answers on how to get sorted.

No matter what I face in life today-I can reflect back-and say hell this is nothing as it's all free to me.
It's free in monetary value, and life's challenges, as if I didn't stop that day-I wouldn't be writing this today.
It's hard to really say what life was like for the Pepper back in those days.

I'm sure we've all walked by the user-or seen them on TV-the down and outs lining up for meal, or the bed shelter.
The unwashed troubled souls that look at the world through indifference in the their eyes.
Yes the Pepper walked in those shoes, not afraid to admit it to anyone.

We can't change what has passed, and we can only reflect, and gain knowledge, strength from the history.
I wear the sobriety on the chest like a medal hidden away, take it out on different special days. .

But seriously if someone is dealing with addiction, no matter how much one tries to sort them, if the time isn't right for them to get sorted, it's just wasted time.
That is a very hard pill to swallow for those that are looking in the window, but if that addicted person isn't truly ready-it just won't happen.
The struggles the families/friends go through trying, is well noted, and it is without great pain.

40 yrs ago my family had a lottery on the Pepper-imagine that-a frigging lottery!
My brother that knew me the best, bought a verbal "6 months" for the Pepper.
Then I was still at my best really, I hadn't even got close to the depths of my living hell.

It's all good today, just slowly wearing out, living it out the best I can.
What was life back then? When I saw this one it made me smile.
There's a lot of truth to this meme
View attachment 2085515
Way to go PepperJ

Well today is another notch in the sobriety for the Pepper.
36 yrs today of no drugs. (Even though it seems like I am on them at times):laughing7:
I usually go for a day long hunt, go out digging some dirt, reflect a tad about the journey pre/post of this day.

Though it will be a city trip today picking up the Mrs from the train. Been away for 10 days, and it's been a tad busy taking on her tasks as well. Heck just feeding the pets 3 times a day is time consuming.

She sent me a picture this morning from the train of the sun kissing the mountains.
I replied "Nice field!" :headbang:
That got her to reply " I was taking about the mountains"
My response "What mountains"
I sure know what to look for in a picture. :laughing7:
View attachment 2085516

So the detecting is on the mind, hard to find places at this time of the year. Fields are planted, anything in grass is too long right now. The ticks and mosquitoes are full on, just waiting to suck on the human dinner.
Though I will find a site that hasn't been thought of, and go and dig in a day or two away, once the dust settles here.

The fact that I am going on this morning is just a reflection. Deciding to get sorted that day 36 yrs ago while watching fireworks. Doing the best drugs that were available, lines, bumps, smoking Skunk with the white coke-and not enjoying what was truly beautiful in front of my eyes exploding up in the sky.

I still remember asking myself why-the answer was-it was the drugs.
I have said it before when I stated to the crew " After tonight I quit"
The reply from the guys was "sex?":laughing7:
No I stated "Drugs"
Well the :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: still rings in the ears today.
I had no problem closing the door of craving it, going out and finding the answers on how to get sorted.

No matter what I face in life today-I can reflect back-and say hell this is nothing as it's all free to me.
It's free in monetary value, and life's challenges, as if I didn't stop that day-I wouldn't be writing this today.
It's hard to really say what life was like for the Pepper back in those days.

I'm sure we've all walked by the user-or seen them on TV-the down and outs lining up for meal, or the bed shelter.
The unwashed troubled souls that look at the world through indifference in the their eyes.
Yes the Pepper walked in those shoes, not afraid to admit it to anyone.

We can't change what has passed, and we can only reflect, and gain knowledge, strength from the history.
I wear the sobriety on the chest like a medal hidden away, take it out on different special days. .

But seriously if someone is dealing with addiction, no matter how much one tries to sort them, if the time isn't right for them to get sorted, it's just wasted time.
That is a very hard pill to swallow for those that are looking in the window, but if that addicted person isn't truly ready-it just won't happen.
The struggles the families/friends go through trying, is well noted, and it is without great pain.

40 yrs ago my family had a lottery on the Pepper-imagine that-a frigging lottery!
My brother that knew me the best, bought a verbal "6 months" for the Pepper.
Then I was still at my best really, I hadn't even got close to the depths of my living hell.

It's all good today, just slowly wearing out, living it out the best I can.
What was life back then? When I saw this one it made me smile.
There's a lot of truth to this meme
View attachment 2085515
Congrats, lots of strong will. I'm glad you've done so well for yourself you're a wonderful person and deserve more than what things like that would offer. I myself have decided to quit drinking and haven't touched any in awhile. Also teaches you who are real friends and who isn't. Told a friend I was quiting instead of being happy for me I got questioned to why and for what. As far as my "friend" was concerned they were losing a drinking partner and cared only for that.

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