THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Love the flip-flop weather forecasting.
Said 3 full days of 🌧
Yesterday was was a lovely sunny day for the most part.
This morning we're graced once again with blue skies and warming temps.
Being torn between 2 loves at the moment in life.
The love of being outside doing the doing the spring cleanup.
And the love-of-might, I got to keep on the tasks inside as well.
Then there's that uncontrollable urge of going digging in the dirts of the spring.
Balancing act it is, just a matter of what is a good show of daily effort.

Got the barn dusted out yesterday, with the large backpack leaf blower.
Open everything up to the max, and purge the winters dust out.
It was a full shower/laundry after that one. Changing the filters on the respirator also, as they had a
Well have either a fun relaxing or a somewhat productive day.
May the mind be filled with positive thoughts and dreams.

Well the ship is floundering... :/

Good morning anyway :)
Seems like some number of the usual crew are AWOL! Hard to run a shipshape ship without a full crew.Never fear,they,ll all return and the ship will right itself. All good ships with able? Captains can,t be kept down.:laughing7:

Seems like some number of the usual crew are AWOL! Hard to run a shipshape ship without a full crew.Never fear,they,ll all return and the ship will right itself. All good ships with able? Captains can,t be kept down.:laughing7:
You seem to make light of our able captains unquestioned inability to manage a superior crew of pirates.

You seem to make light of our able captains unquestioned inability to manage a superior crew of pirates.
Ha,Able Captain he may be,but I question the ability of any soul to manage this Crew of Piratical,rum swizzling,scurvy dogs.Superior yes.Managable,no. As soon try to herd a 1000 cats!:laughing7:

Snow or sleet or graupel
Redfish or flounder or grouper
Grouper,Groupie,Gropie,Groper,Just gimmee a plate of fried catfish filets,okra,corn on the cob,hush puppies,maybe cornbread and iced sweet tea.Blackberry cobbler.Keep your damned old Grouper!

Ha,Able Captain he may be,but I question the ability of any soul to manage this Crew of Piratical,rum swizzling,scurvy dogs.Superior yes.Managable,no. As soon try to herd a 1000 cats!:laughing7:
Wait a minute, mate. When I was recruited and signed my multimillion dollar contract to serve on this crew I was told it was the best to be found on the Seven Seas. No you tell me this. Ok, if that us true I will serve my minimum one year obligation, take my 14.9 million and skeedaddle.

Grouper,Groupie,Gropie,Groper,Just gimmee a plate of fried catfish filets,okra,corn on the cob,hush puppies,maybe cornbread and iced sweet tea.Blackberry cobbler.Keep your damned old Grouper!
3rd Mate Crash, you blaspheme against one of the great fishes of the sea. Catfish??? A landlubbers fish. Have you forgotten the oath you swore to our most able Cap'n and the crew when you signed on?? It appears perhaps you jest or have drifted away on the sea of betrayal.

Wait a minute, mate. When I was recruited and signed my multimillion dollar contract to serve on this crew I was told it was the best to be found on the Seven Seas. No you tell me this. Ok, if that us true I will serve my minimum one year obligation, take my 14.9 million and skeedaddle.
Ah,there,s the catch,in the phrase,best to found on the Seven Seas! If you read the fine print,and it,s really fine,you,ll see that the phrase refers to the best to be found in the year 5197 B.C. There is no minimum service,and you can only collect your millions if you die in the service of the Captain.You,ve been had!

Ah,there,s the catch,in the phrase,best to found on the Seven Seas! If you read the fine print,and it,s really fine,you,ll see that the phrase refers to the best to be found in the year 5197 B.C. There is no minimum service,and you can only collect your millions if you die in the service of the Captain.You,ve been had!
They got you to sign that contract? Hahahaha. Read all the fine print on back, mate. They are paying you in Zimbabwe dollars. Hahahaha.

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